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[game] Buy or Sell?

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Buy. I don't think the city is going to survive the next book.


On the way to Hearthstone Kaladin will drop by a tavern for the night and buy Hoid a couple of drinks.

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It will be a Spike!!

You mean, he'll use it as a Hemalurgic Spike?

If so, sell.


Since the Surges bind Roshar together, the wholesale use of Nightblood and the draining of Investiture will actually disintegrate the ground around the user.

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You mean, he'll use it as a Hemalurgic Spike?

If so, sell.


Since the Surges bind Roshar together, the wholesale use of Nightblood and the draining of Investiture will actually disintegrate the ground around the user.

Hmmm… Sell.


Firefight will bring us Prof's weakness

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Sell. I think we've got him. It is something that should be asked though.


Parts of all three shards on Roshar are going to come together to form a mini shard.

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Mega Shard you mean? And sell, simply because I want Dalinar to put Tanavast back together and then take Odium as well. Justice Shard! And then Lift will become Cultivation's Champion. I mean, eventually, Dalinar will become Adonalsium 2.0.


Guess I'll sell that.

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Buy. Dalinar as Justice would be awesome, to coin a phrase.

We have no idea just how bad Damnation is. However bad you think it is, it's ten times worse (because ten is important). And we'll never know the full extent of the horror the Heralds went through, seeing only a thin sliver of their torment which will nonetheless make us shake us to the core.

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Ooh! Buy! That explains why...


Taln-not-Taln looks 'diferent'. And why Hoid knows him. And why Tanavast gave them the Blades.


Hmmmm... (Thinking of these is hard for some reason...) To keep with the subject, One of the Heralds was...


a Dragon on Yolen, but Tanavast changed his/her SDNA to allow for Surges. Either that or you can't be a dragon on Roshar.

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Buy. Definitely buy.


(On a side note, I often wonder what he's searching for when comes online. When I hover my cursor above his name and see only the cryptic hint "Searching...". What I wouldn't give to know what keywords he uses...)


Voidbringers have been on other Shardworlds.

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I was totally expecting Peter to come in and say buy, and then leave said cryptic hint...  (I got paranoid and instantly thought, What if he's searching for people to Spike?!)


Sell, Odium doesn't like Investing, and has (probably) only been to Sel (briefly).


Dominion and Devotion did something to anger Odium.

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