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The Ultimate List of Questions for Brandon


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57 minutes ago, Yata said:

First of all the Dor is in the Cognitive Realm (if someone will have to ask this question it would avoid some weird trick by mister sanderson) and probably his concentration may be a problem there...while the Spiritual Realm is quite location-indipendent and may easy contain the whole Investiture of all the Shards without problem.

Anyway it's possible there is some Realmatic reason for the Chasm but I find it unlikely for a couple of reason:

- This kind of situation isn't reported somewhere else on Sel. It's strange it will happen in the Arelon...the only country where the Dor is a stable release valve (Elantris, the Elantrian and all the AonDor uses)

- If there is a risk of something like that and this mean it was in some measure predictable by Realmatic Aware people. The older Elantrian would probably put effort to avoid it.

Yes, the Dor is in the CR now, but it wasn't always (back when Aona and Skai were still alive). I considered that but if I'm right about the expanse of the broken sky being the Selish CR, then I'm trying to figure out what could cause the CR sky to break/crack. I considered Shard death but when Leras died, nothing similar happened (although the Shard wasn't Splintered or left long enough to develop its own mind) so unless a Shard, say Odium for example, can damage the barriers between the realms, (I wouldn't be surprised actually) I'm thinking it's a buildup of Investiture given how dangerous the CR is now with the Dor a tumultuous storm that can rip apart anyone foolish enough to Worldhop. 

We don't know enough about the other areas' magic systems to say they don't have a focal valve or similar to concentrate the Dor, (but it is unlikely, as Arelon/seems to show the highest amount of Investment at present + given how drastic the physical differences are in terms of Invested individuals are inbook), nor do we know if the surrounding 4 cardinal cities existed in the Aon Rao formation when the Aonic folk first migrated there (per history of aons WoB). And think it only happened in Arelon because of the giant AonRao. Normally it has a stable flow due to a mind to guide and filter it but as the sky broke, the stream became a flood overloading the focus and causing a strain on the land.

You forget; Elantris is early in the Cosmere timeline so the amount of people with super in-depth Realmatic knowledge would be severely limited, especially if they know nothing of the Shattering, Adonalsium etc. and if they only have knowledge of their own Shardworld. Granted, we know from TES and WoB that MaiPon and Sel in general were quite aware Realmatically but we'll see

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@AnanasSpren I actual think that Odium's method of Splintering is actually kick out a helpless Shard from the Spiritual to the Cognitive. Where the Shard itself explodes pressed in a "too small" place.

About the Cosmere Awareness... I think you understimate the older Elantrian, They seem to know quite well the Realmatic Theory, probably Sel is the most Realmatic Aware Shardworld in the Cosmere (at least from the one we know)...It's also possible that they recovered a lot of the older knowledge now that Elantris is fixed (and maybe some of the older Elantrian are sane again)

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9 hours ago, Yata said:

@AnanasSpren I actual think that Odium's method of Splintering is actually kick out a helpless Shard from the Spiritual to the Cognitive. Where the Shard itself explodes pressed in a "too small" place.

About the Cosmere Awareness... I think you understimate the older Elantrian, They seem to know quite well the Realmatic Theory, probably Sel is the most Realmatic Aware Shardworld in the Cosmere (at least from the one we know)...It's also possible that they recovered a lot of the older knowledge now that Elantris is fixed (and maybe some of the older Elantrian are sane again)

Actually when Raoden is studying the Dor he mentions reading about Aons' wavelength or frequency (he doesn't understand but for us it's a clear sign that Elantrians were pretty Realmatically advanced).

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2 hours ago, bleeder said:

In that vein, would Soothing/Rioting Idrian royalty change their hair color? And how? 

I suspect that the person with the Royal Locks would essentially lose control over their hair, depending on the strength of the emotional Allomancy.  Beyond that would depend on what emotion is being Rioted/Soothed.

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12 hours ago, Oversleep said:

Is it possible to Soothe/Riot so hard that the person Snaps due to extreme emotions caused by emotional Allomancy?

Uuuh Cool question, I never considerated it (upvote). But I think it's impossible, or probably all the Nobles would use this method instead to beat almost to death their sons

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6 hours ago, Yata said:

But I think it's impossible, or probably all the Nobles would use this method instead to beat almost to death their sons children

Fixed :P (Remember, nobody cares whether Allomancer is male or female - IIRC it was brought up both in First Era times and in Second Era times)

Probably duraluminum augmented. Or Nicrobursted in Second Era... but the Snapping threshold was lowered during the Katacendre so there's probably no need to conduct such experiments.

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19 minutes ago, Oversleep said:

Fixed :P (Remember, nobody cares whether Allomancer is male or female - IIRC it was brought up both in First Era times and in Second Era times)

Yeah I was thinking in the wrong language (here when there are both male and female in a group. it's used the male word), It's happen when you just woke up :P

Anyway as you point, it's possible that now  you may Snap someone with regular Emotional Allomancy (also if I didn't understand yet if only the threeshold was lowered or also if there is an actual change of Snapping method)

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Word of warning: Far too much thought has went into this post.

Hemalurgic Bind Points

  • Marsh mentioned "between 200 and 300" bind points. Have you actually pinned down a hard number yet? If so, how many?
  • Hard number or not, is it physically possible to spike every single bind point at the same time?
    • Same idea, is it possible to spike in every Comsere power at the same time?
      • If yes, is the number of Cosmere powers equal to the number of bind points? (He can avoid hard numbers here)
  • How different is the Spiritweb of a human compared to a cat? Do different species have different Spiritweb configurations?
    • If yes, does that limit the powers each different species can gain from Hemalurgy?
    • If no (to either), can every sentient species spike in all of the different powers?
  • We know the same power can be spiked into different bind points, can different powers be spiked into the same bind point?
    • If yes, could a spike made from different "bands" of metal give multiple powers at once?
    • Side query/elaboration, can any power be spiked into a given bind point, or do they have limits?
      • Assuming limits, do those limits segregate magic systems? (Metallic Arts only point, Surgebinding only point, etc...)
  • (Unusual Query) The Inquisitor spike to the heart through the chest, would it have still worked if it went to the heart through the back?
    • Would it grant a different ability via different entrance point, or is the heart the important bind for Hemalurgy? (reword this later)

Hemalurgic Linchpin Spike (Warning: Assumptions)

  • Did Inquisitor's Linchpin Spike have to be between the shoulder blades or could it have worked in another bind point?
    • More bluntly (or as another query), are Linchpin Spikes an integral concept, or do they just balance things out?
      • Integral or balance, do Linchpin Spikes have to be specific powers?
  • Is a Linchpin Spike needed based on where the spikes are, how many spikes there are, or something else?
    • If based on location, is it a case by case basis? If possible, ask for an example.
    • If how many, Koloss - 4, Inquisitor - 10/11+. Where in that gap is the "magic number?" (puns <_<)
      • Is there a number of spikes where a second Linchpin would be needed? (double the prior number perhaps?)
    • If something else, ask for elaboration.

The Lord Ruler

  • TLR knew all the metals, but some just weren't easily available at the time. Are there some that he did not use, and what might they be?
    • You can ask if he didn't use them at all, or if he only used them for Feruchemy/Allomancy.
  • He was limited in Atium Compounding through age. Since people die to health concerns due to old age rather than just from being old, could he have lived forever through gold compounding, or is he similarly limited?
    • If he is limited, how so? What rule of science is he not allowed to break this time?
  • Did TLR know all about Hemalurgy, or did Ruin only whisper to him about Kandra, Koloss and Inquisitors?
    • Bit off topic, but did Ruin know how to spike away all other Cosmere powers before becoming Harmony?
    • If not, is it because he hasn't seen/understood the other magic system yet? (Scholarly Sazed's worldhopping Kandra)

Earth Science and Realmatics

  • Are Invested objects more resistant to the destructive forces of nature? (weathering & erosion, rust(if applicable), lava, vacuum of space..)
    • If yes, is there a change to testable physical properties like melting point/other?

Edit: You were warned. This is only 11/12 base questions with the if yes/if no somewhat planned for. Nearly a pop quiz

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5 hours ago, Yata said:

Yeah I was thinking in the wrong language (here when there are both male and female in a group. it's used the male word), It's happen when you just woke up :P

Anyway as you point, it's possible that now  you may Snap someone with regular Emotional Allomancy (also if I didn't understand yet if only the threeshold was lowered or also if there is an actual change of Snapping method)

I'm not sure, but didn't Snapping also require the person being Snapped to choose to preserve himself?

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On Monday, October 03, 2016 at 10:43 AM, The One Who Connects said:

Word of warning: Far too much thought has went into this post.

Hemalurgic Bind Points

  • Marsh mentioned "between 200 and 300" bind points. Have you actually pinned down a hard number yet? If so, how many?
  • Hard number or not, is it physically possible to spike every single bind point at the same time?
    • Same idea, is it possible to spike in every Comsere power at the same time?
      • If yes, is the number of Cosmere powers equal to the number of bind points? (He can avoid hard numbers here)
  • How different is the Spiritweb of a human compared to a cat? Do different species have different Spiritweb configurations?
    • If yes, does that limit the powers each different species can gain from Hemalurgy?
    • If no (to either), can every sentient species spike in all of the different powers?
  • We know the same power can be spiked into different bind points, can different powers be spiked into the same bind point?
    • If yes, could a spike made from different "bands" of metal give multiple powers at once?
    • Side query/elaboration, can any power be spiked into a given bind point, or do they have limits?
      • Assuming limits, do those limits segregate magic systems? (Metallic Arts only point, Surgebinding only point, etc...)
  • (Unusual Query) The Inquisitor spike to the heart through the chest, would it have still worked if it went to the heart through the back?
    • Would it grant a different ability via different entrance point, or is the heart the important bind for Hemalurgy? (reword this later)

Hemalurgic Linchpin Spike (Warning: Assumptions)

  • Did Inquisitor's Linchpin Spike have to be between the shoulder blades or could it have worked in another bind point?
    • More bluntly (or as another query), are Linchpin Spikes an integral concept, or do they just balance things out?
      • Integral or balance, do Linchpin Spikes have to be specific powers?
  • Is a Linchpin Spike needed based on where the spikes are, how many spikes there are, or something else?
    • If based on location, is it a case by case basis? If possible, ask for an example.
    • If how many, Koloss - 4, Inquisitor - 10/11+. Where in that gap is the "magic number?" (puns <_<)
      • Is there a number of spikes where a second Linchpin would be needed? (double the prior number perhaps?)
    • If something else, ask for elaboration.

The Lord Ruler

  • TLR knew all the metals, but some just weren't easily available at the time. Are there some that he did not use, and what might they be?
    • You can ask if he didn't use them at all, or if he only used them for Feruchemy/Allomancy.
  • He was limited in Atium Compounding through age. Since people die to health concerns due to old age rather than just from being old, could he have lived forever through gold compounding, or is he similarly limited?
    • If he is limited, how so? What rule of science is he not allowed to break this time?
  • Did TLR know all about Hemalurgy, or did Ruin only whisper to him about Kandra, Koloss and Inquisitors?
    • Bit off topic, but did Ruin know how to spike away all other Cosmere powers before becoming Harmony?
    • If not, is it because he hasn't seen/understood the other magic system yet? (Scholarly Sazed's worldhopping Kandra)

Earth Science and Realmatics

  • Are Invested objects more resistant to the destructive forces of nature? (weathering & erosion, rust(if applicable), lava, vacuum of space..)
    • If yes, is there a change to testable physical properties like melting point/other?

Edit: You were warned. This is only 11/12 base questions with the if yes/if no somewhat planned for. Nearly a pop quiz

Re: the heart question:  I'm fairly certain there's a WoB that says that each of the Metallic Arts (i.e. each separate Allomantic and Feruchemic power) has a different, pinprick-sized bind point that is located on the heart (or at least the Scadrian heart - don't recall him specifying what would happen if, say, a Taldaini was spiked through the heart).  However, it's just more efficient to use a large spike to bind the power because if you miss the bind point, the victim dies and you get no power.  

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Random question that just popped into my head....

Does the colour changing/growth control of the Idrian Royal locks only apply to the hair on the scalp? 

Or could, with training, someone with them learn to control their body hair, grow a beard at will, or grow their eyebrows to blend in in Thaylenah?

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9 minutes ago, Rawrbert said:

Does the colour changing/growth control of the Idrian Royal locks only apply to the hair on the scalp? 

Or could, with training, someone with them learn to control their body hair, grow a beard at will, or grow their eyebrows to blend in in Thaylenah?

We know the power who caused the "Royal Locks" may be used for further change...It's stated at the end of Warbreaker.

It's not a true shapeshifting ability but It would allow to change age and something more of the Hair alone.

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4 hours ago, Yata said:

For my Roshar's Theory:

If Adonalsium left a very big chunk of his investiture in a Shardworld. May this investiture give birth to a Magic System ?

You could call the Listener forms magic - some of the forgotten ones seem to do supernatural things. Also, haven't we seen magic systems in short stories where we think the magic comes from Adonalsium? Or have they not really been "systems" as such?

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3 hours ago, Eki said:

You could call the Listener forms magic - some of the forgotten ones seem to do supernatural things. Also, haven't we seen magic systems in short stories where we think the magic comes from Adonalsium? Or have they not really been "systems" as such?

Minor Shardworld have usually too little Investiture to allow the birth of true Magic System....Usually there is more "interact with magic" than "become a magician".
I ask if a Shardworld with a lot of Investiture of Adonalsium (an amount comparable to a Shard's investiment in a Shardworld) would result in a Magic System like we usually see in Major Shardworld


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We know that there was a force determining how Adonalsium was shattered, and that it could have been shattered in other ways. Did the original 16 people that picked up shards know exactly which intent they were signing up for before they picked it up? Like did the romantically involved couple that got Honor and Cultivation get lucky that they didn't end up with Odium and Devotion?

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A child Returned will age until physical adulthood. Is the same true for a non-Returned child who attains agelessness from the Fifth Heightening?

(The answer would depend on how the agelessness works, and if the reason Returned grow up is because of their cognitive image.)

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What would happen if someone (Szeth) were to wield Nightblood and an Honorblade at the same time?  Would Nightblood feed off the Stormlight, the Honorblade's Investiture, etc, before the wielder's Innate Investiture?  If so, would the Honorblade be destroyed?

Can an Awakener (say, the God King, so there's no limitations on their abilities) awaken Atium or Lerasium?

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Aon Mea has an x where there is a fertile valley with a lot of life and Cognitive presence. What would happen if someone just napalmed the whole valley into oblivion? Would the x disappear? Move? Stay?

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