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The Ultimate List of Questions for Brandon


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Has this been confirmed?

"Is Sazed the only person to hold more than one Shard since Adonalsium shattered?"

On a related note:

"Is Harmony stable? Does Harmony need to take measures to remain stable?"

My guess would be that yes, Sazed is the first. We have WoB that Ruin and Preservation are essentially one shard now and would be very difficult to split apart, and the circumstances that led to it seem very unlikely.

I guess we haven't seen 14 other shards so it is plausible that he isn't the first.

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I would be very surprised if there was.  The only difference of note between a misting and a mistborn is the metals the allomancer has access to.  The strength of the allomancer's ability with any metal doesn't seem to be stronger or weaker based solely upon whether the allomancer is a misting or a mistborn.

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Agreed Shardlet. At least in this situation I really don't think it would make any difference. A point to note though is that mistings and mistborn may be different in whether or not they can become savant which is still unconfirmed.

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Mistborn can become savants, The Lord Ruler was savant or near savant in almost every metal. Savantism happens because of changes to your body due to the constant stream of power running through you. This applies to both Mistings and Mistborn.

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Mistborn can become savants, The Lord Ruler was savant or near savant in almost every metal. Savantism happens because of changes to your body due to the constant stream of power running through you. This applies to both Mistings and Mistborn.

Do you have a quote to confirm that? Because it's been argued back and forth whether they can. I'm relatively certain that becoming a savant changes your spiritual dna and this *may* not be possible with a mistborn's sdna. The strongest piece of evidence for that isn't the MAG (as that isn't correct in everything) but that the lord Ruler being described as "near-savant". I was under the impression that we never got any confirmation either way on this point.


(we discussed this and similar issues a bit here: http://www.crafty-games.com/forum/index.php?topic=7467.0 )

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Nah, I just made it up :P

Was the Lord Ruler using feruchemy + alchemy to soothe all of the people around him? Or was he, as I like to think, flaring for so long that he became a Soother Savant?

He lived long enough and used his metals enough (particularly Soothing) to become nearly a savant in every area, if not a full savant.

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I am not sure that such a stamp would take effect, even for a moment.  Something like that seems to be wholly cognitively implausible to the person receiving the stamp.  Whether you are alive or dead is going to be a pretty big aspect of your cognitive self (not to mention your spritual and physical selves).

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Oh goodie! A place to dump all of my questions that I have been creating. I don't believe any of these are duplicates or things we already know.... Also, I tried to group them by the place they would go in the OP, but I'm not quite sure on a few of them.


  • Does hemalurgy require metal on Scadrial because that is the focus of that planet? Would it be non-metal on other planets?
  • Do you have to exist in all the realms (before taking up a shard) to hold a shard?
  • Do some types of worldhopping take longer than others (on the magnitude of hours to days or days to months or months to years)? Is Hoid’s relatively fast? Within days? Does how taxing the method of travel is relate to the speed?
  • As shown by Vin, one doesn’t have to really be aware of what one is doing to pick up a shard. Could Odium be tricked into picking up another intent? Or is he too cosmologically aware?
  • Does creating a splinter (a la Endowment creating Returned) reduce the power the shard itself still holds?
  • If splintering a shard is like a small-scale shattering of Adonalsium, can a splinter be splintered? Also do the intents of the splinter have to match or extend from the shard they came from?
  • Is Hoid a Sliver?
  • You’ve said Adonalsium was opposing some force before it shattered and that that force is still around. Was it shattered or weakened in a similar manner when Adonalsium shattered? Or is it something the cosmere should be worried about…? Does Odium know about this other force? Does Hoid?
  • Is the map of Shadesmar we got in tWoK the majority of Shadesmar? Or is it really mainly the Roshar part of it?



  • Did highstorms exist before Odium splintered Honor (or before the pseudo-ending of the Oathpact)?
  • Did each order of the Knights Radiant have a special type of shardblade? (And plate? Especially when considering windrunners using their magics inside of plate…)
  • Is the dark sphere given to Szeth by Gavilar native to Roshar?
  • Does Roshar look like Shadesmar? Or does Shadesmar look like Roshar? (Or is it a chicken and egg sort of thing?)
  • Is the large white rock expanse with the black sky that Dalinar briefly sees the spiritual realm? Or a part of Shadesmar?
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Oh goodie! A place to dump all of my questions that I have been creating. I don't believe any of these are duplicates or things we already know.... Also, I tried to group them by the place they would go in the OP, but I'm not quite sure on a few of them.


  • Do you have to exist in all the realms (before taking up a shard) to hold a shard?
  • Is the map of Shadesmar we got in tWoK the majority of Shadesmar? Or is it really mainly the Roshar part of it?


I think we can safely answer these two questions for you, Tanabig.  I think it is safe to assume that any sentient entity would exist naturally in all three realms (i.e., have a physical, cognitive, and spiritual aspect).  That being the case, yes, a person taking up a shard would necessarily have to exist in all three realms.


As to Shadesmar, the map in TWoK is representative of the portion of Shadesmar which correlates with Roshar.  The "exanses" in the corners of the map identify the portions of Shadesmar which border Roshar's portion.  Each expanse correlates with a different cosmere world.  Think of the corner bits as indicating which map to turn to in a map book to see what is up there.

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I think we can safely answer these two questions for you, Tanabig.  I think it is safe to assume that any sentient entity would exist naturally in all three realms (i.e., have a physical, cognitive, and spiritual aspect).  That being the case, yes, a person taking up a shard would necessarily have to exist in all three realms.


As to Shadesmar, the map in TWoK is representative of the portion of Shadesmar which correlates with Roshar.  The "exanses" in the corners of the map identify the portions of Shadesmar which border Roshar's portion.  Each expanse correlates with a different cosmere world.  Think of the corner bits as indicating which map to turn to in a map book to see what is up there.

Thanks for the responses!


Perhaps I should clarify in the first question... Brandon has mentioned things in the cognitive realm really only having 'shadows' in the other realms. Could things like this take up a shard? I'm assuming not, because although Kelsier seems to have done something to help contain Preservation after he died, he didn't fully take up the shard. I'm assuming because he couldn't. Anyway, thanks for the response. It makes sense that natural existence in all three realms would be required.


Also thanks for the clarification on the second part. I assumed that's what it was, but after hearing the cognitive realm referred to as Shadesmar so many times I started to wonder...

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Maybe I am way wrong, but if my memory doesn't fail, Kelsier was able to hold the power of a shard (or at least contain it) once his physical body was out. Have I missed something there?

You are correct. That's why I wanted to ask the question in the first place. But I think Kelsier must have just contained it, because otherwise he would have taken up the shard and Vin couldn't have taken it, right? Or was he in a way the one responsible for Vin being the only one who could take it up?

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Are there any shardworlds that are actually moons?


Does Bloodsealing use Dzhamar as its base?


Is "Cryptics" the canon name of the truthspren/symbolheads?




What is the name of the fifth Heritage Faction arbiter?


What are Ushnaka's and Stivient's genders?




How do you spell "Lyss" (person form the WoR Prologue)?

Edited by WeiryWriter
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