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Long Game 14: To Shatter a Shard

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Re: Bloodthirsty Goddess-

Ah, I see she conveniently left out the game, where as an eliminator, she manipulated herself into a winning position when it came down to a 2-1 player count, herself being on the losing team. She manipulated two of the finest minds in these games to a losing position and asserted her maniacal dominance over them.

Wilson, how many entries do I have on the list now? ;)

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Welcome Honey Badger! We now have twenty players, hopefully we get 24.


Anyhoo, Devotion's abilities have been added to. Specifically, the Investiture ability has been changed. Due to how Endowment works, investing someone with Devotion would have done very vague and unspecific things. So I'm specifying them.


If Devotion is given to a player without a minor role, They are given a minor role dependent on what world they are on. 


Whether or not the player had a minor role, their role is now changed. They have unlimited* items, though what that means varies from minor role to minor role.


AWAKENER: You become a full seeker. Each cycle, you may target a player and be told Their Investiture level and planet of origin. 


POISONER: You still only have one vial of poison, but now it kills three lives at once, and you can choose when it goes off, rather than only killing your target when you die.


THUG: You become a pewter Savant, and shrug off all wounds. You only die if you are attacked Twice in the same cycle. Otherwise you survive to fight another day.


LIFELESS OPERATOR: Your Lifeless becomes a Kalad's Phantom. Each night you may protect someone. (A Full lurcher basically.)


UNMADE: You no longer need to be on a world to destroy it. You don't get unlimited items though, you are instead given two more charges.


BLOODSEALER: Your Skeletals can no longer be killed. 



And now, more Rule clarifications from Various PM's


If the Awakener targets a roleless worldhopper or Champion, they will be told they are from Braize (Champion) or Yolen (Worldhopper)


I will not outright state what killed a player, but if you read the writeup, you should be able to easily figure it out.


If a Thug with the Shard of Devotion is lynched/attacked, You will be told they will die when they run out of Pewter, the same as if a normal thug was attacked.


If the planet you're on is destroyed by the Unmade, you will be sent to a random planet. If the planet you were moving to is destroyed, you will be sent back to the planet you were leaving.


Preservation can now set a Time for Ultimate Preservation to go into effect, in case they aren't able to get online when they want it to happen.


Questions for you players:

Should shards be able to willing give up their shards at any point, without shattering them?


Should I change the Bloodsealer role to simply roleblocking all actions rather than only kills?

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Yes, you have. I thought you knew that. LG12. You, Meta, and Twei all ended up on the kill list for that game.

Right. Kas's faction game overshadowed that incident for me, and I forgot about it. I'll take it as a badge of honor.

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If I'm reading this right the new role of the Awakener, you will be able to find out whether someone has normal investiture (worldhopper/uninvested champion), high investiture (minor role, with the addition of which minor role based on planetary origin/invested world hoppers) and extreme investiture, (shards, but not which shard). So the only real change is knowing what minor role people may have? 

Basically, when you say 'full seeker' will they find out what shard someone is/which shard has invested in someone?

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If I'm reading this right the new role of the Awakener, you will be able to find out whether someone has normal investiture (worldhopper/uninvested champion), high investiture (minor role, with the addition of which minor role based on planetary origin/invested world hoppers) and extreme investiture, (shards, but not which shard). So the only real change is knowing what minor role people may have?

Basically, when you say 'full seeker' will they find out what shard someone is/which shard has invested in someone?

Awakener can always learn planet of origin and investiture level. This just lets them do it unlimited times. That's what I meant by full seeker.

If there are no more planets, then you're dependant on Cultivation for PMs.

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Mmm sorry, living in the past it seems. 


In response to your questions, if a player was to willingly give up their shard, what would happen to it? Given to Endowment to be given to another player?

Would giving it up count as their night/day action and need to invest in someone to do it?


If the skeletons were used on someone who used an action that was not a kill action, what would happen to them?

Gut feeling though is if the skeletons can no longer be destroyed, then having a double role block player(s) seems a bit OP. Maybe if they were only destroyed killing someone that performs a kill action, but can still  block other roles without being destroyed?

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Mmm sorry, living in the past it seems.

In response to your questions, if a player was to willingly give up their shard, what would happen to it? Given to Endowment to be given to another player?

Would giving it up count as their night/day action and need to invest in someone to do it?

If the skeletons were used on someone who used an action that was not a kill action, what would happen to them?

Gut feeling though is if the skeletons can no longer be destroyed, then having a double role block player(s) seems a bit OP. Maybe if they were only destroyed killing someone that performs a kill action, but can still block other roles without being destroyed?

If skeletals were changed from killing killers to roleblocking, the skeletal would still be destroyed. So the bloodsealer can only roleblock twice.

If a player willingly gave up their shard, it would go to Endowment. They wouldn't have to invest, but it would count as their action.

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AWAKENER: You start with 3 breaths. Each Cycle you can target a player, and will be told that they have Normal Investiture (meaning an Uninvested Worldhopper or Odium’s champion), High Investiture (A Invested Worldhopper/Hoid or a Minor role), or Oh My God King Investiture (A Shard). You will also be told from which planet this Investiture Originates. (Nalthis)r



So, if an Awakener targeted a Champion of Odium, who also happens to be a Shard, he'll be told that they have Normal Investiture? Or Oh My God King Investiture? I love that name. Oh My God King Investiture XD



OdiumxWilson?? Nice.

Edited by nicocoberru
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Glim the Torpid, signing up, I suppose. Coming all the way from Sel >.>

She'll probably just be mostly quiet and lethargic, just another body to pad out the numbers. I'll even make her wear a red shirt. ;)



Edit: Storms, nevermind. I'll be pinch-hitting for MR8 instead, so have decided to drop out of this one before it gets started. Apologies for the lost expectations of killing me, Wilson. ;)

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I make no claims to activity. At best, I'll probably end up using this to just RP lol

(Hate my character name, but...never think of decent names for these thing...)

(Eh, female returned, Queenmaker; Arrow-reference and ASoIaF reference. Good enough)

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Ah, why not. Sheon Idris, originally from Sel, but lately from the court of Dalinar on the Shattered Plains, has learned of the threat posed by Odium and is signing up.

Don't expect too much out of me, because school is starting up, but I'm in.

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You mean LG12? No. You didn't do anything that would warrant a place on the list in that game. Yeah, I defended you, but everything that led to my defending you and believing you were good is something I'd repeat, so there's no reason to kill you for it. :)

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Joe, let me help you with that:


Another day, another destiny.

This neverending game will Shatter me.

These men who seem to hate my Shard

Will surely come and make me scarred.

One day more!


....or something like that. :P

This needs to be fleshed out to its full length...

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