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Greetings and Salutations. Brandon Sanderson books suck.

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Hey I'm kidding , his books are amazing. I have read all the ones set in THAT cosmere.


Anyway, hello there, as you can tell, I'm new, found this site when googling Kelsier vs Kalladin, of course, couldn't find a thread. I got introduced to Mistborn about a year ago and devoured the trilogy, it was amazing, in between each book I read Elantris, Emperors Soul and Warbreaker, which are all good too. I went on holiday and finished the way of kings... my god that book is amazing! And Hoid! When is he getting his own book!!!


Oh, hello again.  

Edited by Silent Assassin
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*Puts down pitchfork and torch*


Welcome to the forums!


*keeps torch nearby, on second thought. This one is tricksy...*


Brandon has answered a question about a fight between Marsh (or Zane) and Szeth: all things being equal, Szeth likely loses.


WoK is amazing, and you're lucky you read it for the first time so close to WoR's release (if you count 6 months as close, and we do at this point). Sadly, we won't be getting a Hoid book any time soon; there is one tentatively planned, it's just very very far out on the horizon.

Edited by Kurkistan
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Not gonna lie, i opened this topoc expecting to ban a spambot. :P Liar of Partinel might be from a first person Hoid POV and Brandon wants to do a novel on what Hoid was up to on Scadrial. There are some possible short stories in the works as well. Welcome to the forums!

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Come on guys! Down with the pitchforks and the banhammers! Ah so it is safe to say that Kelsier most likely > Szeth. Indeed WoK is amazing and only 6 months till the next one! I hope the gaps inbetween each book isn't 3 years! 


Thanks for the welcomes! Side question, worth reading The Rithmatist? I've been kind of avoiding it because it's a YA book/

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It certainly won't be that long. WoT demanded Brandon's attention for most of that time period, but now that's all finished with. He wants to get the third book out relatively quickly, after Shadows of Self and a sequel to the Rithmatist. And yes, the Rithmatist is definitely worth a read. It's not terribly long, I read it in a single sitting but it's well worth it.

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 Sadly, we won't be getting a Hoid book any time soon; there is one tentatively planned, it's just very very far out on the horizon.


Oh come now Kurk, 30 years to a stout heart is but a day.  I have a love/hate thing with the enormous span of time it will take to play out the Cosmere arc (or archarc if you will :P ).   On the one hand we get to enjoy these cosmere books on a fantastically large and thorough scale.  On the other, I hope I don't die before it is done.


As to the Rithmatist, it is a great book and I am excited for the next and I am 36 (not a young adult). 

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Yes, when I first so how many books were going into the cosmere it was daunting, and the only thing going through my head was, Brandon, please don't pull a Robert Jordan on us. Thankfully he is still pretty young, and so are you Shardlet! 


I will definitely try Rithmatist now after I'm done with Dresden Files.


Man, I need a Hoid book, I think it was written somewhere that the Hoid book or the one where it's about him will probably be released after the completion of  Stormlight Archive

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