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The Ultimate List of Questions for Brandon


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On 3/5/2011 at 3:57 AM, Shivertongue said:

Are there waffles in the Final Empire?

Can Mistwraiths be taught how to play fetch?

If the Skaze are evil seons, does that mean they have mustaches and goatees?

Sazed, after taking both shards of Ruin and Preservation, was able to bring people back to life, fix the world, and make Spook a full Mistborn. Was he able to un-eunich himself?

Should Eric put a spoiler tag on this thread?

Hopefully, hopefully, hopefully, hopefully, hopefully not.

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Has Odium tried and failed to splinter any of the other Shards? Tanavast tells Dalinar through the visions to appoint a champion, because Odium will not want to risk defeat, as he has suffered so many times before.  That could be a reference to the previous desolations, but it strikes me as possible that he also took on some other Shards and was thwarted.


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2 hours ago, Oversleep said:

Could a Feruchemist hide from Awakener's Lifesense by storing? What or how much attributes would he have to store? All the Spiritual ones or maybe just nicrosil or maybe duraluminium?

related: we know from WOB that a bronze savant could theoretically detect other types of investiture use, but would that include a ferruchemist actively storing to a metalmind (or an awakener actively awakening an object) since it involves a net decrease in the person's investiture?

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On 22.08.2016 at 1:39 AM, Oversleep said:

How would atium Feruchemy work for an Elantrian or somebody with Fifth Heightening - for somebody who does not age?

Would it work based on their physical or true (spiritual) age? If I obtained enough Breath at the age of 20 and then lived for 300 years, would the amount of youth I need to be 19 be equal to the amount of youth a true 20yr old need?

It was RAFO'd less than a year ago... Hm.



Suppose you had a full feruchemist, who got enough breath to reach the fifth Heightening. What would happen if he started storing in atium?

Brandon Sanderson

(Laughs) I'm going to RAFO that one.



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Do the highstorms rotate like a hurricane/typhoon, or does it have a different shape and movement pattern?

Does the entire highstorm pass over the continent of Roshar, or does a small/large portion of it miss the continent entirely? (Credit to @Child of Hodor for the idea: Post from The Origin of Storms thread)


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On 2016-09-02 at 7:29 PM, Jondesu said:


Do the highstorms rotate like a hurricane/typhoon, or does it have a different shape and movement pattern?

Does the entire highstorm pass over the continent of Roshar, or does a small/large portion of it miss the continent entirely? (Credit to @Child of Hodor for the idea: Post from The Origin of Storms thread)


In some sense it has to rotate, because of the Hairy ball theorem. Yep. That's a real thing. (And very interesting!)

The part that goes over the continent only goes west; all of the infrastructure is built to deal with that. So if it does go the other way in other places, it would be outside the continent.

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6 hours ago, Eki said:

In some sense it has to rotate, because of the Hairy ball theorem. Yep. That's a real thing. (And very interesting!)

The part that goes over the continent only goes west; all of the infrastructure is built to deal with that. So if it does go the other way in other places, it would be outside the continent.

Lol, that's crazy. Yeah, it makes sense that there would be some form of rotation, but it could even be a band stretching from pole to pole, all the way around the planet (that would be insanely weird, but hey, it's a magical storm). Lots of possibilities still.


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7 hours ago, Eki said:

In some sense it has to rotate, because of the Hairy ball theorem. Yep. That's a real thing. (And very interesting!)

The part that goes over the continent only goes west; all of the infrastructure is built to deal with that. So if it does go the other way in other places, it would be outside the continent.

I'm not entirely certain that theorem applies here, since a highstorm does not cover the entire face of the planet.

based on the descriptions in the book, the highstorm might be closer to a derecho than a hurricane, a massive straight line storm with little to no rotation.  I suspect that normally something like that couldn't sustain itself crossing an entire continent (though the one that hit my area moved from ohio across the mountains and into the DC region, if memory serves, so maybe) but the highstorms a loaded with stormlight and so probably aren't exactly natural.  alternatively: the stormwall is often described as the most damaging part, and the stormwall, for all intents and purposes, is always moving in one direction, so maybe there is rotation, but once the wall is passed, the rotating winds just aren't as damaging.  who knows, I am not a meteorologist.

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13 hours ago, Dunkum said:

I'm not entirely certain that theorem applies here, since a highstorm does not cover the entire face of the planet.

That is true, the theorem applies to the whole atmosphere (or a 'shell' of the atmosphere). But it does mean that there has to be at least one point (moving around) where the wind stands still, and the winds go around it (locally in tornadoes, that's the 'eye of the storm'). That point is probably outside of what people would call the highstorm though. so that's why I wrote "in some sense".

Teeechnically the winds could only go upwards around the point, and not around, but that's not going to happen in reality.

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24 minutes ago, Eki said:

That is true, the theorem applies to the whole atmosphere (or a 'shell' of the atmosphere). But it does mean that there has to be at least one point (moving around) where the wind stands still, and the winds go around it (locally in tornadoes, that's the 'eye of the storm'). That point is probably outside of what people would call the highstorm though. so that's why I wrote "in some sense".

Teeechnically the winds could only go upwards around the point, and not around, but that's not going to happen in reality.

I dont have time to research it right now, but if memory serves, the point could just be orthogonal to the body right?  not just up but down too, which would look like a downburst, I think.  but most importantly, I think that for just a section of atmosphere where the highstorm is located, the theorem would not apply (pretty sure a vector field over a plane doesn't need the 0 point, and that a sufficiently small segment of a sphere is close enough to a plane for it to work there too)

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3 hours ago, Dunkum said:

I dont have time to research it right now, but if memory serves, the point could just be orthogonal to the body right?  not just up but down too, which would look like a downburst, I think.  but most importantly, I think that for just a section of atmosphere where the highstorm is located, the theorem would not apply (pretty sure a vector field over a plane doesn't need the 0 point, and that a sufficiently small segment of a sphere is close enough to a plane for it to work there too)

You are right. I wrote up, because if the air went down, it would have nowhere to go. I was imagining the shell of atmosphere to be close to the ground. The surface you look at the vector field on does need to be sphere-ish (in the topological sense, which is very broad, but still, enclosing a space).

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On 8/29/2016 at 7:51 AM, bleeder said:

Does the way in which

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Kelsier attempted to return to the Physical Realm at the end of Secret History

have anything to do with the Returned of Nalthis?


Well, I don't think so, considering that he poses as TLR afterwards, and has hemalurgic spikes




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When Mistborn: SH spoilers

Kelsier come back did he regain his own bones? Did he come back with the aid of Hemalurgy in any way? Were any Kandra harmed in the making of this new Kelsier?

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4 hours ago, Darkness said:

When Mistborn: SH spoilers

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Kelsier come back did he regain his own bones? Did he come back with the aid of Hemalurgy in any way? Were any Kandra harmed in the making of this new Kelsier?



SH & BoM Spoilers


I don't know. When I first read BoM, I assumed Kelsier had used TLR's body.


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8 hours ago, timasp said:


SH & BoM Spoilers

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I don't know. When I first read BoM, I assumed Kelsier had used TLR's body.


Same spoilers:


He had the scars on his arms, so if he used TLR's body, those ended up transferring.  Of course, the same issue exists with any body, but I'm kinda guessing it wasn't actually Hemalurgy that brought him back, unless we've had confirmation otherwise. I think it's a new body, and he wanted those scars there as evidence it was him (and because they are part of his identity now, not just to himself but to everyone who's heard about the Survivor).


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Kind, loving reminder :) this thread is questions for Brandon. Unless you have a WoB to solve the question, please refrain from speculating, it can make the thread harder to sort through for people bringing these questions to Brandon. Please start a theory thread if you feel the need. Thanks guys!

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13 hours ago, Jondesu said:

Same spoilers:

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He had the scars on his arms, so if he used TLR's body, those ended up transferring.  Of course, the same issue exists with any body, but I'm kinda guessing it wasn't actually Hemalurgy that brought him back, unless we've had confirmation otherwise. I think it's a new body, and he wanted those scars there as evidence it was him (and because they are part of his identity now, not just to himself but to everyone who's heard about the Survivor).




Ah, yes. I forgot about  that


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5 hours ago, Rawrbert said:

What would a Highstorm look like in the Cognitive Realm?

I feel as though that has gotten RAFO'd once, but it might have been long enough ago that he's decided that it doesn't give too much away/isn't an important plot point/he's settled on an answer.

Edit: I can't seem to find it, so maybe I'm remembering wrong

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So, I have a theory I want to try to get confirmed, but when I try to phrase the question(s) it gets quite long winded.  The theory is here:

Possible questions:

Given that the Nahel Bond involves a Spren filling a hole left by a traumatic event in the spirit web of a person:

  • Does the effect of that event on the person's spirit web (the "shape" of the hole) dictate which "shape" of Spren they could bond with? e.g. the square peg/round hole analogy, or the correspondence between a protein and an enzyme?
  • Does the progression of ideals reflect the adaptation of the Surgebinder's spirit web to better match the spiritual "shape" of the Spren, making a more perfect bond?
  • Conversely, does the Spren have to initially adapt to fit the spiritual hole in order to form a Bond?
  • [If yes to the last question] Does that mean that, in the case where the traumatic event was the death of a person, the Bonded Spren has become a functional reincarnation of that dead person, as far as the Surgebinder is concerned?
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