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Interesting Hemalurgy theory,.


If an Allomancer burns an higher-atium concentration, I still think it makes someone else a Mistborn, not just a Seer.


It does makes sense that Hemalurgy is Scandrial specific, the real question is: can you Hemalurgicly steal Hoid's powers?

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Duralumin doesn't enhance the power of metal, it accelerates the burn. The thing Feruchemy has over Mistborn is that they can draw all their power at once, whereas a Mistborn can't. Duralumin then gives Mistborn the ability to burn quicker, essentially burning mor power at once. A Duralumin Gnat burning Lerasium would just become a Mistborn faster.

Edited by aeromancer
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Not quite accurate aero, this quote http://theoryland.com/intvmain.php?i=727#22'>here suggests otherwise.


I was happy when Elend finally burned duralumin with atium. I was holding my breath hoping that someone would eventually do it. However we didn't really get any info as to what Elend experienced. Does a duralumin-enhanced atium burn allow a person to see significantly farther into the future? If so, being that Elend's army was dying all around him did he get to see into the afterlife? Also if you could tell us what he saw that would be awesome. Did something he saw make him not want to avoid Marshes strike?

On a similar note if someone burned electrum with duralumin would they get to see significantly into their own future?

There is much here that I can't say, but I'll give as much as I can. Elend saw Preservation's ultimate plan, and Elend's own part in it. What he saw made him realize he didn't want to kill Marsh, and that his own death would actually help save the world. Like a master chess player, he suddenly saw and understand every possible move his enemy could make. He saw that Ruin was check-mated, because there was one thing that Ruin was not willing to do. Something that both Elend and Vin could do, if needed. And it's what they did.

So, in answer to your question, Elend stayed his hand. This is one of the reasons why I changed my mind and decided that Marsh had to live through the end of the book. Elend spared him; I needed to too.


There appears to be not only an acceleration and condensing of the burn, but also an enhancement in the power resulting from the burn.  No matter how much atium you burn on its own, it only shows a few moments into the future.  But Elend's duralumin enhanced atium burn showed much much more.  Likewise, even when flaring pewter and pushing against an absolutely fixed anchor, without duralumin, Vin could never have tossed a dozen or so horses and riders with a steelpush no matter how high she flared it. 


Since a duralumin enanced atium burn has such profound effects, I would expect that a duralumin enhanced lerasium burn would have similarly profound effects.

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That's different -- she misinterpreted Pewter's effects.  No matter how strong the pewter, it's not going to eject the poison from your body (or however you want to rationalize it).  Pewter makes your body strong enough to withstand.  Her Pewter burst just made her super immune to the effects of the poison already in her body for a very brief moment.  Since that didn't magically render the poison inert, it hit her full force as soon as the pewter was gone.


Contrast: Pewter Headbutt

Edited by Pechvarry
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