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Long Game 14: To Shatter a Shard

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Night 4: Fleeing Shadows

It was not Second’s way to directly interfere. He preferred to stay hidden and watch, waiting for the right moment to strike. The moment had never come.


Wilkin had proven more elusive than Second had been expecting. He had managed to turn the tables on him, turning the Hunter into the Hunted. Second had made the mistake of acting the cat, and playing with him before going in for the kill. Wilkin had not been the mouse he was expecting. He was the flame instead.


The flame was growing as he watched. More and more of the Seventeenth Shard had turned against him, even Dust was coming for him. There weren’t any ways he could get out of this one, not as he was. But he was a Trapper of Patji. He had the will, he would find the way out.


All he needed was time. The scarcest of his resources.


Wilkin entered the D’Denir gardens, followed by the Worldhoppers still loyal to Hoid. Leyton was there, as was Maw, Larik and Dow. He needed to distract them, to stall for time while he thought.


Wilking stopped just out of reach, and grinned at him. “Well Second? Have you learned yet not to bait me?”


“Apparently not.”


“Do you have anything to say to us before we kill you? Any last minute confessions? Now’s your last chance to throw yourself on the Mercy of the God Beyond.”


Confessions, yes, that would work. “I have many confessions to make. The only ones you care about though, are the deaths of your fellow Worldhoppers I presume. Such as Aili.” He stared at Maw, and smiled. “Remember hier A so called God of this land? She was the one of the first of you I killed.”


Maw’s jaw dropped. “You? You?! You colourless cremling! I’ll kill you for that!” He lunged forward throwing his fist at Second. Before he could make contact, Wilkin pulled him backwards.


“Calm yourself! He’s baiting you on purpose!” The rest of the Worldhoppers looked on in shock and excitement as Maw struggled against Wilkin, none of them remembering to watch him.


Which gave him just enough time to come up with a plan. If he kept his shard, they would be able to track him, but he couldn’t leave it for them. That left only one recourse. He channeled Dominion’s power into itself, sending cracks through its structure. Then he dismissed it.


It reformed, badly damaged, above the crowd. Endowment would undoubtedly claim it, but it was weaker now. And he needed to leave.


They saw what he was doing now, and many of them lept for him, but their hands only passed through the smoke left by his passing. He would hide away for a year or four, until things died down.



Danstar didn’t react when Dominion died. He hadn’t reacted when Maw rose from the dead, or when Devotion had been killed. He didn’t particularly care about any of that. As long as they stayed away from him, he didn’t see any point in getting involved. Very few things were worth a reaction.


Having his throat slit was one of them though.


It was fast, one minute he was watching them deal with Dominion, the next he was bleeding out. He tried to staunch the flow of blood from his neck, but whoever had killed him grabbed his arms and forced them away, letting his lifeblood drain away. The last thing he head was Exisa’s voice muttering to himself.


“Kill Dan, check. Now to impersonate him.”


Alvron was Lynched! He was Dominion! Endowment now holds Dominion.

Danstar was Inactive! His identity has been given to Phattemer!


Alvron(9): Macen, Wilson, Seonid, Quiver, Mailliw, Dowanx, Stink, Shalla, Honey Badger, Kipper

Wilson(3): Haelbarde, Alvron, Lopen

Stink(1): Antillar


EDIT: Apparently, Aili was a Female.

Edited by The Only Joe
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Maw fumed. Second of the Sky had been the one to kill Aili? Damnation trappers, you never could trust them. Maw's only satisfaction was in that he was able to be part of the kill. Now he swore vengeance on Odium's followers. For if he had been the one to direct Second's actions, the Shard would perish. And all his Champions: guilty, all of them. Maw felt the hatred swell in his chest.

He went back to his small farmhouse he had built in replica of his original and surveyed the texts on the shelf. Messages from long-ago. Some his, some the translations of others. His Tineye senses had always served him well when he needed to decode. Other texts were long forgotten tomes from long forgotten times, seeping with red and black ink.

Those pages spilt hatred and seeped anger. The books mentioned unmade fiends with a penchant for destroying worlds, bears of strange coloring hating at the end of their lives, poison vineyards of champions, Valor of Raris, and simple dows. Most of all, it spoke of Odium, Lord of Hatred. Maw had never remembered where he had gotten the book or why he had it, but it had always felt important. He brought it to every planet he visited, reading its blood-soaked words, trying to find meaning in them. Now he knew the purpose. It held the secrets of Hatred. Secrets that would fill him; that would aid him in his vengeance.

Maw's broken scythe would taste blood again.

Yes, she was, Joe. My first female character: Aili, Trueheart, Goddess of Honesty.

Edited by Mailliw73
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Did Wilson do something wrong? Why is she being targeted? Is this about the whole "Wilson's calling the shots, we need to kill her and then people will be free to make their own decisions" thing?

Let me put it this way. If I had the power to control communication and knew who the bearers of power were, I would discuss who was an OC with them. And then, having made a decision, I would post my suspicions. And that's all Wilson is doing. Killing Wilson would give endowment the shard. Endowment would then give the shard to someone who she trusts is honest, and nothing would change except that we lose a worldhopper. Oh, and PM communication for a cycle.

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Did Wilson do something wrong? Why is she being targeted? Is this about the whole "Wilson's calling the shots, we need to kill her and then people will be free to make their own decisions" thing?

Let me put it this way. If I had the power to control communication and knew who the bearers of power were, I would discuss who was an OC with them. And then, having made a decision, I would post my suspicions. And that's all Wilson is doing. Killing Wilson would give endowment the shard. Endowment would then give the shard to someone who she trusts is honest, and nothing would change except that we lose a worldhopper. Oh, and PM communication for a cycle.

Truth be told, until Wilson opened a PM with me in the last turn or two, basically nothing had happened in any of my PM's. PM communications wasn't that big a deal.

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Oh, and PM communication for a cycle.

Not a cycle. If a Shard is killed but not Shattered, the Shard is broken and the Shardic ability is no longer usable. Cultivation's PM's are a passive aspect of the Shardic ability. If I die, we permanently lose PM's except for the world ones and the one of a maximum 3 players that the new Cultivation would be able to make.

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Actually, we would lose all but 1 PMs. Cultivation's investiture power is to make one PM, not unlimited. When we lose a Shard, we lose half of the role that came with it.


EDIT: Ninja'ed by the Brightness Ascendant

Edited by Seonid
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