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Long Game 14: To Shatter a Shard

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Why would I want to be invested? To gain magical powers, of course? Oh well, you're got me, I am actually Hoid. I would appreciate your investments(OH MY SHARDS THAT WAS SUCH AN AMAZING PUN HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA) Night 1, though.

I am not actually Hoid. Please don't kill me.

I am not actually Hoid. Please don't kill me.

I am not actually Hoid. Please don't kill me.

I am not actually Hoid. Please don't kill me.

I am not actually Hoid. Please don't kill me.

I am not actually Hoid. Please don't kill me.

I am not actually Hoid. Please don't kill me.

I am not actually Hoid. Please don't kill me.

I am not actually Hoid. Please don't kill me.

I am not actually Hoid. Please don't kill me.

I am not actually Hoid. Please don't kill me.

I am not actually Hoid. Please don't kill me.

I am not actually Hoid. Please don't kill me.

I am not actually Hoid. Please don't kill me.

Edited by phattemer
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Cultivation has been kind enough to open a pm between Wilson and myself so I assume the pm shop is open for business. I have also been reliably informed that as a special introductory offer, all PM's are free of charge (wow!). Extra brownie points will also be available if the offer code 'please' is entered in the order.

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Well, if we're all requesting here, I'll jump in too. It would please me greatly to get a PM between me and Winter. ....Or, Eol, did you mean asking Cultivation with the word please? :P


Oh, fine, I'll ask seriously. If Cultivation is a troll, she'd probably ignore my jest out of spite. Cultivation, would you be so kind as to arrange a PM between myself and Winter, please? You're the best.

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Okay. So first, since Alvron has shown that he's not above emotional manipulation and I'm apparently a flake, Alvron. There. Now stop blaming me for your inability to get some sleep. :P


Now, onto more important matters. Since Phattemer has made some statements indicating that he is Hoid (though he has denied having this role), I'm more than a little worried that all of the village protective abilities are going to target him, worried that he actually is Hoid. While it is important that we keep Hoid alive, it's also possible that Phatt is an eliminator who is attempting a very risky gambit in which he tries to get all the village protection roles targeting him so the OCs have free reign and can kill whomever they please.


This would be incredibly not ideal.


May I suggest that Preservation target Hoid and only Preservation. The reason for this is because if he is Hoid, this will grant him an additional life for the rest of the game. If he is an eliminator, this will only grant him a life for the rest of the cycle. If he is a normal Worldhopper, also no harm done. The point is, we keep him alive until we have a better idea of what to do with him (hopefully an Awakener will target him tonight to see what investiture level he is).


This will open things up for other protective abilities to target other people, particularly those who have a habit of dying near the beginning of the game. I understand that this sounds very self-serving as I've acquired a nasty habit of dying in the first 1-3 cycles of games (or at least having an attempt on my life in one of those first cycles). I'd rather prefer to last a little longer in this game. It's been a while since I've lived past the 3rd cycle. For this reason, I'd like to ask Honour to use their Shardic ability on me. I know, that's asking a lot. I'm asking you to trust that I am not an OC. I normally would never make this kind of a request, but given my propensity to die, I'm stepping out of my comfort zone and doing it.


And because there's a chance that Honour could be an OC, I wouldn't complain if a Lifeless Operator targeted me either. Or you can target Phatt. Doubling up isn't a bad idea anyway since Dominion could be an OC even if Honour/Preservation is not, and if that's the case, they can change the actions they want and still get the kill they desire.


If anyone has any comments, ideas, or further suggestions to this plan, the floor is open. :)

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You never know what might be useful later. I'm not normally a hyper-communicative payer, and I think it hurts my effectiveness. So I'm trying to counteract that. Get more involved with the conversation, etc.

In that vein, Cultivation, would you also please arrange individual communications between myself and Wilson, and also between myself and dowanx. I am, already, much obliged.

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So did everyone understand when I said "Appreciate your investments" that Inwas referring both to the stock market and to Shards? I thought it was pretty funny. :/

Anyway, I am TOTALLY not Hoid, but you Shards should Invest in me anyway, just for no reason.

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Wilson, while I agree on principle that those who have a propensity towards dying early on are good targets for protection roles, I an much less convinced that phattemer is a good target for protection. I'm almost certain that he's not Hoid, based on his action/attitude. He's too good of a player to reveal his role so casually, even in jest.

I could be wrong. Maybe I am, but I really think that he's playing some other game. My vote on him is now a reflection of my suspicion rather than a goad into discussion.

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Okay. So first, since Alvron has shown that he's not above emotional manipulation and I'm apparently a flake, Alvron. There. Now stop blaming me for your inability to get some sleep. :P


Now, onto more important matters. Since Phattemer has made some statements indicating that he is Hoid (though he has denied having this role), I'm more than a little worried that all of the village protective abilities are going to target him, worried that he actually is Hoid. While it is important that we keep Hoid alive, it's also possible that Phatt is an eliminator who is attempting a very risky gambit in which he tries to get all the village protection roles targeting him so the OCs have free reign and can kill whomever they please.


This would be incredibly not ideal.


May I suggest that Preservation target Hoid and only Preservation. The reason for this is because if he is Hoid, this will grant him an additional life for the rest of the game. If he is an eliminator, this will only grant him a life for the rest of the cycle. If he is a normal Worldhopper, also no harm done. The point is, we keep him alive until we have a better idea of what to do with him (hopefully an Awakener will target him tonight to see what investiture level he is).


This will open things up for other protective abilities to target other people, particularly those who have a habit of dying near the beginning of the game. I understand that this sounds very self-serving as I've acquired a nasty habit of dying in the first 1-3 cycles of games (or at least having an attempt on my life in one of those first cycles). I'd rather prefer to last a little longer in this game. It's been a while since I've lived past the 3rd cycle. For this reason, I'd like to ask Honour to use their Shardic ability on me. I know, that's asking a lot. I'm asking you to trust that I am not an OC. I normally would never make this kind of a request, but given my propensity to die, I'm stepping out of my comfort zone and doing it.


And because there's a chance that Honour could be an OC, I wouldn't complain if a Lifeless Operator targeted me either. Or you can target Phatt. Doubling up isn't a bad idea anyway since Dominion could be an OC even if Honour/Preservation is not, and if that's the case, they can change the actions they want and still get the kill they desire.


If anyone has any comments, ideas, or further suggestions to this plan, the floor is open. :)

Fine.  I'll go take a nap after lunch.  Happy?


Something to keep in mind is that while Hoid may start off good that doesn't mean he will stay good.  Hoid and Survival have the potential to end up as eliminators so we should be wary of anyone claiming to be either of them.

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Wilson, while I agree on principle that those who have a propensity towards dying early on are good targets for protection roles, I an much less convinced that phattemer is a good target for protection. I'm almost certain that he's not Hoid, based on his action/attitude. He's too good of a player to reveal his role so casually, even in jest.


Oh, I don't think he's Hoid either. That suggestion was to appease anyone who might be worried that he is Hoid. It's better if we control how much protection he gets (if he gets any) than him getting all the protection.

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I'm betting right now it's just Eol. Joe hasn't been on for 3 hours, and all the other requests have been asked in those three hours. And that's not even taking into account any delayed timer Cultivation may or may not be using to hide her identity (though I hope she is, because otherwise it's going to be very easy to discover her).

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Frankly I think that Cultivation should try and open up PMs so that everybody is in at least one. I personally, not sure about anyone else, like having a PM no matter who it is with. Any PM can be used to gather info just like any post in the thread.


Also since Danstar hasn't even been online today I doubt he will before the cycle is over. I doubt I will be getting any info from my poke vote and I don't want to kill him so early in his first game. Danstar

Edited by Clanky
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Ooh. I'm the cool kid now. FINALLY! MY MOMENT OF GLORY HAS ARRIVED!! Cultivation is going to be a very busy beaver.

Edit: In all seriousness, though, I just jumped on the bandwagon. I always have a PM with Wilson when I can, and Eol seems to be getting around.

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