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Realmatic Theory: What Little Can Be Gleaned About It.


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I am sure there's been one discussion about this theory that encompasses and rules the Cosmere Universe but I can't find it and I have an itch to just write my drabbles about the said theory even if I'm just partly repeating what is said in the books and the wiki and also to see what you all think about this seemingly simple yet soo complex theory that patterned the whole Cosmere.


So it said there are three parts or realms.

  1. Physical
  2. Cognitive
  3. Spiritual

Physical Realm


They said that this one is the most readily understood but I posted something about this and someone said there isn't much said about it. From what I can interpret from Sazed and Shai, the physical realm is the things that are created or caused by the energy that is about. Things that we can sense and experience like what The Lord Ruler did in Scadrial when he harnessed the small amount of Preservation's power or how the Aons or other forms can harness the power of the Dor to cause or create or change something.


Cognitive Realm


I have actually no idea about the connection of this realm to the Shadesmar so until I can better understand what the Shadesmar is I'll just speculate about what is currently said about this realm in the books. Sazed said that the cognitive realm involves the minds that controls the energy or power that permeates everything in the cosmere. So let's say the Shards, they are a combination of the power and the holder that directs that power. In this case, the holder is the mind. But what about the magic systems? I think this one is more complex. I believe that everything in the cosmere is directed by this theory. So the shardholder intended to invest breath to the Returned or the people that's the end of it's cognitive realm. The power or the breaths that the person receives comes into the cognitive realm of that said person and he can use it how he likes: to awaken, to give or just to let it exist there inside. But when he invest his breath to an object with a command, the command becomes the cognitive realm of the awakened object. For example, if the Awakener commanded the thing to 'Grab Something' it will view itself as something that will grab and it is viewed by the awakener to grab (the basis for this is what Shai said in the Emperor's Soul.) I believe the other magical systems follow the same pattern. This is all just speculations and interpretations of what is said in the books of course.

Spiritual Realm


I believe this is the intent of the energy like in a shard, Ruin's intent is destruction and change it is his essence. He exist to bring ruin thus his name. If a shard has a holder, then the intent of the shard is combined with the soul or own feelings and intent of the holder. With awakened objects it could be that their essence is to follow the command. The essence of the forms in the magic system of Sel is to harness the Dor. 

I believe that this is the only thing that cannot be destroyed. The physical can be ruined and the cognitive can be lost like what happened when Ruin and Preservation's originial holders died but their power remained. It also kind of explained why Sazed figured the feelings and will of the dead Kelsier, Vin and Elend.

Well, I probably will think of something to improve or change this speculations as I read more of Brandon Sanderson's books but my greatest wish is to finally see all question answered and all mysteries uncovered when the cosmere books comes to completion. (As do we all, I bet) XDDD 

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It appears that you have a particular interest in Realmatic Theory.  I'm sure you have seen at least a couple of these, but here are some threads which should have many of the prevailing thoughts about realmatics.  I suspect that you will also find some of the most pertinent quotes from Brandon here as well:


http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/3045-realmatic-theory-and-magic-101/'>Realmatic Theory and Magic 101


A Code Monkey's Thoughts on Realmatic Theory


http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/3030-laws-of-the-cosmere/'>Laws of the Cosmere?


http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/2596-why-are-there-only-three-realms/'>Why are there only three realms?


http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/2695-realmatic-theory-satsuoni-edition/'>Realmatic Theory, Satsuoni Edition


Theory: Rock, Paper, Scissors...Physical, Cognitive, Spiritual.

Edited by Shardlet
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Hey bookworm, nice to see a new face around these parts. You might want to wait until you've read all the Cosmere books before venturing further, though: here there be spoilers.


If you want to continue down this perilous path, some things might be useful to know. First of all, a terminology update: we tend to say "X Realm" to refer to the whole of that plane of existence (for lack of a better term) in the Cosmere, or at least in any given region of it. So Shadesmar is the Cognitive Realm. The Physical/Cognitive/Spiritual parts of individual things, then, we call "aspects." We picked up the first from Brandon and the second from Harmony


Also, the general understanding (though, for all we know, you're view of it is actually right and all of us are just hide-bound ignorants) is that the Physical Realm is just the regular world: how everything looks before the rest of Realmatics rears its ugly head. So, without the existence of magic, it would not be possible to know that the Physical Realm is not the whole of the Cosmere.




I guess my thoughts aren't prevailing. :( (:P)


There is also the realmatics tag, though we only just recently started using tags, so its coverage is incomplete.

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I guess my thoughts aren't prevailing. :( ( :P)


Your Petty Theories Shall NOT Prevail!!


Haha, sorry Kurk, I missed that one.  I only did a quick search. 


I should clarify.  I am not super into realmatics at this point and I have only given a cursory glance at a couple of the above threads.  I just figured I could facilitate a meal.

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No problem, I just got all "well, I suppose if you must link to my awesome thread that explains the entirety of the universe..." when you started linking to threads, then I got a nice ego-check when mine wasn't one of them. ;)

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Well there are these links that I know of:


http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/691-verified-locations-for-unreleased-bookschapters-and-sample-chapters-of-published-books/'>Verified locations for unreleased bookschapters and sample chapters of published books


http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/3941-spocon-report/?p=62592'>SpoCon readings


http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/3710-words-of-radiance-readings/'>Words of Radiance readings

Edited by Shardlet
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I have a question about this. Shadesmar is the Cognitive Realm right? 


In Way of Kings, it is said that in Soulcasting they change or transform an item to another essence. But isn't Essence related to the Spiritual Realm and not the Cognitive one? When Shallan first went to the Shadesmar she saw beads there and they seem to be the 'essence' of the things in the real world and if you change one you transform it in the real world. But in The Emperor's Soul Shai said that the Cognitive Realm is related to perspective, "how people see the item and how the item sees itself" that's why if you scratch the mark they go back to the original physical form because Forgery kinda make the item 'think' that they are like what the stamp says. But in Way of Kings isn't Soulcasting permanent and directly affects the Essence or the soul of the item thus, the permanent change? Or is it that to change the Essence permanently you gotta convince the 'mind' of the item to see itself as another essence thus why Shadesmar needs to be visited?

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An astute point, bookworm.


...which is why I (and some others, I believe) posit that soulcasting involves going through the Cognitive aspects of objects (in Shadesmar) as interfaces to get to their Spiritual parts. So you aren't changing the Cognitive which causes a change in the Spiritual/Physical: you're changing the Spiritual using a Cognitive interface.

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