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Reputation Points?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Actually, the fasted way to get rep is to say really stupid things that make no sense, like, "Hoid is actually a rhino and he keeps worldhopping because whenever the fans spot him, they try to poach him." Or maybe, "Emily Sanderson sneaks into Brandon's computer room when he's asleep and adds all the Hoid scenes to his work. Brandon actually has no clue who this 'Hoid' guy is but plays along because he thinks its a fandom joke."


As one of the top twenty, I can attest that it works like a charm.

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Lightflame, did you know you're the only user on the forums with a rep/post ratio greater than 1 besides Brandon? That's really not fair, because I used to pride myself on my rep/post ratio. Now I've got to find a way to spike away your rep-gaining abilities.

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Alternately, you could ask Ruin to edit your reputation for you, but when has anyone *coughwindrunnercough* done anything like that?




Actually, Windy doesn't have the ability to do that. Admins on the other hand... ;)

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Lightflame, did you know you're the only user on the forums with a rep/post ratio greater than 1 besides Brandon? That's really not fair, because I used to pride myself on my rep/post ratio. Now I've got to find a way to spike away your rep-gaining abilities.

Yeah, I kinda did. It makes me feel proud.


Maybe one day we should have a giant 17th Shard (theory) showdown, and the winner gets all the rep.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Lightflame, did you know you're the only user on the forums with a rep/post ratio greater than 1 besides Brandon? That's really not fair, because I used to pride myself on my rep/post ratio. Now I've got to find a way to spike away your rep-gaining abilities.


Brandon don't really count. If he said only hi even so he would receive 50 upvotes for the trouble of come here say something to us. And let me be frank the man deserve which and every upvote, after all without him we wouldn' t be here =)


All hail to BS =)

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I was pretty eager to no longer be a "Trainee".  It took a long time but once that happened I cooled off and have been slowly but surely accruing what I like to call "Leisure Points"  those are rep points that you're not fishing for but sure as heck don't hurt.

Edited by agrooster
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  • 2 months later...

Just a general observation.  Brandon's profile has passed 2048 (currently at 2067) and he is still Adonalsium.  Thus, it appears that there is currently no higher ranking than Adonalsium.

I sure hope he doesn't get shattered anytime soon. Wait, maybe I do. Then I could acquire a shard of Brandon and ascend to Best Seller status

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  • 3 weeks later...

Lightflame, did you know you're the only user on the forums with a rep/post ratio greater than 1 besides Brandon? That's really not fair, because I used to pride myself on my rep/post ratio. Now I've got to find a way to spike away your rep-gaining abilities.

No longer true. Bruj has a higher-than-one ratio now, as well.

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Yeah, the Sanderson Elimination has definitely skewed things rep-wise. Pretty much everyone who has participated has experienced a huge jump in rep, but that's just something that happens in a system like this. Maybe not a flaw of the system per se, but certainly a quirk.

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Don't hate the playa, Feather, hate the game.


Or, better yet, whenever the next one starts, sign up. Ignoring the reputation thing, they are fun, if rather difficult, and the more people involved, the more difficult they'll probably be. I'm sure there's an equation where this equals more fun.

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So we have:

-100 or less: ?

-100 to -26: Lamespren

-25 to -21: Rotting Chull Carcass

-20 to -16: Beheaded Inquisitor

-15 to -9: Hoed

-10 to -6: Lifeless

-5 to -2: Negaspren

-1 to 4: 17th Shard Trainee

5 to 9: Awakener

10 to 15: Misting

16 to 23: Mistborn

24 to 31: Elantrian

32 to 39: Shardbearer

40 to 49: Full Shardbearer

50 to 63: Knight Radiant

64 to 74: Worldhopper

75 too 99: Sliver

100 to 127: Splinter

128 to 255: Shard

256 to 511: Hero of Ages

512 to 1023: The Broken One

1024 to 1336: ?

1337: ?

1338+: Adonalsium

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You are missing Zucchini for -100 and beyond.  The most complete list is here.


But, it should be in this thread as well, so here it is:


-100 and beyond = Zucchini

-25 to -99 = Lamespren

-20 to -24 = Rotting Chull Carcass

-15 to -19 = Beheaded Inquisitor

-10 to -14 = Hoed

-5 to -9 = Lifeless

-2 to -4 = Negaspren

-1 to 4 = 17th Shard Trainee

5 to 9 = Awakener

10 to 15 = Misting

16 to 23 = Mistborn

24 to 31 = Elantrian

32 to 39 = Shardbearer

40 to 49 = Full Shardbearer

50 to 63 = Knight Radiant

64 to 74 = Worldhopper

75 to 99 = Sliver

100 to 127 = Splinter

128 to 255 = Shard

256 to 511 = Hero of Ages

512 to 1023 = The Broken One

1024 to 1336 = Adonalsium

1337 = w00t! Y0u'r3 1337!!!

1338 and beyond = Adonalsium


Edit: Added Adonalsium for 1024-1336


Edit 2: Added the rank for 1337 (and, yes, that actually is the rank).

Edited by Shardlet
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