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Cosmere Battle Royale; AKA Who Would Win

Gamma Fiend

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How about team match-ups?

Little Wilson said he'd put money on Raoden, and that got me thinking of a post I made in the Mixing Magics thread. Elantris powered AonDor, teamed up with Wayne with his Speed-bubble allomancy, that'd be a pretty nice combo. Super complex Aons in mere seconds!

What team would be able to beat that?


Szeth and Marasi. She puts up a bubble to counteract Wayne's, with Szeth sneaking up behind to beat Wayne and Raoden silly as soon as they're back in real time. And I'm pretty sure gold can't heal a shardblade wound, especially if its in the face or something. Of course, this team would be pretty useless against other match-ups (Marsai is only there to counter Wayne).


I have a weird match-up. Lord Ruler and Nightblood. TLR just chucks Nightblood at the other team, if they're "evil" , he Riots their desire to kill each other. If not, he Riots their feelings of nausea from being near Nightblood. I find this really amusing for some reason...

Although, TLR ruler isn't exactly pure, so...what would happen if you sheath-stabbed TLR? Would he be able to heal? *shrugs*

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what would happen if you sheath-stabbed TLR? Would he be able to heal? *shrugs*

That is a good question. I think I might just ask Brandon that later today.

And as for that team match up. It would really depend on what aons Raoden drew and with which modifiers. He's already pretty quick by the end of Elantris, and he's only had a few months to practice. Put him in a speed bubble, though...He'd produce a TON of aons. I don't think Szeth would get to him in time. The aons are too powerful, and how exactly would Szeth protect himself from one? A lashing wouldn't do anything.

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My setup does require that Marasi is close enough to counter Wayne's bubble, but that Szeth is at the border of both bubbles. The idea is that Szeth could take both Raoden and Wayne in normal time if he surprises them, but it would require pretty good timing. Marasi would still be slowed relative to everyone else, so if Raoden can blast her before Szeth can strike, then he and Wayne are back in fast-time and that leaves Szeth fighting an Elantiran drawing at 20x faster than normal.

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And as for that team match up. It would really depend on what aons Raoden drew and with which modifiers. He's already pretty quick by the end of Elantris, and he's only had a few months to practice. Put him in a speed bubble, though...He'd produce a TON of aons. I don't think Szeth would get to him in time. The aons are too powerful, and how exactly would Szeth protect himself from one? A lashing wouldn't do anything.

I would love to see if an Aon could do something through the border of a time bubble, or whether the investitures would interfere with one another.

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And as for that team match up. It would really depend on what aons Raoden drew and with which modifiers. He's already pretty quick by the end of Elantris, and he's only had a few months to practice. Put him in a speed bubble, though...He'd produce a TON of aons. I don't think Szeth would get to him in time. The aons are too powerful, and how exactly would Szeth protect himself from one? A lashing wouldn't do anything.


Also, presumably, it would be difficult for Szeth to sneak up behind them since the fight is only between team Rao-Way and team Mara-Zeth.  Also, Szeth would have to be outside of Marasi's bubble for it to even be functional in the manner described.  Since Marasi would be slow relative to Wayne, Wayne would have his attention focused on Szeth.  However, if the far side of both Wayne's and Marasi's bubbles were coextensive, then Szeth could hop into Wayne's bubble an whoop it up on Raoden and Wayne, especially since they are in the same timeframe and the advantage of having Wayne would be mitigated.

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If I really wanted to be be cruel, I think I would embed Szeth's oathstone into Nightbloods hilt, and have it tell Szeth what to do.  


Now that would give me nightmares.  I think it would make a fun short story to write.

Edited by Mikanium
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If I really wanted to be be cruel, I think I would embed Szeth's oathstone into Nightbloods hilt, and have it tell Szeth what to do.  


Now that would give me nightmares.  I think it would make a fun short story to write.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

I think we have a winner.

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If I really wanted to be be cruel, I think I would embed Szeth's oathstone into Nightbloods hilt, and have it tell Szeth what to do.  


Now that would give me nightmares.  I think it would make a fun short story to write.

The really interesting thing about that scenario is that Nightbloods hypothetically wouldn't be able to make Szeth kill himself, since he's forbidden suicide by the same oaths that make him kill other people.

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I know it says Cosmere in the subject line, but what about Steelheart vs. The Lord Ruler?


Or Szeth vs. Professor Nalizar? Might have to give Nalizar some time to prepare, but it might be interesting to see if Szeth can reach Nalizar before the chalkings reach him...

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Newbie question, but how do you do spoilers in posts?


Also you can manually enter a spoiler tag by typing (without the asterisk): [*spoiler]Bob smells like a week old dead toad!


The above tag will look like this:

Bob smells like a week old dead toad!

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Shan Elariel was "engaged" to Elend. And she is a pathetic Mistborn. A better "Mistborn par" would probably be Zane. And anyone who says that Zane is too awesome, face it: All Mistborn are awesome. 


Dilaf can't win because all the Mistborn needs to do is levitate and keep chucking coins. Give Dilaf a few sacrifices, and the outcome might be slightly different.

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Nah.  I think Zane was at least Kelsier level.  Main characters like that being what they are.  I like Shan more for "this isn't my first assassination mission, but I'm still a posh Noble."  Those Dakhor could leap up to a second story roof.  I think it'd be easy to underestimate one.  Dilaf, by contrast, would feasibly outperform the standard monks in most categories.  Including resisting wimpy coins.

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We'll have to agree to disagree on the Zane vs Shan issue, as which is "stereotypical Mistborn".


Those Dakhor could leap up to a second story roof.  I think it'd be easy to underestimate one. 


Second story roof? That's what, 20 feet? 25? A Coinshot can levitate higher than that.


Oh, and the "wimpy coins"? Duralumin. The Mistborn's second ace in the hole. Survive that Dilaf.

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Given that we only have about seven mistborn as our sample (Shan, Vin, Zane, Elend, Kelsier, unnamed mistborn from TFE Shan fight, and unnamed mistborn from early WoA are the ones I think of off the top of my head) and two of those we get no view of their skill level, it is hard to say who embodies average mistborn skills. Kelsier, Shallan, and the unnamed mistborns are presumably the only unenhanced mistborn we have seen.  Kelsier is clearly particularly skilled with iron and steel.  If I had to take a side I would probably suggest that Shan is somewhere in the ballpark of typical.  Zane has shown himself to be at least a match for Vin in countless spars where he frequently bested Vin.  Vin, of course, is no slouch and should likely not be considered to have only average skills.  Thus, Zane should likewise be considered a dangerously skilled mistborn. 

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Zane has shown himself to be at least a match for Vin in countless spars where he frequently bested Vin.  Vin, of course, is no slouch and should likely not be considered to have only average skills.  Thus, Zane should likewise be considered a dangerously skilled mistborn. 

Not to mention Zane's a-Steel Hemalurgic spike. Definitely not typical.

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 Zane has shown himself to be at least a match for Vin in countless spars where he frequently bested Vin.  Vin, of course, is no slouch and should likely not be considered to have only average skills.  Thus, Zane should likewise be considered a dangerously skilled mistborn. 

Au contraire, every Mistborn should be considered "no slouch". Zane is merely a Mistborn with finely honed skills, and a lifetime supply of atium. And Shan is pathetic. Why is Shan pathetic? Because she never strained herself to her limits. Someone like Vin, Zane, Kelsier, who constantly fight for their lives are the archetypal Mistborn, not some pampered noble who believes she can kill everyone just because she's a Mistborn.


(BTW, the "average Mistborn" is probably somewhere between the two, but if the Dakhor monk gets to be Dilaf, the Mistborn gets to be Zane.)

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I disagree.  For 16 years, Vin was a snapped mistborn with pathetic allomantic skills.  It wasn't until she received training from Kelsier that she became allomantically formiddable.  True she was fairly decent with small emotional nudges.  But fact is, without her training, Breeze could've taken her out.  As to Shan, your argument seems to be that she is pathetic because she was raised noble.  It seems to me that almost all mistborn would fall into the same category that Shan does since allomancers are predominantly noble.  Zane, Kelsier, and Vin are exceptions to typical Mistborn.  As to Shan's skills, she acquitted herself well, imo, in her fight with Vin but ultimately lost.  She was a wretched person truly.  But, she seemed to be a substantially capable mistborn.  Vin won the fight because of her quick thinking and cleverness in addition to her skills as an allomancer.

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Kelsier v. Kaladin would go to Kaladin. If it's purely spears, it would take a while, but Kaladin would win. Kelsier is good, but he's not that good. Yeah, his fight with the Inquisitor was awesome, but he had a lot of other tricks up his sleeve, particularly with iron and steel. And if you give him other metals, you've got to give Kaladin spheres. And that makes this fight significantly shorter. Kaladin with spheres would take Kelsier down really fast. I mean, the entire Parshendi army couldn't take Kaladin down with all their arrows, so a few coins aren't going to do anything to him. And with all that stormlight, Kelsier doesn't stand a chance.

Kelsier could also take down armies though. Fighting Kaladin would be like fighitng a lurcher. You have to make sure the coins don't hit the shield, but you could pull it off. Especially if you over shoot and then pull it back, it will go past them and come up from behind, pulling it to the shield will just make it come to you more.


Stormlight would give him about as much of a bonus as a lurcher and pewter burner, but if Kel has all of the metals (lets just say all he knows how to use, b/c, well obviously only those) Lets also say no atium otherwise I feel this is an easy battle, he obviously wins since stormlight doesn't give you a way of seeing the future and fighting that (and Kel usually made sure he had atium, since he had to fight those with atium). 

So, now it is stormlight which is lurcher defense+pewter against Coinshot, Lurcher, Pewter. He probably wont use emotional allomancy, he might not use tin, but if he does he'll notice the glowing.

Spheres are metal, aren't they? if so, pushing them away stops his stormlight and it is an instant loss.


I'd say Kel has a much larger advantage.

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