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Long Game 14: To Shatter a Shard

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Ah, thanks. The only problem with the rules and player list being in Joe's signature is that we can't see signatures on mobile.

That makes 6 roles. 2 of each would have 12 players and 1 without a role, which while possible, sends unlikely to me. I find it more likely that there is one of each and 2 of select rules. Unmade and Awakener seem the most likely to only have 1 to me.

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How interesting, all of these players seem to me to be very experienced. I have always been interested by early poke votes leaning towards experienced players when that is actually less likely to give info then targeting inexperienced. After all aren't experienced less likely to divulge info because of a simple poke vote?

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I very much dislike the fact that the Mass PM I'm in is getting more attention than the thread. Its like the Shardic Coalition Part 2, but instead of a group of players with confirmed good roles (and one unfortunate weasel), it's just a random group which could contain anything and anyone. Hence why I'm posting here and not there.


Amalgamating information:

Yolen: Kipper, Antillar Maxiumus, Macen, Danstar888 

Sel: Wilson, Hael, Clanky, Quiver

Nalthis: Eol, Dowanx, Alvom, Honey Badger, Orlok, Stink

Roshar: Seonid, Winter, Surgebound Rainspren, Ostrich

First of the Sun: Raven, Alvron, phattemer, Shallan


That leaves(Scadrial?): Araris, Mailli, Paranoid Empress, Nicoco, Lopen


Aside from monitoring which players are moving planets and what groups are forming, this information is particularly important for Devotion. I will leave it up to you to decide what roles you think are the most useful if brought into the game, but I will say, the fact that you do invest/what role you chose to create, will perhaps give you a steady leg to stand on if your innocence is called into question down the line.


My other thought was about the communication restrictions with needing Cultivation or cultivation's investee to set up pm's. Perhaps it would be better if we ask for any pm's we want set up in the thread instead of solely relying on Cultivation's instincts to link players. If yes, could you set up a pm between myself and Wilson at a time of your choosing. A delayed timer would be preferable, to keep you anon. hopefully this will relieve some of the pressure on Cultivations shoulders for being in charge of all communications and should provide more freedom of information between desired players.


The general theme behind my suggestions is that by putting pressure on shards to use their actions in a visible way, that will help the village, we can potentially force an Eliminator shard(s) into performing an action that they otherwise would not want to do. 

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Personally I like lynching an inactive earlier in the game rather then later, but saying we are going to lynch an inactive kinda takes all of the threat out of lynching ;/


Seonid great role analysis, but as I was reading through the thread something makes me think that Joe is not going to evenly distribute roles.  Joe could give the Eliminators a more powerful shard and give us more minor roles to balance it out.  I originally thought that there was no way Ruin (or another powerful shard) could be an Eliminator, but after looking at the minor roles Joe could easily balance out the game by simply giving us more minor roles.

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Hmm, it seems like Joe doesn't want us to be able to figure out role distributions too easily, so I think we should be careful about assuming the eliminators don't have a specific role. I do agree that there is probably only 1 unmade, because then we would all be floating in space pretty fast. I'm not sure about Awakener because they have a limited number of Breaths, so I could see there being 2. That's my personal opinion but I realize many of you more experienced players might have a different view on things.


@Eolhondras, You missed The Only Joe. I believe he is on every planet.  :P

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That leaves(Scadrial?): Araris, Mailli, Paranoid Empress, Nicoco, Lopen

I actually added that to the RP thingy I did, but, yeah should have put it in a list. You're right though. Oh and, I've been rereading the thread and the only Planet PM that was given before you is Yolen (Kipper), Sel (Wilson), Scadrial (Me), and First of Sun (Shallan). You're in Nalthis, so where did you get Roshar?

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I'm on Roshar. In several of my last posts, I meant to put my list of people in here, but I kept getting distracted by work (which is why I was on mobile) and the list of folks on Roshar never made it to the main thread. Thanks, Eol, for covering for me there.

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For my activity: I'm hoping to get a roleplay done later. I don't really have anyone in mind for voting since... well, like others have said, I hate voting to lynch people on day one, round one. It feels like it's being random. 


...Incidently, why did I pick Sel, I haven't read Elantris and have to use the wiki to figure out what it's like for RP purposes, urgh.

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Of all the places Queenmaker had been, none were more broken than Sel.


The Hallandrean knelt on the ground. She scooped some of the dirt into thickly-gloved hands, and sniffed it. She grimaced, tossing it aside as she stood.


Broken, she thought, pulling her hood up, and stinking. The scent of Odium still hung over Sel, even so long after the Shattering. 


Others might think she was deluding herself - even those who should know better, like Hoid- but she could feel it. The world's of the Cosmere bore Adonalsium's touch, like beads expertly strung along a necklace, but Sel...


Sel was cracked, holding on to the string by the merest of chances. Simply getting here had been difficult, even for one of her stature and abilities- a consequence of Odium's assault on Devotion and Dominion, she suspected. To say nothing of the state of the world itself.


Colours. She shook her head. What a depressing chain of thought.... not to mention one that wasn't entirely accurate, either.


Yes, Sel bore the mark of Odium, broken and battered... but it had endured. That was more than could be said for some worlds. Despite Odium's best efforts, Devotion and Dominion had pieced themselves back together, even found new holders. He must have been fuming over that.


Can a being of divine hatred hate himself, she wondered idly. Or can it do anything besides that?


Musings for another time. The point was that -despite his best efforts- Odium had failed. He had earned himself only the slightest of reprieves, and made new enemies in the process.


When Queenmaker killed him and took his shard, she wouldn't make the same mistakes.


Of course, getting that far -fulfilling her destiny- meant finding the Broken One first, and Sel had seemed as good a place as any for that. Adonalsium had left traces; Odium had left boot prints. Even if any of his champions could navigate the waters of Shadesmar to here, even if they made it to the Pool...


She fingered the quiver of arrows at her waist. She could handle them. Her priests at Hallandren called her 'the Arrow' for a reason after all.


'Queenmaker the Godslayer' had been too direct.


Seriously. I mean, for RP, I suppose I could have had her be on a different plan -hand waves or whatever- but... damnation.

Now I need to get Elantris finished.

(Oh, and like I said: I have no plans of voting for anyone for a lynch this turn. Too early.)

Edited by Quiver
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Oooh. That was good roleplay, Quiver. Very good indeed. Since mail seems not to be responding, I might as well place my vote somewhere else to try and stimulate discussion. Yesterday was His first day of college, after all.

So, phattemer you seem awfully eager to be invested. Care to elaborate?

EDIT: Color

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Oh. I've always wanted to do this.

Mailliw(1): Kipper

Wilson(1): Paranoid Monarch

Winter(1): Araris

Alvron(1): Wilson

DanStar(1): Clanky

Alvom(1): Alvron

Phattemer(1): Seonid

I hope I didn't make any mistake. Alvom and Alvron's names confuse me.

And now I'm off to bed. Good night.

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