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The Ultimate List of Questions for Brandon


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A copper mind admin deleted the picture, likely is an agent of ruin and trying to suppress the knowledge from getting out.


I asked because there might still be the possibility, however remote, of you going to a signing and bringing the picture with you.  

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I always hate posting here just because at 116 pages, I'm convinced anything I ask has already been asked (and probably phrased better too), but I'm not searching through over a thousand posts to find it, so here goes:


a couple questions on tinminds, specifically modern science now acknowledges far more than just 5 senses, including some interesting ones like sense of balance and proprioception, aka you ability to sense where your body parts are in relation to one another, and depending on who you ask, even the traditional 5 might be split up into multiple senses (color vision is moderated by specific cells, and could be considered separate from our ability to detect intensity of light, and Touch is probably at least 3 different senses that act through different channels: pressure detection, temperature detection or thermoception, pain detection or nociception, etc.).  i'm probably oversimplifying all this a little bit.  anyway, so questions:


1. would a properly educated ferruchemist be able to store and tap these additional senses?

2. for senses that are split into pieces would a properly educated ferruchemist be able to store the more narrowly defined sense e.g. would he be able to store/tap just the ability to detect temperature instead of the entire sense of touch?  following that example, if they were so educated, would they still be able to store/tap the sense of touch?

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I always hate posting here just because at 116 pages, I'm convinced anything I ask has already been asked (and probably phrased better too), but I'm not searching through over a thousand posts to find it, so here goes:

a couple questions on tinminds, specifically modern science now acknowledges far more than just 5 senses, including some interesting ones like sense of balance and proprioception, aka you ability to sense where your body parts are in relation to one another, and depending on who you ask, even the traditional 5 might be split up into multiple senses (color vision is moderated by specific cells, and could be considered separate from our ability to detect intensity of light, and Touch is probably at least 3 different senses that act through different channels: pressure detection, temperature detection or thermoception, pain detection or nociception, etc.). i'm probably oversimplifying all this a little bit. anyway, so questions:

1. would a properly educated ferruchemist be able to store and tap these additional senses?

2. for senses that are split into pieces would a properly educated ferruchemist be able to store the more narrowly defined sense e.g. would he be able to store/tap just the ability to detect temperature instead of the entire sense of touch? following that example, if they were so educated, would they still be able to store/tap the sense of touch?

It would be awesome to get confirmation from Brandon on that, but in my understanding, I would think that that would be definitely possible with Feruchemy, as opposed to Allomancy. It is definitely capable of storing individual traits, and the way the person views those Cognitively should affect what exactly is stored (much like with the metal lines and the way the objects are perceived).


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It would be awesome to get confirmation from Brandon on that, but in my understanding, I would think that that would be definitely possible with Feruchemy, as opposed to Allomancy. It is definitely capable of storing individual traits, and the way the person views those Cognitively should affect what exactly is stored (much like with the metal lines and the way the objects are perceived).


That's along the lines of what I was thinking.  also that it would be really cool to be able to tap balance or to store your ability to detect pain (or hunger or thirst which I think have also been included as senses by some) temporarily.  someone tapping color vision migth be able to replicate the Nalthian third heightening's color perception.


edit: just occurred to me and I don't want to double post:


Could a bronze misting/tin ferring twinborn store their bronze allomantic sense (or a iron/steel misting store their metal detection sense) in a tinmind?  could a 4th heightening awakener with tin ferruchemy (somehow) store their lifesense?

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Could a bronze misting/tin ferring twinborn store their bronze allomantic sense (or a iron/steel misting store their metal detection sense) in a tinmind?  could a 4th heightening awakener with tin ferruchemy (somehow) store their lifesense?


There's a thread on that.


My opinion's in this post.

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I have a few questions. Askers should probably ask in sequence, and get ready for a RAFO at some point

Does Yolen still exist?

Is it a shardworld?

Have we seen that shardworld?

Is it Sel?


Alternatively, if someone could find the WOB that Hoid wanted to get taken by the Shaod (I couldn't), that would be great.


This is related to a theory I am thinking of about Yolen and Sel being one (as you can see by the blunt bluntness of the questions above.)


Edit: Spelling

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Alternatively, if someone could find the WOB that Hoid wanted to get taken by the Sheod (I couldn't), that would be great.


It's not a WoB, I don't think.  Hoid did an experiment with the Shaod in the 10th Anniversary edition of Elantris, which was inconclusive.  He made a deal with a skaze that was predicated on becoming an Elantrian, which of course fell through when the experiment failed, much to the skaze's disapproval.  


EDIT: Also Sheo means "Death," while Shao means "Transformation."  If the Reod (Reo meaning "Punishment") was lethal, then it might have been called the "Sheod."  


EDIT EDIT: Another question for the list: Is it possible to use a soulstamp to change the age of an object, e.g. can you Forge a sword such that it is newly forged, or a book such that it is newly printed?  

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Hemalurgy works by ripping parts of soul from the donor. It's brutal for the donor. Even if the spike is made surgically so it doesn't kill the donor in the act by virtue of inflicting wounds, the spiritual damage is severe as you literally rip part of the soul by force.

However, if the Hemalurgist were equipped in something capable of cutting parts of soul cleanly... Yeah, the question is whether you can carefully cut a part of the soul with a Shardblade for it to be spiked away? Can it make the process unharmful?

Another question: could a Listener merge with Seon to achieve a Form?

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1. would a properly educated ferruchemist be able to store and tap these additional senses?

2. for senses that are split into pieces would a properly educated ferruchemist be able to store the more narrowly defined sense e.g. would he be able to store/tap just the ability to detect temperature instead of the entire sense of touch?  following that example, if they were so educated, would they still be able to store/tap the sense of touch?

Brandon's said that it's possible to store more than the five traditional senses in a tinmind, but has not elaborated further.



Can Feruchemists store more than the five ‘traditional’ senses, and does Allomantic tin enhance more than the traditional five senses?



More is possible.

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Question for Brandon:


A train leaves Baltimore for NYC going 60 mph. At the same time, on an adjacent track, a train leaves NYC heading for Baltimore going 45 mph. NYC is 280 miles from Baltimore. How far are the trains from Baltimore when they pass?


That depends.  Are time bubbles involved?  

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That depends.  Are time bubbles involved?  


Unfortunately no, Hoid just hopped to Sel with all the remaining Cadmium and Bendalloy left on Scadrial. What you, as an allomancer, instead have is an unlimited supply of gold, a grumpy wolf hound for company and a sharp box cutter. Go!

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Did any kandra got Miles bones? Since they all seem obsessed with bones of Bloodmakers and since Miles was a double gold Twiborn...

Why did Ruin manifest as black mist near Well Of Ascension? I get that Preservation spread out in Physical Realm as mists, but I thougth that essence of the Shard, its power is in Spiritual. So why did Ruin manifest in Physical? Is it about perpendicularity? Was Ruin locked in specific place?

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In Warbreaker, we learn that only the Awakener who Awakened the object can retrieve the Breath from it.


Bands of Mourning spoilers:


Given that someone can use aluminum Feruchemy to store their Identity and create unkeyed metalminds, could something similar be done with Breath? Specifically, suppose someone was an Awakener and an aluminum Ferring. If they were to store Identity in a metalmind and then store Breath in an object, would this Breath be accessible to anyone who knew the proper command? E.g. can unkeyed Breath exist?

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What would Jasnah think of Pathism?

Can radioactive elements be Soulcast? If yes, could an Elsecaller teleport in the middle of Voidbringer army, Soulcast a rock or two into pure uranium 238 or something like that and Elsecall away?

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What would Jasnah think of Pathism?

Can radioactive elements be Soulcast? If yes, could an Elsecaller teleport in the middle of Voidbringer army, Soulcast a rock or two into pure uranium 238 or something like that and Elsecall away?

well, they'd probably die...but it probably depends a bit on how soulcasting affects volume and mass.  do we have a detailed breakdown on how that works?

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