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The Ultimate List of Questions for Brandon


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- Is Nightblood able to consume the entire Investment of a highstorm and/or everstorm to effectively render it powerless (no spheres, Surge-/Voidbinding, etc.)?


Holy crap, I didn't think of that.

Despite whether or not Nightblood would consume the entire storm, what would happen to all that investiture? If all the inky black smoke is the corrupted Breaths Nightblood has consumed, would the sword emit a dark light (oxymorons are fun) instead?

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Holy crap, I didn't think of that.

Despite whether or not Nightblood would consume the entire storm, what would happen to all that investiture? If all the inky black smoke is the corrupted Breaths Nightblood has consumed, would the sword emit a dark light (oxymorons are fun) instead?




It reminds me, there's been a Polish fantasy novel called „Lód” (“Ice”), featuring a black counterpart of light, „ćmiatło” (“shlight”).

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Do the Honorblades have names?


Has any Returned not been able to accomplish the goal, or whatever you want to call it, because it never happened? Like say a Returned was supposed to heal some guy on his deathbed so that he could save a city or whatever but he never got injured so the Returned just sort of stood there looking confused thinking, "you were totally supposed to be hit by that arrow but it totally missed."

Edited by SmurfAquamarineBodies
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If a full Feruchemist had enough time to become an expert with Storing and Tapping Identity and Connection, Would they be able to touch another Feruchemist and Store their ( the other Feruchemists ) attributes into their ( the expert ) own metals? Using Identity and Connection somehow. 

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There's a moderately famous series of quotes saying that listeners are not originally of Odium, not originally of Cultivation, and not of Honor.


Yet look at the kandra. They always claimed to be of Preservation, despite the fact that their sentience and powers came from Ruin's arcana. The Hero of Ages backs up this claim, basically saying that regardless of Investiture, being "of" a Shard or God is more a matter of devotion and choice. It's not like saying, "This candy bar is chocolate, while that one is fruit-flavored," it's not an intrinsic physical characteristic. It's a matter of viewpoints and free will.


So my question. In the three quotes above, when he says the listeners are not of honor, and weren't originally of Odium or Cultivation, is he talking about some internal immutable fact like "this is a Shard who has had an impact in the evolution of the race" or does he simply mean the same way the Kandra were "of Preservation" simply because they worshiped him?

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Did the Shattering of Adonalsium occur on Yolen?


I think this quote implies that Adonalsium was shattered on Yolen:



What is the technology level of the singular society that existed when Adonalsium Shattered?


What was the technology level of the society that existed when Adonalsium Shattered? It was less than our own.


Are you going to give us anything more specific than that?


Less than our own.

As Yolen was the first planet with people, this is likely the society that is referred to.
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There's a moderately famous series of quotes saying that listeners are not originally of Odium, not originally of Cultivation, and not of Honor.


Yet look at the kandra. They always claimed to be of Preservation, despite the fact that their sentience and powers came from Ruin's arcana. The Hero of Ages backs up this claim, basically saying that regardless of Investiture, being "of" a Shard or God is more a matter of devotion and choice. It's not like saying, "This candy bar is chocolate, while that one is fruit-flavored," it's not an intrinsic physical characteristic. It's a matter of viewpoints and free will.


So my question. In the three quotes above, when he says the listeners are not of honor, and weren't originally of Odium or Cultivation, is he talking about some internal immutable fact like "this is a Shard who has had an impact in the evolution of the race" or does he simply mean the same way the Kandra were "of Preservation" simply because they worshiped him?


I think (not theorizing or speculating, actually answering) the difference between life on Scadrial and life on Roshar is that all the lifeforms on Scadrial were created by Ruin and Preservation whereas life on Roshar (including the listeners) existed before the arrival of the Shards (i.e., created by Adonalsium itself).

Edited by Shardlet
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Can Syl turn into a projectile weapon? Would projectiles be provided?


Can a kandra have two heads and talk with both?


If you give a kandra the skeleton of a tiny animal, can it mimic the animal? What would it do with all of its own extra mass?


What happens if a kandra tries to use a suit of shardplate as a truebody?


What is the "Moment of Inspiration?" Why is it called that? Who is being inspired and what does that infer?


If Kaladin went to another shardworld, what would happen to Syl if she went with him?


Is it possible to burn metals externally? Is this a partially biological process? Could a fabrial burn metals for you?


Can a person who dies but somehow hasn't passed over beyond the three realms serve in place of a spren for Radiant purposes?


What happens to breaths stored separately in two pieces of a broken sword when it is repaired? What if the two pieces came from different swords but were combined into one? If the two swords were identical to each other, would this make it easier/possible?


Can two people both Awaken the same object at the same time? Different times? Any effects? What about a combination Awakening of both using the same command with intent to perform it together?


Is the God Beyond one person/thing? Throughout the books? Per book?


Has your concept of whatever Adonalsium is changed much through the years since Elantris' publication?


Do all shardworlds have a symbolic number in a similar way as has been found in Roshar and Scadrial? What about the other cosmere worlds?


When Awakening, does each hue of color drained in the process have potential to change the outcome or potential of the Awakened thing's capabilities/potential/attitude?


Are there only sixteen (fifteen now) shards of Adonalsium?


Is the Hoid who appears in published books thus far a single character?


What makes aluminum so invisible/untouchable to other Allomantic abilities? Does Feruchemy have restrictions in regards to aluminum? Does Duralumin have something unique about it in relation to these magics in a similar or opposite way?


If someone worldhopped to Scadrial with a piece of metal that originated from another shardworld that by alloy standards would otherwise be Allomantically capable, could a Mistborn burn it successfully? What about from a non-shard world?


If Kaladin worldhopped to Nalthis, could he withdraw Breaths from his own Shardblade, aka Syl in sword form? What about from any bright spheres he was carrying?


Can a dun person from Nalthis burn a Lerasium bead? Would it do anything?

Edited by Turos Stoneward
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Longish time no-see, Turos. :)

I have a few answers for you.

Are there only sixteen (fifteen now) shards of Adonalsium?

Though this isn't the thrust of your question, I'll note that Odium killed both Aona and Skai, as well as some unknown third shard, so your parenthetical number should be at most 13, though perhaps 12 if you're counting Harmony as having conceptually eliminated Ruin/Preservation as distinct shards.

Is the Hoid who appears in published books thus far a single character?

Good question.

What makes aluminum so invisible/untouchable to other Allomantic abilities? Does Feruchemy have restrictions in regards to aluminum? Does Duralumin have something unique about it in relation to these magics in a similar or opposite way?
If someone worldhopped to Scadrial with a piece of metal that originated from another shardworld that by alloy standards would otherwise be Allomantically capable, could a Mistborn burn it successfully? What about from a non-shard world?

Aluminum is supremely weird...


Kurkistan: What would happen if you shot a Thug with an aluminum bullet or stabbed him with an aluminum knife?
-[Editor's note: Brandon initially misunderstands the question, as you shall see.]
Brandon: Ah, that's a good question. And, um.. the wound would not be able to heal _around_ the aluminum, but once the aluminum came out, and was gone from the system, they would be okay.
Kurkistan: Wait, is that a Bloodmaker, not a Thug?
Brandon: Oh, you're talking about Thu- Oh, okay. Yeah, ummm... It would work similarly, but it really wouldn't really have a huge effect on them.
Kurkistan: Ah, okay. 'Cause Peter was implying that there was some weird aluminum interaction with Thugs.
Brandon: What was he thinking of... There is some weird interaction but-
Kurkistan: <rudely interrrupts> In the wedding scene [in Alloy of Law] Wax thinks that they would have aluminum bullets to deal with Thugs and I was like "oh that's a typo" and Peter was like "oh no it's not..."
Brandon: No no... That would just be- it's like I said: healing it until the bullet is gone. It's just the same as the Bloodmaker.
<Various pleasantries from me apologizing for all the confusion>

EVERYWHERE!!!  :wacko:  :wacko: 

Q. In other worlds, are we seeing any magics already? Like, Allomancy might be in Roshar?
A. You’ve seen people using Allomancy in Roshar before.
Q. You said that on Roshar the only reason they have aluminum is that they can Soulcast it, right? I think you said something like that … maybe?
A. (no answer)
Q. I was wondering how that would work, if an Allomancer were to--
A. Aluminum has some weird properties on all of the magic systems, not just allomancy. It does not have the same effect, but aluminum has some bizarre effects.


If someone worldhopped to Scadrial with a piece of metal that originated from another shardworld that by alloy standards would otherwise be Allomantically capable, could a Mistborn burn it successfully? What about from a non-shard world?


Yes and probably, given Brandon's emphasis on the chemical structure being all it is.. And they can also burn soulcast metals, fyi.


 Can a dun person from Nalthis burn a Lerasium bead? Would it do anything?

The word you're probably looking for here is "drab", not "dun".

Edited by Kurkistan
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Yes! Drab! I knew it wasn't the right word. Thanks.


Indeed! Too long, no see, er... read. Looks like you've been busy 'round here.


Thank you, both. That clears up a bit for me.



Other questions come to mind:


If you touch a shade on Threnody with aluminum, what happens?


Can you Awaken aluminum objects?


Can you soulcast aluminum into other things/other things into aluminum?


Is aluminum missing something from the cognitive or spiritual realms?


If a piece of metal was being pushed and broke into pieces mid-push, what would happen?


Can you kill a kandra without dissolving it or breaking its mass into pieces? Do they possess natural organs?


Can you make a Frankenstein-style Lifeless? With one Breath?


Can you make Lifeless animals?


What determines a person's spiritweb at birth: influence of shard on planet of birth or genetics?


In Warbreaker, does the Idrian king believe that keeping vibrant colors out of his kingdom will save his people from Awakeners, like his people do?


Could the Royal Locks be drained of color to power Awakening while still attached to one's head?


Which revealed cosmere world would you most like to live on as a normal person? Which part of it?


If Breeze, Dalinar, Sarene and Shallan played a game of Apples to Apples without powers or spren, who would win? What roles/classes would they prefer in a D&D session?


If Wayne could Awaken one item, what would it be and what command would he give it?

Edited by Turos Stoneward
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Can you soulcast aluminum into other things/other things into aluminum?

Half of this is covered in WoR, as Shallan's necklace is explicitly said to be valuable because it's made of soulcast aluminium.


Can you make Lifeless animals?

Yeah, remember the squirrel in Warbreaker?


What determines a person's spiritweb at birth: influence of shard on planet of birth or genetics?

Yes. ;)


Which revealed cosmere world would you most like to live on as a normal person? Which part of it?


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I haven't seen an answer to these anywhere so here goes:


1. Would it be harder to use a soulstamp (or would it be less likely to take) on an aluminum feruchemist who was actively tapping his metalmind? Would it be easier on one who was actively storing? How about a duralumin feruchemist? a drab?  A mistwraith?  A Kandra with the Blessing of Presence?


2. could a zinc feruchemist (especially a compounder) surpass Taravangian from his best day, in terms of mental prowess?


3. Could someone with a mixed background on Sel gain access to the Dor thorugh multiple paths (e.g. someone with Jindoese and Aonic parents using both AonDor and ChayShan)? Would this make them stronger or just more versatile?

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