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The Ultimate List of Questions for Brandon


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10 minutes ago, Dunkum said:

I don't think we know for sure if you could add more power to a spike.  you could probably use 5 spikes to get stacking enhancements to pewter, but it isn't clear if you could do multiple ones on 1 spike.

Good point.  The follow up would be, if you can only spike from one person, so one soul per spike, if you spiked anything other than gold out of a Fullborn compounder in such a way that they survived and could heals themselves, including healing the spiritual damage, could you spike them again with the same spike repeatedly and stack their own ability within the spike?

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22 hours ago, ElephantEarwax said:

Time to update the coppermind?

please feel free to add these things to whatever pages are relevant. it'd be a great help if you put the effort into improving it for everyone!!

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So, I have been thinking about this for a while and now have searched Arcanum for it with no avail. 

Could King T use feruchemical fortune wo give himself a better chance of being smart?

Edited by ElephantEarwax
make him King T
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On 11/9/2017 at 11:59 AM, Kurkistan said:

The Moon Scepter is magically significant, but TES takes place after Elantra’s so the timeline doesn’t match up.


TES is after yes, but do we know that the scene with the Skaze is right after Elantris? I could see Hoid leaving Elantris and sticking around on Sel for another few years, then eventually stealing the moon scepter, try to use it, and only then leave Sel.

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On 11/10/2017 at 3:21 PM, ElephantEarwax said:

So, I have been thinking about this for a while and now have searched Arcanum for it with no avail. 

Could King T use feruchemical fortune wo give himself a better chance of being smart?

That is... a really good question. He'd have to be an allomancer, but I should think yes. Unless his weird intelligence lottery thing has to do with investiture, in which case there might be some interference rule applications.

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12 hours ago, LewsTherinTalamon said:

That is... a really good question. He'd have to be an allomancer, but I should think yes. Unless his weird intelligence lottery thing has to do with investiture, in which case there might be some interference rule applications.

Well, he would have to be a feruchemist, not an allomancer. MBE2 Spoilers.


Or he could have unkeyed metalminds.

But this is a hypothetical question.

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On 10.11.2017 at 9:21 PM, ElephantEarwax said:

So, I have been thinking about this for a while and now have searched Arcanum for it with no avail. 

Could King T use feruchemical fortune wo give himself a better chance of being smart?

Sadly, we know next to nothing about Feruchemical chromium na Fortune in general. Brandon stays close lipped on that stuff.

Edited by Oversleep
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On 13/11/2017 at 2:30 AM, LewsTherinTalamon said:

That is... a really good question. He'd have to be an allomancer, but I should think yes. Unless his weird intelligence lottery thing has to do with investiture, in which case there might be some interference rule applications.

Spoilers for the end of Oathbringer:


Odium implies that Fortune would help with T's plan and is amazed he has done it without Fortune, so I think yes

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I don't think so. In Secret History:


“You always jump at stories, Alonoe. Not every coincidence is a sign of someone drawing upon Fortune.”

So I think it literally makes someone luckier. And your theory resembles Atium too much

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Are there any spren on Roshar that did not originate from the big three (Honor, Cultivatio and Odium)?  Like are there any Autonomy spren running around on Roshar, or spren from other shard?


I would potentially rephrase the question to exclude Nightblood, who could be considered an artificial spren.

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6 hours ago, Stark said:

Are there any spren on Roshar that did not originate from the big three (Honor, Cultivatio and Odium)?  Like are there any Autonomy spren running around on Roshar, or spren from other shard?


I would potentially rephrase the question to exclude Nightblood, who could be considered an artificial spren.

don't want to look for the WoB right now, but we know there are spren that predate the shattering, so they would presumably be some sort of mix of up to all 16 shards.

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Question for someone getting to a signing:

Do burning Allomantic metals pulse to what would be recognizable Listener Rhythms? 

  • I.e. does burning pewter pulse to the Rhythm of Resolve? Or Burning Atium to the Rhythm of Destruction?
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Oathbringer spoiler:


My question would be is if each Unmade have a connection to a specific Knight Radiant order and their non-sapient/sapient spren. Re-shephir seems to be opposite the Lightweavers and is described by Shallan as a twisted creationspren, so I would like to know if this holds for the other orders as well. 

Edited by DiamondMind
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1. what determines whether or not something could pick up a Shard? (or in other words, how come a rock could not pick up a shard, and if the rock were sentient, could it pick up a shard, and why?) 

2. could a self-aware robot pick up a shard? Why? 

3. could one of the Sleepless pick up a Shard? if so, would all of the little cremlings suddenly dissapear, or would something more complicated happen? if not, why not?

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A Vessel to a Shard needs to have presence in all three realms (or at least the two higher realms, as we saw in SH).

In addition, the said Vessel needs to have a strong Spiritual Connection to the Shard they pick, and it is impossible without a Spiritweb (the Spiritual DNA of a person, his presence in the Spiritual Realm).

I believe I answers questions 1 and 2, but I don't know about the third. Is it something from OB? I didn't get my copy yet

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15 hours ago, Sariel said:

I don't know about the third. Is it something from OB? I didn't get my copy yet

As mentioned, we meet a Sleepless in Edgedancer. The Sleepless are Dysian Aimians, and they are a species of.. hive-mind(ish) individuals composed of Hordelings, (cremling is used on Roshar the way we use "insect" or "bug" on earth). As individuals composed of multiple parts that can be spread around Roshar, it's an interesting thought experiment on what would happen to those far-off parts when the "main body" ascended to Shardhood.

I genuinely don't have an answer for you @ethan_sedai. I think they'd just disappear, but it might be that they would all have to be with the main body in order to ascend. (IE: the Sleepless would have to be "whole" in order to ascend.)

On the subject of one of your answers Sariel, that makes we wonder..

Would a robot have a spiritweb?

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