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The Ultimate List of Questions for Brandon


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oh, one more: 

would an inanimate object, such as a rock, be able to pick up a Shard, if it were given enough Investiture to become sentient?

this is similar to asking if a spren could pick up a Shard, which until recently i thought the answer would be no, but then  (SH spoilers)


Kelsier picked up Preservation, even though he was a Cognitive Shadow, which isn't really all that different from a spren.

but what I really wanted to know if it would have more power over the Shard, than (more SH)


Kelsier did, because it would have a Presence in the Physical Realm.


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On 22.11.2017 at 0:16 AM, The One Who Connects said:

Would a robot have a spiritweb?

One more WoB (one of my WoBs :P): https://wob.coppermind.net/events/124-drogakrolowpl-interview/#e1817

3 hours ago, ethan_sedai said:

would an inanimate object, such as a rock, be able to pick up a Shard, if it were given enough Investiture to become sentient?

This question is basically "Could Nightblood (aka sentient inanimate object) ascend to a Shard?": https://wob.coppermind.net/events/100-rbooks-ama-2015/#e3507 https://wob.coppermind.net/events/90-barnes-noble-b-fest-2016/#e4590

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Oathbringer Spoilers:

On 11/25/2017 at 11:42 PM, Ookla the Dragon said:

Can Odium use the Fused the way Ruin used the Steel Inquisitors?

As of the time of the Wax and Wayne MB books, have the Ghostbloods been formed?


As far as I can tell, the Fused act the way they do because they have become extremely hateful – which is due to close contact with Odium – not because he is controlling them. Otherwise, you wouldn't have any of the crazy Fused.


PS: What is the spoiler policy on this thread? Are all spoilers allowed? Or do we need to add spoiler warnings for questions related to Oathbringer?
Edit: Thanks.

Edited by Brightlord Maelstrom
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On 11/26/2017 at 9:41 PM, Brightlord Maelstrom said:

PS: What is the spoiler policy on this thread? Are all spoilers allowed? Or do we need to add spoiler warnings for questions related to Oathbringer?

From the Spoiler Policy Announcement(the topic heading that's atop every page right now)


3. For posts in the Oathbringer Spoiler Board you do not need to use spoiler tags inside a topic marked [OB]. For Cosmere Theories, you also do not need to put spoiler tags inside your topic if the topic has [OB] in the title. However, for Cosmere Theories, if you are adding Oathbringer stuff to an old theory without the [OB] tag, those must go in spoiler tags and you must make it obvious outside the spoiler tag that the spoiler is regarding Oathbringer content.

So @Ookla the Dragon, you need to edit your post to say "Oathbringer Spoilers" outside of that spoiler tag so people know.

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On 11/30/2017 at 1:09 AM, Storming Radiant said:

Oathbringer spoiler!

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Are the Rosharian humans originally from Ashyn?


Oathbringer spoilers


I want to know about this one too, and I think the answer might definitely be yes! From Coppermind on Ashyn:


Ashyn is mostly barren, with a few fertile patches. While there are humans inhabiting this planet, a global cataclysm at some point in the past has forced most of its inhabitants to live in floating cities in the sky.

I think the "global cataclysm" might be referring to whatever the humans there did to destroy the planet and make them want to leave.


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Oathbringer spoilers:


[OB] Lift told Gawx not to trust Dalinar because he has a good butt. Butt, (see what I did there?;)) Lift says (in Edgedancer) that she thought Wit was awesome. (As old Whitehead) So. That begs the question.

The question for the ages. A question we need to get WoB on. 

OK, guys. Here's the single MOST IMPORTANT thing that OB brought up.

Does Wit have a nice butt?

The fate of Roshar - nay!- of the Cosmere itself rests on the answer to that burning question.

Edited by avus
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When Szeth draws Nightblood he experiences the improved colors granted by BioChromatic Breath. Is this due to the breaths Nightblood has consumed, or is Nightblood transforming Stormlight into BioChromatic Breath?


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The eye in between " and :) will make




It's weird. I remember being taught this not more than a few years ago, now I'm passing on this knowledge to a new generation. *sigh* They grow up so fast. *sniffle*

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On 11/30/2017 at 1:09 AM, Storming Radiant said:

Oathbringer spoiler!

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Are the Rosharian humans originally from Ashyn?


Hey homie, I think this pretty much got answered at a recent signing!


This is the link and what it says below:


A friend of mine wanted me to ask: Was the cataclysm that <rocked> Ashyn and forced its inhabitants into the flying cities Investiture-based, and if it was was it Shardic in nature?

Brandon Sanderson

The same cataclysm that the-- did you finish [Oathbringer]?



Brandon Sanderson

The same cataclysm that they were fleeing, that they caused, is the one that forced people into the skies.


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Just finished reading the WOBs from all the signings on Arcanum.  Many thanks to the tireless Arcanists who have made the info available to all of us, and to the sources of that info.   Now that I've read that, I have a handful of questions of my own:

1) If you take an inhabited planet that has no Shard invested in the system, and is unaware of any other inhabited planets, and no other planet is aware of them - How would this planet appear in the cognitive realm?  Would you be able to access it from another planet's cognitive arena?  Or would the mutual ignorance of other existence create an impenetrable barrier in the cognitive realm?

2) We know Kelsier would win a protracted war against the other heroes via assassination, and Kaladin or young Dalinar would be top soldiers in an all out battle, but who would win in the Cosmere hungergames?

3)Kandra do use non-bone and non-organic frameworks.  If a Kandra was to use a carved gemstone skeleton, would they be able to simulate a gemheart?  Would the Gem infuse beneath their skin in a highstorm if their flesh is opaque?  If their flesh is translucent? Or would it need to be physically exposed to the storm?  Would their bones being infused pose significant problems while blending in?


4)If Shallan had access to an unkeyed Identiy metalmind, could she store Veil and/or Radiant?

5)Would anything interesting happen if a Mistborn drank highstorm water?


6)Lopen does not seem to hate, or have strong negative feelings against anyone.  How will this affect his Third Ideal - "I will protect even those I hate, so long as it is right?"  I know there is some variation and personalization from Radiant to Radiant, but the core of the ideal seems to remain the same.  Swearing to protect those you hate when you do not seem to hate at all seems facetious.  How will he manage this, or will he be stuck at two ideals until he finds someone to hate?

Edit: Spoiler boxes added to posts questions that touch OB.  I apologize for not including them immediately.

Edited by Stark
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1 hour ago, Stark said:

6)Lopen does not seem to hate, or have strong negative feelings against anyone.  How will this affect his Third Ideal - "I will protect even those I hate, so long as it is right?"  I know there is some variation and personalization from Radiant to Radiant, but the core of the ideal seems to remain the same.  Swearing to protect those you hate when you do not seem to hate at all seems facetious.  How will he manage this, or will he be stuck at two ideals until he finds someone to hate?

This question right here. Please!

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1 hour ago, Stark said:

6)Lopen does not seem to hate, or have strong negative feelings against anyone.  How will this affect his Third Ideal - "I will protect even those I hate, so long as it is right?"  I know there is some variation and personalization from Radiant to Radiant, but the core of the ideal seems to remain the same.  Swearing to protect those you hate when you do not seem to hate at all seems facetious.  How will he manage this, or will he be stuck at two ideals until he finds someone to hate?



22 minutes ago, Ookla the Altruist said:

This question right here. Please!

If I had to hazard a guess, that particular ideal would morph into something along the lines of "I will protect those that don't deserve it, if the need is there."  

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1 minute ago, Landis963 said:

If I had to hazard a guess, that particular ideal would morph into something along the lines of "I will protect those that don't deserve it, if the need is there." 

That seems to be an acceptable compromise to me, though I am no spren.

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Some of these have probably been addressed but I wanted to compile my own list of questions somewhere (as I often think of specific questions and then later can't remember what I wanted to further research...). I'll likely update this list as things are answered and/or more questions arise...


1.) Are the Shodel hoardings or some type of legion/hivemind entities, and is Bavadin a Shodel? (A question pertaining to Bavadin being a Dragon was recently RAFO'd, Uli Da (Ambition) has been confirmed to be a Shodel in a recent WOB, The Shodel are not a Hivemind per my signed copy of Mistborn TFE 10th Aniversary 3/26/2018)

2.) Is Aslydin a Feruchemist? (This has been RAFO'd when @Argent asked and when I did in the past.)

3.) Is the chain Kaladin sees in the shop in Shadesmar made of Dragonsteel? (RAFO'd in my signed WOA 3/29/2018)

4.) Was Tien a proto-Lightweaver? (Yes, he was per a WOB from MisCon 2018)

5.) Would other Spren consider Cusicesh to be a Deadeye?

6.) Which ability does Mraize's Aviar have?

7.) Was Iyatil expelled from the 17th Shard or did she leave for her own reasons?

8.) Is "The Sibling" the Spren of Urithiru?

9.) Is Felt a member of the 17th Shard? Did he recruit Aslydin and/or Demoux?

10.) When Hoid says he thinks he technically owns the place a Kelesina's mansion is he referring to Scadrial as a whole? Hoid is talking about the Mansion per WOB at the Barnes & Noble, Orem, UT signing 12/21/17

11.) Are the Lightspren the Spren of the Stonewards? (Nope, context definitely makes them the Willshaper Spren, confirmed VIA WOB at JordanCon '18)

12.) Is the coachman Cobb in Shadows of Self the same Cobb from the Epilogue of Oathbringer? (VIA WOB at JordonCon '18 they are not the same).

13.)Is the tube device in the Ghastly Gondala story in BOM a Fabrial using a trapped Threnody Shade in a similar way to a Trapped Spren Fabrial on Roshar?

14.)If someone were to Ascend on Sel or somehow push the majority of Dominion and Devotions' investiture back into the Spiritual Realm somehow would the assorted Dor related magics stop being location dependent?

15.) Red in the Cosmere shows co-opted Investiture.  I suspect that some amount of Odium and Ambitions' investiture is dormant on Threnody. This brings up some very interesting questions with the Shades. When the rules are broken, the eyes turn from green to red. Something is triggering the foreign investiture (presumably Odium's) to affect the Shades. What is really interesting though is that after some time the eyes turn back to green and then shut. What is actually going on here?

16.) Does pre-Ascension [Rashek's Ascension] Allomancy (like Alendi's Seeking) still exist in the Southern Scadrian's bloodlines?

17.) When we see someone's Breath pulse as they die, are they getting a glimpse into the Spiritual Realm?

18.) Are the Spiritual Realm paintings from the Court of Gods painted with Tears of Edgli dye based paints?

19.) Are the glimpses into the Spiritual realm via prophetic dreams a product of a Return's Divine Breath or a result of being of the 5th heightening. Could a non-Returned of the 5th Heightening or higher have similar dreams?

20.) Is this IRE fortress in the shape of an Aon? If so, which one?

21.) If someone burns Malatium and looks at someone who is burning Gold do they see the same thing or would they see different possibilities?

22.) Is Durn from HoA a Worldhopper? Does he have perfect pitch? (Durn being a worldhopper was RAFO'd at the Chicago Skyward 11/16/2018)

23.) When Shallan is reading the book "Shadows Remembered" in the Palinaeum she reads a story with a whittled man that is used to distract a Voidbringer. Is this an offhanded Awakening reference?

24.) In the death rattle "He watches! The Black piper in the night. He holds us in his palm... playing a tune that no man can hear!" is the tune no man can hear a literal tune? Is it something that can be heard by someone attuned to the Rhythms? 

25.) Were the Cryptics interested in Sadeas? There is a scene in WoR where Sadeas is reflecting about Dalinar and admits deep down that he doesn't want the Blackthorn back he wants Dalinar dead. This self awareness seems to be the exact type of thing that would attract a Cryptic. Especially when contrasted with the outward lie he says about wanting the old Dalinar back and what he did at the tower being a mercy out of respect to the Dalinar of old. 

26.) Gavilar says to Eshonai "My people where Radiant once and your people were Vibrant" Are/were there for lack of a better term "Vibrant Knight" Singers?

27.) When Wax visits his grandmother in the Village during Shadows of Self she makes a cup of tea; The smell causes Wax to have vivid memories flare up of things from his past. Is the tea invested?

28.) Are the Truthwatchers' Spren the Keenspren?

29.) Would Spren describe the Reod damaged Seons as Deadeyes:?

Edited by The Sovereign
Added a Seon question that came up during my Elantris re-read.
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I'd make a statement about having too much time on my hands, were it not for the fact that 74 of these took under an hour to come up with... might be a record.

Oathbringer Spoilers abound because today, we're discussing the Unmade: 81(9x9) Questions. (93 now. New questions marked with *)


The Unmade Questionnaire:

General Knowledge: 26Q +1

  1. Are the AoE Unmade Effects(Thrill, Revel, Rattles) limited by vertical distance as well as horizontal?
    • Should be obvious, but is the limit of the effect in a sphere around the Unmade?
  2. Do the AoE Unmade effects affect the same size area, or are they different?
    • If different, which one is different and/or how is it different?
    • Can you give a rough estimate on how far from the Unmade the effect goes/how big an area they can effect? (a city size area, 5 miles out, etc..)
  3. *Do AoE Unmade Effects get stronger the closer you get to the Unmade, or does it hit the whole area equally?
  4. Are there any other AoE effect Unmade, or is it just the 3 Mindless Unmade?
    • If yes, how many of the Unmade provide AoE effects?
    • If yes, are these effects from Unmade we know of, or the Ninth Unmade?
    • If no, are AoE effects from the Mindless Unmade because they lack the sapience for more active powers?
  5. There's a reference to the Death Rattles disappearing in the past. Can an Unmade with an AoE effect(like the Thrill) turn off that effect, or is it always active?
    • If not, I'm imagining hunting down Ashertmarn by following a trail of parties :) Would that be a valid method?
  6. Do all Unmade have titles(The Revel, Blightwind, etc..)?
    • If not, how many of them do?
    • If not, do we currently know at least one title for all of the Unmade that have them?
    • Hessi mentions they have held many titles over the years. Could you give us a title we haven't heard yet that an Unmade(don't need to know which one, we can speculate) has been called in past legends?
  7. Could an Unmade be destroyed with the tech/weaponry that existed in the Desolations of Old? (Hessi speculated the possibility)
    • Has this ever happened?
    • If not(to either), could an Unmade be "killed" in such a way as to send it back to Damnation like the Heralds and Fused?
      • Has this ever happened?
  8. Given the "three great Mindless Unmade," are the Unmade divided into sets of 3?
    • If no, are they organized into sets at all, or is it just the mindless?
    • If yes(to either), are the other sets sorted by sapience level, or is this unique to the mindless set?
  9. Are the sapience levels of the Unmade related to the number of dashes in their names, or is that coincidence?
  10. Do the Unmade take something from those they affect, similar to Odium and guilt/pain? Self-Control perhaps?
  11. As of the end of Oathbringer, how many of the Unmade are trapped in perfect gemstones?
  12. Do the Unmade have an internal hierarchy, or do they just do what they want/go it alone until Odium says otherwise?

Nergaoul: 3Q +4

  1. Can the Thrill be felt in the Cognitive Realm?
    • *Can Cognitive Shadows feel the Thrill?
  2. Can off-worlders feel the Thrill?
    • If not, why not?
  3. *Can Spren feel the Thrill?
  4. *Can Seons/Skaze feel the Thrill?
  5. *Can animals feel the Thrill? (I'm curious regarding Nergaoul's connections with horses)

Moelach: 5Q +1

  1. Can someone have a Death Rattle in the Cognitive Realm?
  2. Can off-worlders have Death Rattles?
    • If not, why not?
  3. *Can animals have Death Rattles? They'd be speaking axehound or some such, but they'd get improved diction, so could it happen?
  4. We have a Death Rattle where the person refused to say what they saw, but they still spoke. Does Moelach's touch prevent a person from not speaking?
  5. Does Moelach have any other powers besides granting Precognition/Death Rattles, or is that it?

Ashertmarn: 7Q +2 +4

  1. Can the Call of the Revel be felt in the Cognitive Realm?
    • *Can Cognitive Shadows feel the Revel?
  2. Can off-worlders feel the Revel?
    • If not, why not?
  3. *Can Spren feel the Revel?
  4. *Can Seons/Skaze feel the Revel?
  5. *Can animals feel the Revel?
  6. Is the lack of decaying food in Kholinar linked to Ashertmarn's presence/influence, the corrupted decayspren, or something else?
  7. Is there a reason Ashertmarn grows veins into the ground?
    • Are they somehow required for him to influence an area, and if so, why?
      • *If yes, given enough time, could he expand his area of influence by growing more/longer roots?
    • In order to flee/leave an area, do those veins need to be retracted out of the ground first?
      • *If yes(to above followup too), would it take longer to do if he grew longer roots?

Re-Shephir: 0

  1. Shockingly enough, I've got nothing. Contrast that to...

Sja-Anat: 26Q

  1. Can Sja-Anat corrupt people, or is her power limited to Spren and Spren-like entities?
  2. Can Sja-Anat corrupt a Seon/Skaze?
  3. Can Sja-Anat corrupt a Cognitive Shadow, since they are similar-ish to Spren?
    • If yes, what would that do to them?
  4. Can Sja-Anat corrupt a robot-spren that isn't Nightblood?
    • Can she corrupt Nightblood, or is he too powerful for that?
  5. Is the fact that hungerspren were unchanged a sign that Sja-Anat already corrupted them, chose not to corrupt them, that she can't corrupt them, or other?
    • If already corrupted, are there other types of Spren that we have only seen the corrupted version and thought it was the normal version?
    • If chose not to, why?
    • If she can't, are there other types of Spren that she cannot corrupt, and would you mind sharing one with us?
    • If other reason, what?
  6. Is Sja-Anat's ability to corrupt Nahel and Oathgate Spren a power she had in the past, or is it an entirely new power?
    • If past ability, did she have it and not know, or did she know but couldn't make it work/couldn't use?
      • If she knew about it, why couldn't she use the power/why couldn't she get the power to work in the past?
      • If she didn't know, how/when did she find out she could do this?
    • If new ability, how/why/when? (try placing between events: Recreance, Hierocracy, Vengeance Pact & Everstorm)
    • If new ability, do some of the other Unmade have new powers too, or is Sja-Anat unique?
  7. Can Sja-Anat corrupt a Spren trapped within a Fabrial Gemstone? (Normal Fabrials, since I don't remember if Oathgates use trapped Spren)
    • If no, can she corrupt Spren trapped with a gemstone that isn't in a Fabrial?
      • If yes, what is it about Fabrials that stops her?
    • If yes, is it more difficult to corrupt Spren trapped in better cut gemstones?
      • Can Sja-Anat corrupt a Spren trapped within a perfect gemstone, or would it block her?
    • If yes, would the Fabrial still function?
      • If no, would the trapped Spren be freed? (different Spren type, might be wrong type of gem now)
      • If yes, what would that do to the Fabrial? (change the power, make the effect inconsistent, other side effects?
      • Can a Fabrial replicate Voidbinding without using corrupted Spren, or are they(and consequently Sja-Anat) required?

Yelig-Nar: 5Q

  1. Does the death of Yelig-Nar's host affect him like it does Nahel Spren, or is he able to re-bond immediately if someone else is available?
  2. Can off-worlders host Yelig-Nar if they swallowed a gemstone?
    • If not, why not?
  3. Do the amethyst crystal growths limit the host's ability to move/see/etc..?
    • Given enough time, would these growths continue until the whole body is a block of amethyst, or does it stop before then?

Bo-Ado-Mishram: 3Q

  1. In terms of magic powers, what did Bo-Ado-Mishram do when Odium was around? Or was the Voidlight/Forms/Connection in prior Desolations also her doing, rather than Odium's?
  2. Is Bo-Ado-Mishram the most intelligent Unmade
    • If not, which one is?

Chemoarish: 2Q

  1. Can we reasonably assume anything about Chemoarish's powers from her title of "Dustmother?"
  2. Given the vast amounts of varied lore surrounding her, is the title of "Dustmother" actually linked to Chemoarish, or is Hessi mistaken?

The Ninth Unmade: 4Q

  1. Hessi's Mythica had a section on researching the Ninth Unmade, and I felt it implied there were other options it could have been. Have you given any of these other "options" names, and if so, could we get one of them to speculate over?
  2. Does the Ninth Unmade have a title(Like Blightwind, Revel, etc..) they are/were referred to by?
    • If yes, is it a title we currently know about?
    • If yes(to either), could we get the title? (Just the title, so the Unmade name can still be a reveal)

I'm not that up to date with the Q&A/Signings from the Oathbringer Release Tour, so if any of these have been answered already, feel free to inform me.

Edit Log:

  1. Added 1 Question to General Knowledge and 2 to Ashertmarn.
  2. Added 4 Questions each for Nergaoul and Ashertmarn, and 1 for Moelach.
  3. Added 7 Questions in more recent Post.
Edited by The One Who Connects
More Questions. x3
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  • 2 weeks later...

Oathbringer question:


Seeing as sword-nimi obliterates things in all three realms, are the fused struck by him killed permanently, or can they be reborn again?  If they are permanently killed, are they able to 'smoke out' of their host bodies before impact to escape?  If they are able to smoke out, would sword nimi be able to cut  the vaporous/intangible spren form of them and kill them anyway?


If he could do that, on his home planet, if you swung him between two people transferring Breath between them, would he be able to cut the Breath mid transfer?


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