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Imagining horrendous adaptions of Brandon's works


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Yes, while it's fun to imagine Brandon's works as awesome movies, it's easier and more fun to make up something terrible. And besides, Brandon's stuff is already pretty much perfect. Hilariously bad adaptations would be fun to think of.


- Peter Jackson directs The Emperor's Soul and splits it into three 2 1/2 hour long movies so he can "tell the story to the fullest".

- Product Placement. How did Vasher get the idea to make Nightblood? By looking at the Pizza Hut sign. What do the Returned need each week to prevent them from consuming their divine breathes? Coca Cola. How did Kelsier escape the Pits of Hathsin? He made a rope of Kraft Dinner, launched it to the top of the pit with Allomancy, and climbed out.

- The Alloy of Law is about to become the next Call of Duty! Wax as an FPS protagonist!

- Elantris as a family friendly comedy about an explorer named Roadion (Adam Sandler), who explores the ruins of Elantris, where he uncovers a conspiracy by the evil Dula, which are led by Dark Lord Gallaxadon (Will Smith) and his henchman Harryathen (Eddie Murphy), to steal jobs from the white people. Fortunately, the people of Elantris will help him save the day, if they can stop comically injuring themselves and farting!

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- warbreaker adapted as a b-movie exploting softcore pornography: most of the film will consist of Siri kneeling naked in front of susebron.

- assassin's creed: the final empire. Lead altair on the rooftops of luthadel to assassinate the corrupt nobles.

- alethi vs parshendi: the strategic videogame.

- Die Leiden des jungen Adolin: an introspecitve novel on the pain of the young kohlin as all his attempts to engage are short-lived. Eventually, adolin will commit suicide.


that's all I can think for now.

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-Kaladin's life is the new Wii game


-Shallan's drawings as a colouring book


-Mistborn as second person singular present "write your own story" book


-Elantris as a pop song


-A BBC series about a 17thsharder who travels with various companions, discovering worlds and being epic. The series will die out by the 26th season, and when it will be returned, somehow all 17thsharders and worldhoppers (except for Hoid, who will reappear every now and then) have died somehow. 

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Stormcraft RTS: The Parshendi and Alethi races battle to the death trying to secure valuable Gemhearts. Meanwhile, the Shin play Hay-day and wait for someone to invade them and take their resources. Also featuring a Reshi beach volleyball tournament where clothes are optional.

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I doubt anyone will understand this, and it would be more awesome than horrible, but I just have to say it:

any of sanderson's work readapted as sticktale.


Explanation: the order of the stick (or oots for short) is a humorous webcomic that parodies both epic fantasy and roleplaying games. sticktales is a spinoff of that, where classical stories are remade with the characters from the order of the stick in place of the real characters of the story, exploiting the way the various characters quirks adapt with their new narrative role. most of the oots storyline is available for free on the internet, but sticktales adaptations only apppeared in one of the published books and as a bonus for kickstarter backers. While oots has hundreds of thousands of readers, and I expect at least a few sanderson's fans to be familiar with it, the books are only bought by tens of thousands people, and that is why I don't expect more than one or two people here will know what sticktales are.

But they are absolutely amazing, and the two retellings of classical shakespear's plays are some of my favourite reads.

gratuitous advertisment Now, many of you are thinking that there must be hundreds of "humorous webcomic that parodies both

gratuitous advertisment roleplaying games", and oots isn't likely to be anything special. You are wrong. this is one of the most

gratuitous advertisment most popular, because of how good it is. This is a webcomic that raised 1,25 million dollars in a kickstarter to

gratuitous advertisment out-of-stock books. This is not any webcomic. This is something worth checking.

Plus, I often praised sanderson's work on its forum, so it's only fair I reciprocate here.


I think it would work particularly well with elantris or warbreaker.


damnation, if I was the richest man in the world, I'd drop a few million dollars to both brandon sanderson and rich burlew to see it happen.

Edited by king of nowhere
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