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Theory: Aona and Skai's Shard Names


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I know what you mean but the devotion to kill yourself to save a guy a fifteen minute walk seems a little much

There's also the devotion of killing another person in an act of supposed worship to your god. But this is sort of a moot point, since the name Devotion has been 86ed.

As for Aona, a synonym for Love/Compassion. Sympathy, maybe, or Empathy? Just to give us some ideas, I put love into a thesaurus.com search and came up with the following list:

adulation, affection, allegiance, amity, amorousness, amour, appreciation, ardency, ardor, attachment, case*, cherishing, crush, delight, devotedness, devotion, emotion, enchantment, enjoyment, fervor, fidelity, flame, fondness, friendship, hankering, idolatry, inclination, infatuation, involvement, like, lust, mad for, partiality, passion, piety, rapture, regard, relish, respect, sentiment, soft spot, taste, tenderness, weakness, worship, yearning, zeal

I particulatly like Fidelity, Ardency, and - would you look there - Devotion. ;) Rapture is also interesting, especially when you think of how the Dor feels.

EDIT: Hey, wow, I completely didn't see how this thread had another page. I'm an idiot.

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Yes, but that's not the only aspect of the magic we should be looking at here. Certainly continuing to choose people after the Reod wasn't a charity (except, arguably, in the case of Raoden, who ended up saving everyone because of it). There's a bigger picture here than just the pool.

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Still, that goes against the Shard's nature. So that brings into question whether or not Splintering affects how the Shards themselves actually function.

But my point is still valid: There is more to Aona than the pool, and therefore we can't look at just that for her name.

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And, as per usual, CrazyRioter beats me to a post again

I like Mercy myself. Seems to me that the pool gave mercy to the suffering Elantrians.

I was reading last night, and I realized that they always say "Idos Domi!", which roughly translates into "Merciful Love!"

Could be no more than an expression. Could be a clue as to the true name for Aona's Shard

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well Aona was already dead by that point, so presumably the mechanism that causes the Shaod is just running on autopilot and not able to adapt to changing circumstances.

Still, that goes against the Shard's nature. So that brings into question whether or not Splintering affects how the Shards themselves actually function.

But my point is still valid: There is more to Aona than the pool, and therefore we can't look at just that for her name.

I disagree with you, KChan, CrazyRioter's explanation is sufficient to solve that the Shaod after the Reod. Once that mechanism begins, I'd say it's essentially impossible to stop it, Shard Intent or not. People died during the mist Snappings; that's not of Preservation. But at that point there's not a lot he could do about it. (EDIT: The Principle of Intent only says how normal magic users operate. Shards are fragments of creation. Preservation can destroy if its mind has willed it to be so, in the case of Vin)

The biggest clue to Aona's nature are the Seons, really. But we don't know how the Shaod or the Dor works well enough to use them as good examples.

I like Charity over Mercy.

Edited by Chaos
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It's not Charity. Check out this twitter exchange between Brandon and I:

Me: So Aona is a synonym for love, hmm? Is Charity the correct Shard name?

Brandon: Not quite. I'm trying to remember what the guesses were for the other Shard on Sel. I may have dismissed them too quickly.

Me: How about Mercy for Aona, then? The guesses for Skai's Shard include Devotion, Obedience, and Order

Brandon: Okay, I was right, then. Ha There's something very ironic in all of this.

Kerry has now tweeted him asking if Devotion is Aona's Shard. Like we got it all reversed.


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If we're looking at the Seons, Devotion definitely seems to make sense for Aona's Shard. Seons are very devoted to their "masters" - remember what Raoden recalled of the exchange he had with Ien as a boy? And if we look at the pool, well, you'd have to be pretty devoted to let someone you care about find peace there, even if it means killing them. As for the Elantrians themselves, well, they were pretty darn devoted to their city. They sort of had to be, but still.

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If I didnt already know that Odium was a shard, I would say Skai is hate. Look at the way Dilaf acts. He clearly hates Elantrians.

That would certainly be the easy way.

I just don't understand what Skai could be now. I'm pretty much at a loss.

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If I didnt already know that Odium was a shard, I would say Skai is hate. Look at the way Dilaf acts. He clearly hates Elantrians.
Skai could still be Hate. One of the synonyms of Odium is dishonor and I think that because Honor is a shard on Roshar, Odium is more likely to mean Dishonor rather than Hate
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Maybe Skai is Unity.

If we look at Elantris, we see two (main) religions. No, not Shu-Dereth and Shu-Korathi. No, the two main religions are Elantrians and Shu-Keseg. Korathi and Derethi were based off of two interpretations of Keseg. All three are based on unity. Korathi is based off of unity through love. Derethi is based off of unity through obedience. Keseg is based off of unity through mind.

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Maybe Skai is Unity.

If we look at Elantris, we see two (main) religions. No, not Shu-Dereth and Shu-Korathi. No, the two main religions are Elantrians and Shu-Keseg. Korathi and Derethi were based off of two interpretations of Keseg. All three are based on unity. Korathi is based off of unity through love. Derethi is based off of unity through obedience. Keseg is based off of unity through mind.

I've been thinking similar things about Skai, but I haven't worked out all the details.

The part about Keseg being unity through mind... do you have a quote for it? My feeble brain needs reminders of that one...

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ha, I posted a while back nominating Aona for Unity for the exact same reasons. Whatever the case is, I feel strongly that one of the two shards is Unity. Also, I'm beginning to question my assumption that Aona and Skai have opposing natures.

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I've been thinking similar things about Skai, but I haven't worked out all the details.

The part about Keseg being unity through mind... do you have a quote for it? My feeble brain needs reminders of that one...

Shuden says it. Page.. 167? Let me Amazon it.

Almost. Elantris hardback 162.

"Keseg taught of unity. But what did he mean? Unity of mind, as my [shuden] people assume? Unity of love, as your [sarene] priests claim? Or is it the unity of obedience, as the Derethi believe? In the end, I am left to ponder how mankind managed to complicate such a simple concept."

The only textual reference I can think of to debunk it is this one:

Elantris Hardback 376-377:

Wyrn was said to be the oledest recorded piece of literature-older, even, than the Do-Kando, the holy book that Shu-Keseg, and eventually Shu-Dereth and Shu-Korath, had come from.


"Modern version in this book shows that the priests rewrote the literature from the original to make it sound as if Wyrn were Derethi-even though he lived long before Shu-Dereth was founded. Back then Jaddeth- or at least, the god of the same name that Shu-Dereth adopted-was a relatively unimportant god who cared for the rocks under the earth.

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