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Reputation Points?

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Well, we are just following Vin's progression, right?  She was a sliver before she was a Shard. ;)



Bear with me, I don't understand you here. Did you make a joke?


(I admit that I don't understand underlying tones in English. Not even with a given smiley. Sorry)

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No, not a joke.  You didn't miss the punchline.  I just worry about this present discussion being read too seriously by someone coming late to the game.  Fact is of course, the rep system doesn't have to (and really doesn't) make canonical sense. 

Edited by Shardlet
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Well, Dalinar saw two hundred Shardbearers in his vision, and that was only a fraction of the total. At the "present" time, though, less than 100 Shardblades are accounted for. I guess we know where the rest went now.

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I like the rep system, I haven't even been a member a month and I already almost a mistborn (that will be so handy for getting to class)!


P.S. Are we talking average-power mistborn, or lerasium super-mistborn here?

If it is lerasium, then I will happily lend mine to a feruchemist for five minutes to figure out what the heck it does feruchemicaly.

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By the way, is there a list of all the ranking titles somewhere? Because if not, I'm working on one (and at present it only has a couple of holes).


The full listing as far as I have been able to determine is as follows:


-100 ?, -25 Lamespren, -20 ?, -15, -10 Hoed, -5 ?, -2 Negaspren, -1-4 17S Trainee, 5 Awakener, 10 Misting, 16 Mistborn, 24 Elantrian, 32 Shardbearer, 40 Full Shardbearer, 50 Knight Radiant, 64 Worldhopper, 76 Sliver, 100 Splinter, 128 Shard, 256 Hero of Ages, 512 The Broken One, 1024 ?, 1337 ?, 1338 ?.


I suspect that 1337 is Hoid, but we won't know for a long time (Chaos and Windrunner are the closest and Windrunner would need to double his rep).

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Yeah, that's about what I had, though I've seen a sliver at 75. I basically went through all the members one by one and set up ranges for the rankings based on what I've seen, so this includes no speculation whatsoever (though I suppose it is possible I made a mistake somewhere). The stars (*) indicate that I've seen this number, but I have no idea what the range of it is... there may be lower or higher versions of that title. Non-star pretty much means I've been able to clearly establish it as the range. . Here's my list:


Lamespren        -26*

Hoed            -14*

Negaspren         -4* to -2
17th Shard Trainee     -1 to 4
Awakener         5 to 9
Misting         10 to15
Mistborn         16 to 23
Elantrian         24 to 30*
Shardbearer        34* to 38*
Full Shardbearer     40* to 49
Knight Radiant         50 to 61*
Worldhopper        64* to 73*
Sliver             75* to 96*
Splinter         103* to 123*
Shard             129* to 251*
Hero of Ages         259* to 412*
The Broken One         574* to 648*


Adonalsium         1754*


As you can see, there are some places where I could make an educated guess as to where the border is, but I'd prefer not to make any guesses at all and simply rely on what I've seen.

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Yeah, that's about what I had, though I've seen a sliver at 75.


You are right Kadrok, 75 for Sliver. 



Also, this link might help you out in the future.


He's been there.  That is how he knows about Lamespren and Hoed.


To find out all the numerical levels, at the top of each thread is a "Showing all posts" dropdown.  If you click on this, you can hide any post that is by a person that doesn't meet a specified rep level.  That is how I found out about all the numerical levels.


Edit: the only numerical level on the dropdown that I know is outside the rep ranking framework is 0.  But this is a logical limiting point as well.  I guess -2 is a little off as well.

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I'm actually at 414 at the moment.  B)

Woooh! Amending my ranges for HoA.You've gained two since I did up my list it seems.


He's been there.  That is how he knows about Lamespren and Hoed.

Funny story... I've never actually seen that page before... I just went through all the members, one by one... it was pretty sad, but I was procrastinating from writing my thesis... like I'm doing right now (the Hoed I encountered on a different occasion by accident... took a screen shot because it was an oddity. Oddly, the post by the Hoed seemed rather reasonable... what DID he do to get banned, my curiosity is killing me!).


Also... any links to posts made by nega-individuals? I can't seem to access their member profiles, and look at their rep titles...

Edited by Kadrok
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Haha, that is funny.  You did it more systematic than me.  I just wacthed rankings in the threads and tried to pay particular attention to members who were at the extremes of my ranges.  I only discovered the members list fairly recently.  That is how I first ran into the Hoed guy.  I heard about the guy who was Lamespren, but did not see him until he popped up on the top rep page (when I first found that page, he was not on it).


I have not seen any posts to any negs except for the one by jacobsantos (Hoed) and a couple by a couple of -2 negaspren.

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There's not much to see; apparently spambots discovered the downvote button and converged on a single post.

In the name of science, I used an upvote on post, helping the -20 Rotting Chull Carcass evolve into a -19 Beheaded Inquisitor. Er... I mean, I did it out of compassion!

Edited by Morsk
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Go here Kadrok to see.




Nice Morsk. Beheaded Inquisitor is awesome.  Between the lot of us, so far we knocked it down from -26 to -22.  So, we just need to keep upvoting it down until we see what -5 to -9 is.  Then we'll just be missing -100 for the negative rankings.

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You are right Kadrok, 75 for Sliver. 




He's been there.  That is how he knows about Lamespren and Hoed.


To find out all the numerical levels, at the top of each thread is a "Showing all posts" dropdown.  If you click on this, you can hide any post that is by a person that doesn't meet a specified rep level.  That is how I found out about all the numerical levels.


Edit: the only numerical level on the dropdown that I know is outside the rep ranking framework is 0.  But this is a logical limiting point as well.  I guess -2 is a little off as well.

Darn, you found the spot I was referring to. I should've removed that.

Also yes, we had a great deal of fun with the negative reputation levels, as you can clearly see XD

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Yeah, I was narcissistically trying to figure out if I was still on the leaderboards even after my extended absence and wondered how a single post could have 28 downvotes over on the other side. The admins got it taken care of though now. Thank goodness. 


Now... to see about moving up the list...

Must continue to do awesome things to get upvotes...

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Now... to see about moving up the list...

Must continue to do awesome things to get upvotes...


I don't know, you might have to figure something else out. I've been active for less than a month and already accumulated over 100 rep in this time. Perhaps doing awesome things is not as good as, well, being me. You should consider acting more like me undergoing a personality change surgery spiking me with duralumin for my identity alternative options.

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I don't know, you might have to figure something else out. I've been active for less than a month and already accumulated over 100 rep in this time. Perhaps doing awesome things is not as good as, well, being me. You should consider acting more like me undergoing a personality change surgery spiking me with duralumin for my identity alternative options.

Could the Hemalurgic properties of one of the metals be to steal reputation points? Maybe that's what Lerasium does,  :P

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OOh I know. I just need to start compounding duralumin and constantly tap large amounts! Giving and gaining rep everywhere!


(Um, just to check...would that count as cheating? :ph34r: )


Slightly more seriously, the fastest way to get rep is by far going to signings and posting q&a's... Australia *sigh* guess I'll stick with trying to make awesome stuff ;)

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I don't know, you might have to figure something else out. I've been active for less than a month and already accumulated over 100 rep in this time. Perhaps doing awesome things is not as good as, well, being me. You should consider acting more like me undergoing a personality change surgery spiking me with duralumin for my identity alternative options.


Well, I've managed to move up from 15th to 14th in my time back... So I'm going okay. C;

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