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The Official Alloy of Law Discussion Thread (spoilers)


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Okay, so, as many of you now know, The Mistborn: Alloy of Law cover and synopsis have been released! Mistborn fans rejoice! And since this is the place to discuss all things Brandon, I've started this thread for everyone to discuss this upcoming slice of awesome.

There were a few things that particularly stood out to me: one is the setting. I was under the impression that this was to be a modern setting, and instead found out that it's set during a true industrial revolution, trains and all. I cannot tell you how freaking much this excites me. I grew up immersed in Victorian lore, so this is like a dream come true for me.

Next are the names: the city of Elendel, the term Twinborn, and the main character's name: Waxilliam Ladrian. Besides the fact that Waxilliam is an awesome name on its own, those of you who pay attention to minuscule details will know exactly where the surname Ladrian last appeared. This book is looking more and more interesting by the second!

And then there's the cover art, which in and of itself is exquisite. They say you can't judge a book by its cover, but if I knew nothing about Mistborn and saw that book on display in a store, I'd pick it up in a heartbeat. Just saying.

All in all, I am ridiculously excited for this book, and I can't wait to read it! What do you guys think?

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It took me a few minutes to figure out where I'd heard the name Ladrian, but once I started looking in the right places it was a breeze.

You have now made the most upvoted post on 17S. That was awesome.

That pun is terrible, and should get you dragged into the street and shot.

It's way more classy than my sig.

I thought ladrian sounded familiar, that was an amazing play on words on link's part though. also is Elendel named after Elend? why not after Vin or Kelsier who have their own religion set up for them?

There could be other cities named after the others. And they probably still have religious sects following them, or at least treating them like saints or something.

I think the city is obviously named after Elend. Also, I'd imagine the Church of the Survivor is still going strong.

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And there are very likely other things (cities, religions, geographical features, whatever) that are named after other members of the gang. I think Elend is the perfect candidate to have a city named after him, though.

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It's way more classy than my sig.

I have to say, your sig is super classy. I've liked it from the day I signed up to the forums. Also, this book is all I can think about lately. Scadrial holds a special place in my heart. :lol: I am very ready for some more Mistborn. And all this new information (Twinborns, new age, etc.) is making me even more happy. He could have satisfied me by not adding abything beyond extra plotlines but Brandon never fails to better his already amazing ideas.

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This is going to be so much fun. Can't wait to soak up more story from my favorite fictional universe. It's technically the Cosmere, one shared universe, but you get my meaning. :D

I think Elendel is brilliant, it's a blend of Elend and Luthadel.

It took me a few minutes to figure out where I'd heard the name Ladrian, but once I started looking in the right places it was a breeze.

You, sir, have just won yourself 10 AWESOME POINTS.

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Something I've been wondering about for a while with future Mistborn books... the old Lerasium Mistborn blood has been diluted by this point, right? It says in the synopsis that Allomancy is a big part of society, and yet without the Lerasium, it is extremely difficult to Snap people. Like, it requires the mists. Is Snapping gone now or something?

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Something I've been wondering about for a while with future Mistborn books... the old Lerasium Mistborn blood has been diluted by this point, right? It says in the synopsis that Allomancy is a big part of society, and yet without the Lerasium, it is extremely difficult to Snap people. Like, it requires the mists. Is Snapping gone now or something?

It doesn't explicitly say it's a "big" part of society, it says that it is useful for maintaining order in the Roughs.

Allomancy would be much more common, since there are no Inquisitors restricting interbreeding. So it would be rarer, but still very much present. At this point, I think it'd still be possible to find Mistborn. The Preservation granted from lerasium is hardly diluted all the way out of society. It survived a thousand years. It can survive however many lasted until Alloy of Law. (I'm not certain how long this book takes place after Hero of Ages. I know the second trilogy happens "a few hundred years" after HoA, so I don't think this book can take place more than two hundred years later)

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I recall a line from Elend in HoA about possibly having people choose to get beaten once they're old enough. Maybe that's what happens. Or maybe most people that Snap do so in the Roughs re it's dangerous enough that they might get caught in a near-death situation.

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It took me a few minutes to figure out where I'd heard the name Ladrian, but once I started looking in the right places it was a breeze.

Gah! It's so terrible, yet beautiful. I vote you up as well, despite my winces. Well done, sir!

As for the snapping---good question. Maybe people still get snapped by the mists? It would hurt, but it also has the lure of power. As long as they do it consensually, maybe it's considered ethical. Or maybe, in some cases, they didn't do it on purpose but rather just got caught in the mists at the wrong time.

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Gah! It's so terrible, yet beautiful. I vote you up as well, despite my winces. Well done, sir!

As for the snapping---good question. Maybe people still get snapped by the mists? It would hurt, but it also has the lure of power. As long as they do it consensually, maybe it's considered ethical. Or maybe, in some cases, they didn't do it on purpose but rather just got caught in the mists at the wrong time.

The mists are gone Vin absorbed them at the end of HoA and then Sazed did the same after she was dead, he did change humanity back to how they were before the ascension and theoretically he could have changed how likely the genes that cause allomancy are to be passed on, actually now that I think about it the lord ruler made the nobility less fertile to keep a balance with the skaa. Now that they are back to normal they would be able to have more children and along with no more restrictions on interbreeding allomancy could be more common now then it was originally. However people would not be as strong and there would be fewer mistborn

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I think it is very likely that Sazed made some significant changes which allow Allomancy to continue on. I think, given his intelligence, he would have held off from doing too much, but he did have the most information on how the world used to be in his metal minds if I remember correctly.

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The mists are going back to their non-Darkness state (or at least that was the plan)


. Allomancy, Feruchemy, and Hemalurgy all work as they once did. However, now they are more directly affected by the presence or absence of the mists, which will slowly return to the world but not be of the extent they once were. (The mists are now an extent of Sazed's power, and where they roam, he is better able to influence things. There will also be two kinds of mists.) Note that in the future, Feruchemy powers will start to fracture and split, creating Feruchemical "Mistings."

Yes, this means that in the future series, it will be possible for a person to have one Allomantic power and one Feruchemical power. It will create for some very interesting mixing of powers.


2) When the Mists come back, will they continue Snapping people?

2) No. The mists will revert back to their more neutral state.

Edited by zas678
Found snapping quote
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Also, let's not forget that there's still one more Lerasium tablet out there. Besides, it's not like Allomancy would just vanish even if there weren't. Sazed made Spook a Mistborn, after all; he's clearly able to make people into Allomancers himself.

As for Snapping, there's any number of ways that could happen. There are probably consensual beatings for those who are of the legal age to agree to it, various accidents and dangerous situations that could befall a person, or even the (presumably illegal) beating of children. Just because something is against the law doesn't mean some people won't still do it anyways.

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Dam I cant wait to find out what Sazed's role in the story will be. He is god now, and I assume him along with Kelsier and the rist of his crew are gods to the people. Is he an active god to the people, or is he still engrosed in his research trying to discover what Adonolisium (i cant spell) is? Does Atium still exist? It has been three hundred years since Kelsier dedstroyed the pits of Hathsin, and will Sazed be trying to regain this power? I assume that Atium and Lerasium are legends now so until now it would be impossible to make the batteries necessary for the Lord Ruler's immorality.

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The mists are going back to their non-Darkness state (or at least that was the plan)



Good find. Well, I suppose that's good, but it puts one simple non-beating-the-crap-out-of-random-people snapping method out of play.

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Sazed returned Scadrial to its natural state after he ascended; Kelsier destroyed the crystals, but Sazed wiped the Pits off the face of the planet (unless he kept them, but the book didn't even come close to implying that). Besides, there really is no reason for atium to exist anymore. Its entire purpose was to hide Ruin's power from Ati, but now that Sazed holds both Shards, it's an absolutely unnecessary measure.

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I'm assuming that unlike Sazed, Wax is gonna see the benefit of using his iron minds and will be filling them constantly so he always has extra weight when he needs it to push. assuming that to be true I am going to be so mad if he doesn't at one point tap his iron minds dry to make himself heavy enough to push a locomotive at full speed to a complete stop. I don't care why he has to push the train it just NEEDS to happen.

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