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Memefying Books

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I've read the first and part of the second, but I was in the middle of my Master's degree and homework ate into my reading time to the point where I had to return WoA and HoA without finishing. But now I've bought the trilogy and shouldn't have any trouble finishing.

Wait, you have a Master's?!


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And now, the thrilling conclusion to Memes of Radiance. 


Kaladin is pleased with the abilities granted by speaking his oaths. He is not pleased with what it has done to his appearance. 




Elhokar, meanwhile, is hiding out with Lopen's family, having his perceptions of reality itself torn down by Lopen's mother. 




But Lopen cannot save Elhokar—and even if he could, he is too busy trying to duplicate Kaladin's trick. 




Then, when he's least expecting it, it works! Sadly, the Stormlight vanishes before he can pin his brother to the wall. 




Then, he discovers his arm is growing back. 




Meanwhile, Moash leaves the warcamp and ponders his life choices…..




….while Graves spews nonsense. 




Back in Urithiru, Shallan discovers a note from the Ghostbloods—addressed to her. Mraize is waiting. 




After assuring Adolin that she won't let her Radiancy get in the way of their relationship, Pattern says "It's time." 




As she allows herself to remember, Pattern reveals what was in the box—and where Shallan got her Shardblade. 




And the truth comes out. 




Elsewhere, Szeth awakes. 




Someone is waiting for him. 




Since it's rude to greet someone you just resurrected against their will empty-handed, Nin brought Szeth a gift. 




Back in the city, Sadeas has arrived and greeted Adolin with his customary tact. 




Adolin does not take it well. 




Horrifying though his death is, if we're being honest….




Later, Dalinar realizes that if he is to lead the Radiants, he needs something. 




So he asks….somewhat politely. 




And the Stormfather answers. 




Elsewhere, Wit is there to greet a newly resurrected Jasnah. 




The world is ending, and it's doing so differently than the last time it ended. Wit still has more bad news for Jasnah. 




Okay, so they don't have to technically, but still.


Onward! To Memeborn: The Final Meme!


Oh my Stormfather, but I'm following the heck out of this.  (Theater of Sadeas' mourners is empty!  Classic!   :D)

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And now, the thrilling conclusion to Memes of Radiance. 



This one is too perfect, I couldn't think of an adequate way to vocalize how much I enjoyed this one... so let's let google do it:



I would think, statistically speaking, that it was almost certain that someone here has a Masters. Probably not many, but I wouldn't be convinced there wasn't at least one even before Twi mentioned it.

I suspect there are several, I recently finished my PhD in Linguistics.

Edited by Iron Eyes
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This one is too perfect, I couldn't think of an adequate way to vocalize how much I enjoyed this one... so let's let google do it:


I suspect there are several, I recently finished my PhD in Linguistics.

Relatively speaking at least. I think we'd have a bunch of people who just lurk that probably don't fit in that category . . .

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Well, since Ripple hasn't updated Memelantris for a while, I thought it would be fun to give this thing a shot:


The prologue, in summation:



At the start of the book, everything seems to be pretty normal for Raoden:



He calls for the maid to bring some breakfast, but when she arrives, things get a bit crazy:



Raoden gets tossed into Elantris, and is a bit nonplussed about how his father reacted to the whole incident, needless to say:



And then, of course, the awful realization:



Fortunately, this is Raoden we're talking about here. He takes the opportunity to have a true "Courage Wolf" moment in his internal monologue:



His initial take on Elantris, however:



And while I don't want to overuse "Bad Luck Brian" in this little foray into memeing, here goes:



Raoden throws his basket over his head, expecting that once the food is ruined, the bandits won't chase him. He underestimates their idea of "ruined," however:



Fortunately, that does manage to shake them off. He runs into Galladon after that, who tells him his "Galladon's Famous Catch Phrase"TM:



Raoden complains about his toe, and Galladon coolly informs him that:



After that, Raoden tries to strike a deal with Galladon, and it turns out that around here, food is pretty darn valuable:


Edited by Mckeedee123
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