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Long Game 14: To Shatter a Shard

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I give you a 10/10 for great customer service and speed, in fact I had that PM for a while before you made it so I'm glad that you did, it was feeling a bit weird using a PM without the word 'Cultivation' in the title.

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Anyone have any ideas for the game other than just getting cultivation to open a bunch of Pms? I think finding a group of confirmed good players for endowment should be our highest priority. We don't want them to have to guess when giving a shard out.

Edited by Clanky
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Hey Cultivation, I really appreciate the love and all, but I asked for a threeway PM with Mailliw and STINK, not a one on one with the stinky dude. Thx. Much love.


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O Humble Cultivation.


                                   I seek a method of communication with both Kipper and Mailliw73 that is not restricted to this public forum, I do not expect to tell of my motivations as others have not, but if Cultivation seeks answers then Cultivation needs only ask. I primarily seek this conversation because of 'banter' but also for the help it could provide to those who oppose Odium.


May you live long and prosper.


Leyton, a humble traveller. 



EDIT: STINK here, my post is much better than Kipper's, thanks.

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Westward the wind blew, across the vast ocean and through the forests of Patji.  It blew into the place known as Patji’s Eye, causing a flurry of feathers to fall as the Aviar took flight.  Here it found little more than a shallow emerald lake surrounded on most sides by large trees.  Under one such tree a small group of people had made their camp.  


Patji's Finger the locals called it.  The tree was massive with drooping fronds.  At the end of each one was a large closed blossom, as long as two hands put together.  The tree itself was not dangerous, even when blooming.  But the blossoms would attract predators, imitating the thoughts of a wounded animal.  The predators would then fight each other and the tree would feed off the corpses.  It was at the feet of one of those trees that Seconds brother had died.


North the wind continued across underbrush that cracked and creaked as it shook.  It was night, and a pack of Nightmaws were out hunting.  Creatures as large as a hut with a long neck and razor sharp beak.  The pack sniffing the wind as it passed, catching the scent of those before.


The wind crossed streams and rocks, trees and creatures before it blew through an abandoned camp.  What was left of it.  Wooden gates swung wide open, long cold campfires and a carcass of a mountainous creature that had mostly rotted away were all that remained.


Here the wind billowed the cloak of a trapper before returning to the ocean to continue its journey.  The trapper, a weathered man in his late thirties, stood watching as the sun began to peek over the horizon.  His eyes a deep grey matching the hair at his temples.


For months the trapper had been among the stars, looking for those that called themselves The Ones Above.  Instead he had found a group of people that, while from vastly different worlds, were all bound by a single purpose.  As long as Odium lived Second of the Sky would never be able to find those that threatened his world.  Pulling up his hood he set off into the forest for one final time.

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Well, just because it says I'm viewing the thread doesn't mean that I am actually watching IRL. I leave tabs open quite frequently. I do have some speculation on who Cultivation is, but that isn't really that helpful to the village and it isn't really based in anything solid. Also, this is the night phase, so I am holding back saying too much until there is a small bit of solid information to go off of.




Araris held a dagger in his hand, then closed his eyes. Slowly, the metal of the blade receded toward the hilt before vanishing entirely. This world was not safe, and already he had learned that carrying spare metal on one's body was a hazard. Well, this Odium and his followers could scarcely be more dangerous than the Vord, and those hadn't been able to make a scratch in his metal skin.

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Day 2: Loving Destruction.

    Cleo hummed as she put together the last bit of her prank. The Leo’s would never see this one coming. This would be great Payback for the eggs! All they had to do was drop off the noodles in the morning, and their victory in the prank war would be assured. Of course, she had to deal with the other War first.

    She walked down the hallway and knocked on Kae’s door. When the Inquisitor replied, she entered. Kae was sitting on the floor, glowing with a spectral red light, preparing her energies for the night to come. “You ready to go?”

Kae rose into the air and smirked. “Of course. It’s time to destroy some people.”

    “Power me up” Kae reached out and grabbed Cleo’s hand, transferring some of the power to her. Enough power to kill a man or shatter a Shard. Whichever was needed. They left the room together, leaving the noodles behind for later. Before Cleo could open the door though, Kae stopped her.

    “Wha-” Cleo stopped as Kae covered her mouth and gestured to her ears. The inquisitor slowly pressed her ear to the door, and Cleo followed suit. There were scratching noises from outside. Someone was out there. Probably one of the Leo’s, pulling another prank.

    “No way” Cleo growled as she kicked the door open. “Not tonight Leo!” The door slammed into someone on the other side, and sent the figure sprawling backwards. It wasn’t a Leo. The figure scrambled backwards and pointed desperately at her.

    “Kill her! Quickly!” In Answer, howls sounded in the distance.

    “Kae, what is that?” Cleo stepped backwards into the manor house.

    “I don’t know. But it’s something Dangerous I’d bet.”

    There was a clattering, as if a pile of sticks was being thrown onto the ground, and a creature made entirely of bone hurtled out of the Darkness. It lept over its master and thrust it’s arm at Cleo. Before she could even react, she was thrown to the side as Kae tackled her. She scrambled to her feet and stared in horror at the length of Bone jutting out of Kae’s back. The Inquisitor moaned, but ripped the bone out and stood, panting for breath. “Run Cleo, I’ll hold it off!”

The beast attacked again, and Kae blocked it’s swipe with her arm, losing more blood and letting out a howl of Pain and Rage. “Run!”

    Cleo turned and ran, not knowing where she was going, just desperate to get away from the screams and clattering of Bone on Steel. Finally, she couldn’t hear anything. She looked back, but couldn’t see anything. Was Kae alive? Was that creature still out there?

    Suddenly, she felt a sharp pain in her chest, and gasped as the power Kae had given her was extinguished. Kae had been killed. The Shard was leaving!

    She fell to her knees in pain. Losing Kae, and the Power of Ruin at the same time was too much. She didn’t know what to do now. All she could do was cry. Her howls of loss filled the night, loud enough for all to hear, loud enough to mask the sound of bone on bone as something monstrous approached unheard.

    Orlok meditated, sitting in the D’Denir Gardens. It was a peaceful place, good for thinking or talking with allies. He had done much of both today, and was still thinking about who to Invest in. There were many suitable candidates, but who could be trusted? There were too many unknowns and newcomers. Too many people speaking honeyed words and lies. If only there were one that stood out among the rest.

    The bench shifted as someone sat down beside him. He opened his eyes and tilted his head to face the newcomer, then immediately jumped up and summoned the full might of his power. “Odium!”

    “Calm yourself Devotion, I just want to talk. Our shards have worked together in the past, why not renew that alliance?”

    “We executed the previous Devotion for her betrayal. One cannot be devoted to hatred.” How had he found him? It should have been impossible.

    “And yet, Cleo and Kae did so, and were rewarded for their efforts. They were made powerful, as you can be.”

    Orlok scowled, “You are nothing more than a liar Odium. I would never work with one such as you.”

    “Well then. Let’s see which is Stronger, Love or Hate?” Odium’s form exploded into a massive cloud of Smoke and Ash. Orlok dropped his own form, his physical body unnecessary in this conflict. He rose up as a orb of light, and shot power into the heart of the Cloud. It ripped a hole through it, but Odium payed it no heed as it surged forward, enveloping the light.

    Orlok struggled to cast back the darkness, but could feel it eating away at him. There was nothing he could do except make it cost as much as possible to be destroyed. So he fought back.

    The last sound he heard was malevolent Laughter.


Winter Cloud was Ruin! Endowment has picked up Ruin.

Orlok Tsubodai was Devotion!  Devotion has been shattered.

Day 2 has begun! It will end on Friday the 4th at 9:00 pm PST.

PM's are still being sent out.

Edited by The Only Joe
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