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Slivers versus Splinters


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Entirely possible. If anything, however, the Dawnblades/Dawnshards are of Honor, as those are what the Heralds used.

Interesting point on the nahel bond with the Radiants, and how that would influence the Shardblades. I didn't think of that before.

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I'm mostly thinking that if Shardblades were of Odium, then honorspren would have always disliked them, and that might have influenced the nahel bond somehow. Perhaps they're of Honor, but something happened to corrupt them.

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I'm mostly thinking that if Shardblades were of Odium, then honorspren would have always disliked them, and that might have influenced the nahel bond somehow. Perhaps they're of Honor, but something happened to corrupt them.

That's what I believe. It's the only explanation I can think of for why Syl doesn't like them even though the KR used them, we saw in Dalinar's vision that they seemed to change when theKR gave them up and other people started using them to kill each other.

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So now the question of the day is, if Kaladin did have a Shardblade, would he still be able to bond with Syl, or would these supposedly corrupted Shardblades disrupt it?

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So now the question of the day is, if Kaladin did have a Shardblade, would he still be able to bond with Syl, or would these supposedly corrupted Shardblades disrupt it?

or does the power of the Surgebinder (from the oaths?) 'purify' the Shardblades (maybe which were of Odium) into being all good >.>.

(and before you say it, maybe Syl doesnt know that they're 'good' if used by the Surgebinders?)

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I'm going to comment on my own question.

Obviously, there are Windrunners who also have Shardblades. Szeth, naturally. If he has a spren, somewhere, then this invalidates this idea that if Kaladin grabbed a Shardblade, he'd lose Syl.

Unless there's more going on with the Shardblades. I'm reading some very interesting theories on Stormblessed that I don't know what to think of yet. Namely, http://www.stormblessed.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=325

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That stuff is pretty interesting, hmmmm. Maybe the spren are 'of' all the Shards, and the association of death brought from the abandonment leads to them being 'corrupted'?


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Hmmm. It's something to think about, for sure. After all, no one's saying that they have to be of only one of the Shards (though if they were, I would be more inclined to think of normal spren as being of Cultivation, which might be another explanation for why honorspren are so different).

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What about the huge sea spren that Axies the Collector sees. The guardian, I think. Spren usually show up when something is create, fire, a picture, glory, wind. So at least part of cultivation and spren make sense. But these giant spren with only one member dont fit anywhere.

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What happened to Honor's power then? When Preservation gave up his mind to imprision Ruin his power, his "body", became the mists. My theory is that the Spren are to Honor what the mists are to Preservation, an expression of his power.

I guess, but normal spren feel a lot like Cultivation. An event "cultivates" them, so to speak. From a Shard Intent standpoint, Cultivation feels more right.

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I guess, but normal spren feel a lot like Cultivation. An event "cultivates" them, so to speak. From a Shard Intent standpoint, Cultivation feels more right.

This makes sense to me. I mean, could the storms be like an after-shock/embodyment of Honor's power? The storms are full of power; they charge gems with stormlight. Or have a missed a crucial discussion that tells the cause of the storms?

Edited by Endra kin'Fox
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This makes sense to me. I mean, could the storms be like an after-shock/embodyment of Honor's power? The storms are full of power; they charge gems with stormlight. Or have a missed a crucial discussion that tells the cause of the storms?

No such topic exists. You should go make it!

The highstorms are quite mysterious, really. What Shards caused them? What is Stormlight? etc.

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Let's assume Syl, as honorspren, is a Splinter. Honorspren, when they are not bound to a person, return to being regular spren. Does this mean they are no longer Splinters? That's silly.

Okay. I just had a wierd thought. (And it works with my Honor like Adonalsium theory, so I like it). The idea that only the Honorspren (what I call bondable spren, including the symbol heads, because I think Syl is actually a more specific type) are splinters falls short because, like Chaos said, why do they go back to acting like regular spren when their not bonded?

What if the Honorspren aren't splinters? What if they have splinters? It bugged me that the spren as splinters were sentient because the Divine breaths aren't sentient, they attach themselves to sentience. So spren are spren, but certain types (Honorspren) have splinters! When they're not using that splinter to bond with a human, then they just act like normal spren.

Returned are different from other humans because they have splinters. Honorspren are different from the other spren because they have splinters. Seems like we made a similar mistake when we thought the Returned were splinters, so why are we making the same assumption?

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That's not a bad theory, Feather. I've started thinking that Surgebinding is related to both Honor and Cultivation (in that there are bonds--Honor--and spren--Cultivation), but your answer may be more elegant. I like it.

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