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[game] Buy or Sell?

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Sell. Knowing and seeing are different things.


You almost ninja'd me, I'll admit. Then I hit F5.


If we're doing theories...


FORMS! That is all.


P.S. @Feather 2 > 1.

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<out of game>No problem, just wanted to be sure it was hidden. :)


Check the links with "Forms" in them in my sig if you have a day to burn, then get back to me :P</oog>

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For the love of Cthulu don't read the Forgery one! You really only need the "Simplified" theory to get the gist of it, with the Spren one being more primitive and the Forgery one based on less evidence (because we didn't have any evidence yet) and going into far far too much detail. Like, 5,500 words type too much detail.

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Renarin will get a set of Shardplate in WoR.

Dalinar did say he was going to give his own to him. So I think that's relatively certain, Dalinar doesn't back down on his word =)

Tomorrow, once you name me Highprince of War, I will give my plate to Renarin to fulfill a promise.

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Um... I'll buy that, his blood sickness seems like something shatdplate will help but not cure. If you pass out in shardplate you are still unconscious.

After Renarin and Shallan have been together for a while (around book 4) Shallan will attempt to use her soulcasting abilities to cure his blood sickness

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