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A spikeway for Lurchers


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Which means power lines and my "rail ride" method would work just fine!  


While the blue lines come from your center of gravity, there's nothing stating they don't widen out to look like a carpet if it were pointing to a bar laying on the ground.


My assumption, though, is that blue lines go to the center of gravity of the object as well, but there's a bit of intuitive control involved, where you could make yourself aware of the line pointing to the entirety of the object if you wanted to (with your mind naturally filtering this out by default).  That's a lot of supposition on my part.

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yes, i remember certainly kelsier pushing an end of a bar and pulling the other end to make the bar spin and use it to deflect arrows. So it is possible, which mean a lurcher could use electricity cables as a spikeway.

Maybe it requires plenty of skill to do so and that's why we don't see it often. Just like pushing with a small amount of strenght.

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Now that you bring that up I remember it. That scene though feels ... out of place. Every other time they describe it it is mentioned that you can only push directly from yourself to the object. I feel as if this is an inconsistency within the text that Brandon would need to clear up.

My biggest problem with this is the fact that there is only ever one Allomantic line going to each piece of metal and you focus on that line to interact with the piece of metal. How does one, then change where this line points?


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I tend to agree with king of nowhere. Kel was at the very highest end of what is possible skill-wise with Pushing and Pulling, so perhaps this is simply outside the scope of a normal Allomancer's abilities, like how most Copperclouds are unable to shield the emotions of others.

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Could you Ironpull the moon? That's a thought. Use that to levitate, and keep moving by pulling a spikeway.


(Yes, this will never work because the moon moves. Or could a skilled Allomancer adjust for that.)


Anyway, we'll never know for sure, because Scandrial doesn't have a moon. (Convenient. Just saying)

Edited by aeromancer
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Inquisitors can see multiple steel lines for all objects, so I imagine that it's simply a question of power/skill to push on different parts of them.

Ah, now that's something I hadn't thought of. Very good point. Upvote for you.

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Could you Ironpull the moon? That's a thought. Use that to levitate, and keep moving by pulling a spikeway.


(Yes, this will never work because the moon moves. Or could a skilled Allomancer adjust for that.)


Anyway, we'll never know for sure, because Scandrial doesn't have a moon. (Convenient. Just saying)

If they can't pull at the core of their own planet, I doubt they'd be able to affect the hypothetical moon.

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I wasn't talking about the MAG ranges. I believe you are correct regarding the size of the metal object but the range of iron/steel is still relatively short. At my guess, excepting especially large metal objects most of the time it would need to be within 300m, for nails, screws, coins I would hazard a guess at 100m max. This would vary depending on the allomancer naturally.


If they had a moon, well firstly it being composed completely or even mostly of metal would be very very strange. But even if it was it would have to be very close to Scadrial for them to be able to pull on it.

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Ah, sorry. As for Inquisitors, I'd hazard that they're increased sensitivity to even metals they can't affect extends to seeing metals too far away to affect.

Edited by Kurkistan
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Pulling on the moon is theoretically possible though you run into a few problems.

1. You would need to be able to Burn or Flare hard enough to see the Metals within the moon.

2. You would then also need to Pull on a strong enough anchor to make this possible.

3. You would be torn to pieces.

Now, all of these could be solved through Compounding potentially. Flare your Compounded Pewter and Iron in order to not be torn to pieces and Pull both the core of Scadrial as well as the core of the Moon.

Then you Pull both of them out of their normal orbits, probably causing a collision of Scadrial and the moon and completely change all weather on Scadrial forever..... and likely extinction.

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I don't think we were so much talking about pulling the moon out of orbit as simply pulling on it to move yourself (or I could have been missing part of the conversation :/). But I agree with what you are saying Miyabi. I just think that using whatever method it is for compounding allomantic power would still require ridiculous quantities of iron. To the point that I think we can parallel this to the question about tapping enough weight to break through the planets crust and there not being enough iron on the planet to actually pull that off.

Edited by lord_Ffnord
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Pulling the moon out of orbit (if it existed) or significantly affecting it's path is something I doubt any Allomancer could do, ever.  No, not even with compounding.  Moon is big, y'all.  Conservation of momentum means that you pull on the moon, you move.  You pull on the moon and the planet, you make practically no difference to the already extant gravitational attraction between them.  Pulling on the moon and planet to make them collide would mean effectively multiplying the total force by a factor of something like, I dunno, at least 10.  This is almost certainly a wild underestimate.  Seems unlikely.

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