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Playing Ys VIII, so much for taking a break from Falcom. This game is exploration at its finest. It's divided in small areas you can travel through in a few seconds for the most part, but they're so twisted and so tightly knit together, the map becomes a labyrinth. A lot of areas in the map seem to be locked behind abilities I need to find, and there are other ones where you have to gather help. I was wondering if there were any 3d metroidvanias out there (beside the obvious) and one was looking me in the face all this time. Combat is really fun, a little mindless for weaker enemies (in normal) but that's just what I needed. 

Progress flows so naturally. Before you even have time to get tired of an area, events happen and you get new objectives or new areas to explore. It's such a perfect gameplay loop, I could play this all day without noticing. 

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Finished up my upteenth playthrough of Fire Emblem: Three Houses on the Goldeen Deer route a week or two ago. My friend promised to play the game this summer, so I wanted to have a fresh profile ready so we can play together. ...I may have assumed she'd pick Blue Lions (...because I may try to have her play that house first...) and started up a new profile anyways. 


Regardless, my latest playthrough saw me accomplish most of the goals I set out to do. Several characters reached S or S+ in various skills, and several build that I started this playthough eager to try out were very successful. 

Dark Flier Marianne was fun. She didn't always get the stats I wanted when leveling up, so she spent a good chunk of the game switching between Holy Knight and Dark Flier, but she learned everything I wanted her to learn, and got to S+ in Riding. 

Valkyrie/Dark Knight Hilda was surprisingly successful. This was the second time I had to train Hilda to get Bolting, but hopefully the last as well. Unlike last time, though, Hilda wasn't completely useless the entire game. She got pretty RNG-Blessed in terms of Defense, Speed, Strength, and Magic, and was able to S+ both Axe and Armor. Putting her in the Dark Knight class at the end of the game made her a very fun and surprisingly capable mixed attacker. 

Wyvern Lord Ferdinand. I had never tried it before, but now that I've done it, I'm never going back. 

War Cleric Lysithea. Fist-Sithea was a hoot. 

Trickster Ignatz. Iggy trained most of the game so he could become my prime debuffer, and he was good at it by the end. Between the Dark Mage, Dark Sage, Sniper, and Trickster classes, Ignatz was a solid all-around pick. If I needed someone sniped, he was there. If someone needed just a quick touch up on their health, he was there. If I just wanted to debuff an enemy for another ally, he was there...unless he got a crit and took out the enemy himself. 


Overall, this was an incredibly successful playthrough, and I already have plans for what to do next.
Wyvern Rider Leonie - I meant to do that this playthrough but I forgot...

Wyvern Rider Sylvain - I did do that this playthrough, but I want to succeed at getting Sylvain to Wyvern Lord

Wyvern Rider Annette - I plan on giving her a Bolt Axe for standard use and an Iron/Steel/Killer/Silver Axe for her magic Combat Art on other turns and see how it turns out.

War Monk & Bow Knight Felix - I really don't like how he looks as a Trickster or a War Cleric, but I want Felix to max out his Fists this playthrough. I've also heard great things about Bow Knight Felix so I want to try it out. 

Dark Flier/Falcon Knight Lysithea - Because Flysithea is Funsithea

War Cleric Marianne - Because her Blood compels her! 

Trickster Dimitri? - I actually like Holy Knight Dimitri, and at this point I think War Master Dimitri would actually be a better goal to work towards, but we'll see. 


Granted, I don't plan on doing all of this before Three Hopes comes out. My goal and hope (pun intended) is that my friend and I can start Three Houses by mid-to-late May and I'll play along until we finish the route or until Three Hopes comes out. Ideally, by the time she finishes as much of Three Houses as she wants to, she'll be looking for more, and I'll be able to drop the knowledge of Three Hopes on her for maximum surprise, as well as recommend a good starting route for her. 


Outside of that, I really do need to get back to Triangle Strategy. Rune Factory 5 will have to be bought with birthday money, since I've seem to have misplaced my Best Buy gift cards and my GameStop gift cards. They'll show up eventually, but until then, I don't mind waiting. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Almost all my life, I'm playing Minecraft and get high from the creation. I like to play online games too. Thanks to soirish casino I learned how playing games and make money on it. Very soon I plan to buy a PlayStation, maybe someone will recommend some games on it?

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Kerbal Space Program. Finally learning how to do maneuver nodes without outside help (thank you Matt Lowne videos) I actually just achieved my first LKO orbit. on my own!!! and im very happy :D

edit: just got to the moon but then didn't have enough fuel to make it back to Kerbin so I committed die on the moon lmao

Edited by CalanoCorvus
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On 5/23/2022 at 10:17 AM, Demon Thieves said:

I am playing Kingdom of Amalur Re-reckoning but no buddy seems to know what game that is.

I've heard of it, but I can't remember from where or why...I feel like there was a Mass Effect armor based off of that game in ME 2 or ME 3 and that's why I know it, but I can't say for sure. (EDIT: I just checked, and it's an armor set in ME 3. Apparently, KoA:RR has an armor set in its game that's based off of Shepard and N7 armor!)


Anyways, I'm not playing it, but I'm watching a playthrough of Fire Emblem Warriors in preparation for Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes. I'm very tempted to buy and play FEW now, but I also want Three Hopes to be my first Warriors/Musou game, and I can't have it both ways. So wait I will. (Watching FEW has also given me some incredibly controversial and disliked opinions about potential DLC in Three Hopes.*)

I've also been selling some old and unwanted books at Half-Price Books (very few Sanderson, quite a few ASOIAF**) and found a $12 copy of Mario + Rabbids, so I bought that. I also found a $20 Best Buy gift card. I was planning on using that to shave off most of the costs for FEW, but no Best Buy (or even Target) around had a copy surprisingly, so I impulse bought Digimon: Cyber Sleuth Complete Edition. I've seen a little gameplay and have heard it be compared to Persona 5 in some ways, so I'm game. Besides, I'm an old-school Digimon fan (Digimon Tamers is the GOAT) and am looking forward to Digimon Survive later this year, so why not buy it? (I also wanted to buy something cheap. I wasn't looking to spend $30+ dollars on a game today, so Persona 5 Strikers, Rune Factory 5, and any other potential games were out of the question.) I should also buy the Switch version of Dark Deity...eventually. 

There are also a few Steam games I may buy in the foreseeable future: 

Chroma Squad - a tactics RPG about producing and filming a Power Rangers like show. It looks fun, and I'm a fan of Power Rangers, so why not?

Old World - A 4X game that's marketing itself as a cross between Civ IV and Crusader Kingdom. I'm willing to give it a try. 

Nexomon - A Pokemon-esque game. I was going to buy this before they announced Scarlet/Violet. I still may buy it before Scarlet/Violet come out, but I'm not sure I'd play it before then. 

Coral Island - The game isn't out yet, but when it does come out, I'll probably buy it. 


I also need to buy X-Com 2: Ultimate Edition at some point...


And since the Nintendo 3DS eShop is closing down, I'll be spending a lot of money on eShop cards so I can make sure I have all of the 3DS Fire Emblem DLC things. (The first thing I tried to do was use my Best Buy gift card to buy eShop money, but BB treats the eShop money as gift cards, and you can't use a gift card to buy another gift card in their system.)


Ultimately, my gaming list and library are growing, and that's a good thing, I think. My friends always complain that I play the same set of games over and over again. Frankly, they're not wrong. With next year seeing a few sequels making their way into my possession, building up a library of new games to play until then may help extend any potential droughts. In theory. 



*Basically, I think Lianna and Rowan would make for a fun and unobtrusive crossover in Three Hopes, which could be fun to see and beneficial for the characters. They wouldn't be the most unobtrusive crossover, but they would be quieter than other potential options (that I also would want). Does Three Hopes need crossovers? Not at all! But I find them fun in nearly everything, when done well and discreetly. I think here it could be similar. 

**This is a side-eye glance at GRRM, yes, but Martin's on a whole different level of popularity than Sanderson; it stands to reason that more of his books would have been bought and then sold. 

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Halfway through the first chapter of Higurashi When They Cry. They started playing Clue giving a pretty detailed rundown of the rules, and now I'm wondering if the entire story is just one massive game of Clue between the author and the readers. Especially given the difficulty warning at the beginning. 

Really, the dialogue at this part feels like a fourth wall break. Urging me to take notes and telling me how I'll just learn as I keep playing. 

Edited by Eluvianii
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3 hours ago, Eluvianii said:

Halfway through the first chapter of Higurashi When They Cry. They started playing Clue giving a pretty detailed rundown of the rules, and now I'm wondering if the entire story is just one massive game of Clue between the author and the readers. Especially given the difficulty warning at the beginning. 

Really, the dialogue at this part feels like a fourth wall break. Urging me to take notes and telling me how I'll just learn as I keep playing. 

Ooh, Higurashi. Umineko, its sequel, is my favorite story ever. Higurashi is a bit more divisive, and can be a bit much (in multiple ways) if you're not prepared, but I hope you enjoy it.

I'd say Higurashi is less of a game of Clue than Umineko. Higurashi isn't as built for you to solve the mysteries yourself. It's not impossible, just less likely

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6 hours ago, aneonfoxtribute said:

Ooh, Higurashi. Umineko, its sequel, is my favorite story ever. Higurashi is a bit more divisive, and can be a bit much (in multiple ways) if you're not prepared, but I hope you enjoy it.

I'd say Higurashi is less of a game of Clue than Umineko. Higurashi isn't as built for you to solve the mysteries yourself. It's not impossible, just less likely

Hard to know if I'm prepared tbh. It was introduced to me as the de facto "appearances can be deceiving" anime, along with a scene involving fingernails. But the gore is the only thing I got a warning about. Well that and the confusing narrative but that was a given I think. Still don't know what other cards it keeps under its sleeve. 

It was actually Umineko that got me to finay start it. Recently I read a lot of comments about it along the same lines as yours and I got really curious. But there was also advice saying that if you had any plans at all to also play Higurashi, which I did, it was better to play it first as Umineko could kinda sorta spoil things with the references? 

So basically those two are my summer project now. 

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On 5/31/2022 at 7:54 AM, Eluvianii said:

Hard to know if I'm prepared tbh. It was introduced to me as the de facto "appearances can be deceiving" anime, along with a scene involving fingernails. But the gore is the only thing I got a warning about. Well that and the confusing narrative but that was a given I think. Still don't know what other cards it keeps under its sleeve. 

It was actually Umineko that got me to finay start it. Recently I read a lot of comments about it along the same lines as yours and I got really curious. But there was also advice saying that if you had any plans at all to also play Higurashi, which I did, it was better to play it first as Umineko could kinda sorta spoil things with the references? 

So basically those two are my summer project now. 

Yeah, if you want to play both of them, then it's best to play Higurashi first.

When I say "it can be a bit much if you're not prepared", I mean more than just the gore and similar stuff. I also mean some....... weird things. There's some WEIRD crap that happens in the SoL scenes. Not everyone is prepared for it when that happens. 

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2 hours ago, aneonfoxtribute said:

Yeah, if you want to play both of them, then it's best to play Higurashi first.

When I say "it can be a bit much if you're not prepared", I mean more than just the gore and similar stuff. I also mean some....... weird things. There's some WEIRD crap that happens in the SoL scenes. Not everyone is prepared for it when that happens. 

Wait, really? I'm, officially intrigued. What kind of weird? 


Might as well update. Crem just hit the fan, things escalate shockingly quickly after a certain point. It's also a little too forthcoming with clues, at this rate it wouldn't take long to solve the mystery, so I expect I'm in the first or second layer of many here. 


Easy to say "It's just mentally ill kids" or "They were all actually possessed" after 12 hours of gameplay and call it a day. I really don't think that's where this is going. 

I also don't want it to be because the author went out of their way to spend all those hours in nothing but slice of life stuff. I got so attached to the characters it came to a point where I would have been fine if it was purely a slice of life novel. They made me hope for a happy ending before it was in question and dang, it hurts. 


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4 hours ago, Eluvianii said:

Wait, really? I'm, officially intrigued. What kind of weird? 


Might as well update. Crem just hit the fan, things escalate shockingly quickly after a certain point. It's also a little too forthcoming with clues, at this rate it wouldn't take long to solve the mystery, so I expect I'm in the first or second layer of many here. 

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Easy to say "It's just mentally ill kids" or "They were all actually possessed" after 12 hours of gameplay and call it a day. I really don't think that's where this is going. 

I also don't want it to be because the author went out of their way to spend all those hours in nothing but slice of life stuff. I got so attached to the characters it came to a point where I would have been fine if it was purely a slice of life novel. They made me hope for a happy ending before it was in question and dang, it hurts. 


Just weird jokes that a lot of people find distasteful. You'll see in Watanagashi and Tatarigoroshi, that's where some of people's most problematic parts are. 

Don't worry, I doubt you're anywhere close to solving the mystery. Higurashi has this special way that it makes you think something that is in fact entirely wrong. On top of the layers of things happening, as you suggested

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Ohhhh it was Watanagashi the chapter that had the weird jokes, not the event. I feel dumb now. I get it, there's definitely some jokes here that I may hesitate to tell my mom. The restaurant chapter was immensely satisfying because of them though, or rather, because for once they were punishing characters portraying them. 

Ok I'll shut up for now. I can't come to the forum to talk about the same game each and every time something happens. I'll just say I'm extremely happy with the horror in this story. I was skeptical because it was a vn but it's really good in that regard. At parts I was genuinely scared and overall the whole second half was delightfully tense at all times. 

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5 hours ago, Eluvianii said:

Ohhhh it was Watanagashi the chapter that had the weird jokes, not the event. I feel dumb now. I get it, there's definitely some jokes here that I may hesitate to tell my mom. The restaurant chapter was immensely satisfying because of them though, or rather, because for once they were punishing characters portraying them. 

Ok I'll shut up for now. I can't come to the forum to talk about the same game each and every time something happens. I'll just say I'm extremely happy with the horror in this story. I was skeptical because it was a vn but it's really good in that regard. At parts I was genuinely scared and overall the whole second half was delightfully tense at all times. 

Don't worry about the confusion. Turns out naming one of your chapters after an event that happens in every chapter can be confusing. And yeah, the restaurant scene is one of the scenes I was talking about. 

If you want, you could probably make a Higurashi channel and just post your thoughts there. Idk how much traffic it would have but I would probably be there

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13 hours ago, aneonfoxtribute said:

Don't worry about the confusion. Turns out naming one of your chapters after an event that happens in every chapter can be confusing. And yeah, the restaurant scene is one of the scenes I was talking about. 

If you want, you could probably make a Higurashi channel and just post your thoughts there. Idk how much traffic it would have but I would probably be there

Sounds like a good idea. Heck, there's an ongoing one, right? That seems worth having a thread for. 

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Alternating between Digimon Cybersleuth, Fire Emblem Fates: Revelation, and Pokemon Legends Arceus. I caught three shinies over the course of 3-4 days, which has been GLORIOUS. The last time I saw a shiny was roughly 15 years ago. It was a Shiny Zangoose in the Safari Zone...I didn't catch it in time...part of that still haunts me to this day, but far less so. 

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