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[game] Buy or Sell?

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sell, already confirmed that it was a dragon(from a book we don't have yet), sorry I can't find the link.


Kaladin will challenge Amaram in memory and Honour of his friends, but will not kill him, just fight him.

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What? I'm sorry, but your talk of dragons makes no sense to me... could you please explain what it has to do with the letter? Or, presumably, anything Cosmere?


There are dragons in Dragonsteel, which takes place on Yolen.  The recipient of the Letter is a dragon.

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The clue is that the recipient is referred to as "you old reptile". This post is the confirmation.


Back on topic, I'm going to say sell; I don't entirely see the point of fighting Amaram but not killing him.


Shallan will obey the letter but not the spirit of her promise not to lie to Jasnah.

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Buy, Brandon's said a kandra will play a larger role in the sequel. Where was the rogue kandra mentioned?

and the only known practitioners of it are the kandra, who (for the most the part), serve Harmony.

Just the way that Brandon says, "for the most part" leads me to suspect that there will be bad kandra.

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I'll buy, though I feel silly for not knowing what exactly the "WnW" initialism is standing for...


We will know all Radiant powers and orders by the end of Book 3.


Buy. As I've said, there's enough variety in the system to keep us endlessly entertained and exploring even without the need for mystery as to the basic power sets.


We'll figure out the Terriswoman in Warbreaker by the time a Sharder next gets to ask Brandon a question on it.


P.S. It's Wax anWayne, by the way. ;)


EDIT: NINJA!!!  :ph34r:


I'll buy that too, Malliw. I don't think we'll be dragging our feet going forward.

Edited by Kurkistan
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Yes! I just ninja'd the Hero of Ages and I'm only a Misting, booya ;)

I'll buy yours too, Kurk. We are pretty darn quick at discovering things like that, but if not, we'll make sure to have at least five theories on who it is before he tells us. ;)

Wayne will die in the WnW(as Tal calls it) series.

Edited by Mailliw73
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Buy, those things are cool.


We will find out the real name of "luckspren" (the spren that hang around skyeels in flight) when we do.


Edit: Ninja'd... I buy Will's too though...

Edited by WeiryWriter
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Buy. I bet it's something cool.


(Also, I find it funny that Hero of Ages is a higher rank than Shard. Feeling rather unimportant for all my shardliness. >:c)


Let's try a theory shall we?

Stormlight spoilers:

Dalinar's memory wipe was the boon, not the curse

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