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The Emperor's Soul give-away

Joe ST

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SOOooooo.... I was thinking I might splurge and buy a few copies of the hardback Emperor's Soul and stage a give-away. I'm thinking maybe up to 5 winners, depending on turnout... random choice from whoever replies to this topic (and the equivalent on tumblr), wherever in the world, running until this topic closes at the start of next month. Anyone interested?

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That link to "hardback" is to a shopping cart which is empty to me.

edit: I'm not entering btw. I love the book and it's great that you're running this, but I'm trying really hard to cut back on owning physical copies of books!

Edited by Morsk
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I will take a chance after all a free book is a free book, plus its singed.



I prefer mine to be uncooked if I, by some chance, win. :P  


Edit: ironically, I had two typos in my response.

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Ya know, getting this book just might be enough incentive for me to start getting my collection of Sanderson books going... I've only libraried so far, and I do need physical copies...



A shameless attempt to sway selection in your favor Gamma.  Naughty, naughty Shadow Dancer!  :P

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Yeah, I'm not going to enter the contest but I'd like to draw attention to something. As lewstherin95 so rightly said, we should all be grateful to Joe. This giveaway was his idea, and he's funding it. Those hardcovers aren't terribly cheap. Thanks man. :)

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Yeah, I'm not going to enter the contest but I'd like to draw attention to something. As lewstherin95 so rightly said, we should all be grateful to Joe. This giveaway was his idea, and he's funding it. Those hardcovers aren't terribly cheap. Thanks man. :)


Yes Joe, this is a most generous offer.  You are a scholar and a gentleman.  I don't care what Windy says about you when you aren't listening. :P  


Seriously though, Thank you.

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Oh, it's no problem everyone :D thanks for being such a cool community ;)

I forgot to mention, this isn't just limited to the Americas either. Wherever you are you are able to enter :) *goes to edit the original post*

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