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The Ultimate List of Questions for Brandon


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If there were some kind of artificial sentient beeings (For example smart computers and stuff like that), would they contain investiture (nicrosil storing it, holding some breaths and obeying commands), or would they be able to use the "magical arts" instead? (Commanding breaths, burning metal, forging, etc)

Edited by Gaelan
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Here are some questions I've actually wondered about for a while.



What happens if you burn electrum and atium together while fighting another atium-burner? Edit: Asked Brandon about this at the Steelheart signing, apparently this wouldn't do anything special beyond the normal effects of the metals.


What the heck happens if you Compound memories (that is, copper)?


What are the Feruchemical properties of lerasium?


Since electrum is a hybrid Feruchemical metal, does tapping determination have a Physical and Spiritual effect in addition to the obvious Cognitive effect? Or is this just another case of in-world mis-categorization?

Edit: I've decided that storring determination works by manipulating hormones




Would an off-worlder on Nalthis essentially be a Drab, or would they have the equivalent of one Breath, at least for the purposes of Life-Sense?


Stormlight Archive:


Could you have a set of twin shardblades that can be summoned simultaneously?


When stone is Soulcast to smoke, it maintains the same density, so why is it that you can Soulcast air to stone without it turning into a pile of dust? Edit: Apparently the process draws in the necessary air somehow.


Are spheres made from Soulcast glass?




Does Susebron have the Infinity Blade, 'cause he's the God King?


Could a shardblade permanently kill a Deathless?


Who would win in a fight, Siris (with the Infinity Blade) or Szeth?


Will Hoid ever be disguised as a woman? (Or has he already?)

Edited by Serendipity
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No, they're summoned one at a time. Can't find the source for the life of me, though.

Yeah, I had heard that, so I meant two blades that specifically go together, like two blades in one. They'd have to be tied to the same spot on a person's Spiritweb I think.

Here's the link to what Sanderson originally said, http://www.theoryland.com/intvmain.php?i=977

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Here are some questions I've actually wondered about for a while.




Would an off-worlder on Nalthis essentially be a Drab, or would they have the equivalent of one Breath, at least for the purposes of Life-Sense?



Not-Nalthians are not drabs:



After several more signings, I asked my other question. "Do people in the Comsere, besides Nalthis, have Breaths?"


Brandon Sanderson


"No." He then signed a person's books, then said "To elaborate a little more, that's not to say they don't have a life force, because they do. But if someone not from Nalthis were to suddenly gain the ability to become an Awakener, they could not use what they have to Awaken something. That's not to say that they can't receive breaths though




source (emphasizes mine)


hth :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't know if anyone's asked this yet, just let me know if anyone has. Sorry, just in case.


Is the Blue Lake on Sel connected to the power of the Splintered Shards on that Planet?


And if so, could it be used to reforge the splintered Shards? Since in Elantris, Raoden heard a voice in the lake, it seems like it still has some connection to one of the splintered shards atleast.

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The lake is a body of water which is coalesced cognizance of Devotion, one of the Shards from Sel. So to nswer your first question, yes, it is a manifestation of a Shard. To answer the second, probably not, though your question could be stretched to mean whether or not Devotion could reunite other Shards, which could be a maybe since Odium found a way to Splinter them.

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I suspect for Devotion to be reformed, all the splinters (seons), would have to join with the pool.  Now, obviously I'm speaking out of personal perception since we know absolutely nothing about the process of reforming a splintered shard (except that it appears to be possible).

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Question: Is one of the surges will be related to temporal/time manipulating abilities?




re: one of the questions, we've seen before that diptyques like sh, ch count as one letter in alethi so 

  • How is Valhav a palindrome on Roshar? If so, how does that work? Is the h silent or does this combination represent a sound we don't have in English?

valhav = v-a-lh-a-v

Edited by Windrunner
Please edit your original post instead of double posting.
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From the first Chicago Steelheart signing. It's my first time doing this interrogation thingy, so I don't know what the proper procedure to updating our knowledge base is...

Small italicized text are my own comments.


Q: Will Hoid return as the King's Wit in the next / future (not sure which one) SA book?
A: Yes.


Q: Before his departure in TWoK and his return in a future book, does he stay on Roshar only.

A: Good question. RAFO.


Q: Are the Cryptics (what we used to call Truthspren before I went on a hiatus from the forum...) spren?

A: Yes.


Q: Why can Shallan draw the Cryptics without seeing them, and can she do the same for other invisible (to her?) spren?

A: Shallan and the Cryptics have a "special connection" that allows her to draw them.


Q: None of the Heralds mention or address the Almighty in the opening scene of TWoK; it's a little strange, considering they are his champions. Have they seen or spoken to the Almighty?

A: Yes, the Heralds have spoken with the Almighty. They also feel that what has been done to them is partially his fault. Brandon RAFO'd the "was that how and why the deal with Odium showed up?" part.


Q: Any news on Mistborn: Birthright?

A: Pushed back to 2015, so it can be developed for the next generation consoles.


--- Ultimate List Questions ---


Q: Ruin and Preservation were often represented in the Mistborn trilogy in terms of black and white. Is this imagery limited to that series, or do other Shards also have an associated hue?

A: This (Ruin & Preservation's colors) was because of the specific world and their perception of the world and themselves. Essentially, because of the dynamics of the interplay between Ruin and Preservation, they "chose" to view themselves as black and white respectively, so that's how they were represented. Also, because the only two Shards on Sel (?), and their natures were opposites, after the long period of time they spent on the same planet, they kind of "polarized." If similar thing happened on another world, similar coloring effect could happen.


Q: How is it that Nightblood, who is merely a near-sentient awakened object, was able to read minds, something a Shard like Ruin was unable to do?

A: It requires bonding (with the person whose mind is to be read) to read minds.


Q: What is the definition of a focus (in TWoK's Ars Arcanum)?

A: Foci, though linked to the magic system, are more like artifacts of the philosophy surrounding the magic system. A focus is a philosophical concept, rather than a hardfast rule related to the magic system. A man-made, artificial way of explaining the magic system. Like the periodic table.


Q: Can Shards travel backwards in time?

A: Anything is possible.


Q: Is the bond between a Seon and its master similar to the Nahel bond between a Surgebinder and his spren?

A: Yes.


Q: What effects does being a Sliver have on a person?
A: It can vary (on the Shard, the length of time the power was held, the power itself, etc). In some way a Sliver is someone who has had their mind, body, and spirit expanded due to holding a great deal of power, and then have had that power leave. 
Q: Is spiritual DNA inherited the same as regular DNA?
A: Inherited similarly, but identically to regular DNA.


Q: Why can lerasium be burned by anyone in the Cosmere, while atium is restricted to a small portion of the population of one planet?



Q: Did all orders of Knights Radiants use Shardplate?

A: It was available to all of them, and they could (all) use it. Many Knights (not Orders) chose not to. There were Knights who were not soldiers and had not interest in wearing Shardplate.


Q: How does one erase/alter memories using Breath?



Q: Why do the Returned need to sleep?

A: Sleep is necessary for many reasons - different from the reasons we need food and water, for example. One of those reasons (for sleep) is memory storage. Like humans, Returned need to sleep so their (important) short-term memories get moved to long-term storage. I personally was not entire happy with this answer, because like with food and water, memory storage is purely physiological process, so if they don't need one, they shouldn't need the other, but the two are different enough that I can buy it. For now.

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Usually we just post new topics in the Stalking forum (as you did :)) and, if feeling particularly generous, post relevant answers in relevant discussion threads to resolve their questions.

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Three questions (with Mistborn spoilers in them...)


1. Suppose the Lord Ruler got tired of the whole containing Ruin/running an oppressive Empire business and decided just to leave... not just the Empire, but Scadrial itself! Suppose he Worldhops to Nalthis and somehow gains the ability to Return (by manipulating Lerasium or through Hemalurgy or what have you). Not only does he gain the ability to Return, suppose he actually dies somehow and does Return... will he still be a Feruchemist and an Allomancer, as well as being a Type One Biochromatic Entity?


2. If he gained the ability to return via Hemalurgy somehow, and then Returned, what would happen if someone pulled the spike?


3. Could a Returned burn Lerasium? Could a Lifeless, properly constructed, burn Lerasium? What about a Kandra?

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Three questions (with Mistborn spoilers in them...)


1. Suppose the Lord Ruler got tired of the whole containing Ruin/running an oppressive Empire business and decided just to leave... not just the Empire, but Scadrial itself! Suppose he Worldhops to Nalthis and somehow gains the ability to Return (by manipulating Lerasium or through Hemalurgy or what have you). Not only does he gain the ability to Return, suppose he actually dies somehow and does Return... will he still be a Feruchemist and an Allomancer, as well as being a Type One Biochromatic Entity?


2. If he gained the ability to return via Hemalurgy somehow, and then Returned, what would happen if someone pulled the spike?


3. Could a Returned burn Lerasium? Could a Lifeless, properly constructed, burn Lerasium? What about a Kandra?


1. Just as a fun fact, "The Lord Ruler once gave up and tried to end the Final Empire." I now that doesn't answer your question, but it makes it less far-fetched. ;)


3. I would bet that kandra can burn Lerasium, given that they can gain Allomancy through Hemalurgy and Lerasium is the metal that "anyone can burn".

Edited by Kurkistan
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1. Just as a fun fact, "The Lord Ruler once gave up and tried to end the Final Empire." I now that doesn't answer your question, but it makes it less far-fetched. ;)

Yeah, I know. I thought I'd start the question with a factoid. :)


3. I would bet that kandra can burn Lerasium, given that they can gain Allomancy through Hemalurgy and Lerasium is the metal that "anyone can burn".

Me too, but it would be nice to hear him say it.

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