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[game] Buy or Sell?

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You know you can look up people's previous names in their profile? :P


Sell; I recall Brandon mentioning not wanting to turn interlude characters into main characters as it would cause the series to sprawl.


A darkeyes will acquire a Shardblade at some point in the Stormlight Archive.

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Most of the interlude characters will play some minor but important role in the main plot, even if the main characters never figure out who did the important thing. For instance Axies might travel to the SP and do something that seems small by itself but nudges the plot along.

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Buy. I kind of assumed that is the only reason the dark-to-lighteyes transformation, to give darkeyes motivation to do that. Seems like it must happen sometime. (anyone know Szeth's eye colour?)

(Ninja'd, so:)

Buy. But I would change 'most' to 'all'.

Also, I hope this happens.

(1)Numuhukumakiaki'aialunamor will see other mafah'liki in WoR, and (2)eventually become a Knights Radiant detector through his alaii'iku. (3)He will also see a change in Kaladin.

(mafah'liki - spren. I used it to refer to invisible/Nahel spren as a group)

(alaii'iku - sight of invisible spren)

(Numuhukumakiaki'aialunamor - a poem. Abbreviated to 'Rock')

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(1)Numuhukumakiaki'aialunamor will see other mafah'liki in WoR, and (2)eventually become a Knights Radiant detector through his alaii'iku. (3)He will also see a change in Kaladin.

[Out of game] Up-vote for language![/Out of game]

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I'd buy that. (+upvote for awesome creativity)


At some point in the first five Stormlight books we'll see and Adonalsium-spren (if we haven't already) and it will be important to the plot in some way.

Buy. We have. Cusicesh the Protector is an assumed "Adonalsiumspren".


The ERB should make an Epic Rap Battle between Tanavast and Rayse.

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A. They never will.

B. They will be really bad at it, not really majoring in Sandersology.

C. 17h might be a good place to actually do it. I would definitely help writing.


(not the true offer because it is obviously too likely for anyone* to deny) *anyone who tried to stack all the cosmere works to form a tower of books, that is (it ends up as tall as a skyscraper, even when they are all ebooks on one kindle)

Brandon will continue writing the series long after he wrote all the books he promised. He will end up living longer than TLR, making his books longer, publishing them as fast as one per week, until all of his fandom is long dead, and then he will be slain by one of his editors, using a method that he will have written in one of his books (or using one of the books), as revenge for the work. Then Brandon's widow will make another author finish the series, and there will be an endless cycle/dynasty of authors doing the BS then the RJ.


(not the true offer, same reasons)

Endless Pages will put someone in the hospital.


(true offer)

In Endless Pages, Shallan will consider using lightweaving to change her hair colour. (or, as Aether will say, freckles)

clarification: any change of appearance solely because she does not like how she looks.



[Out of game] Up-vote for language![/Out of game]

What, using proper names?


I'd buy that. (+upvote for awesome creativity)


At some point in the first five Stormlight books we'll see and Adonalsium-spren (if we haven't already) and it will be important to the plot in some way.

What creativity?


I would buy that

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In Endless Pages, Shallan will consider using lightweaving to change her hair colour.


What, using proper names?

Yes, because it looks awesome.


And sell, though she might do something about her freckles.


The 17th Shard community will start making Epic Rap Battles of Cosmere. 

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hmmm sell.. I just can't imagine him with powers like that. I always imagined him as kinda chubby, not sure why. I certainly can't imagine a chubby KR....as funny as that would be.


Elhokar has the ability to soulcast


Edit: I guess what I can't imagine is Brandon writing a chubby knights radiant character into his book. I can totally imagine a chubby person flying through the air assassinating great rulers and such. :D

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hmmm sell.. I just can't imagine him with powers like that. I always imagined him as kinda chubby, not sure why. I certainly can't imagine a chubby KR....as funny as that would be.

Elhokar has the ability to soulcast

I would buy chubby knights radiant.


Words of radiance will be split in two for the trade paperback gollancz edition.

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I may go ahead and buy that. Most translations end up splitting WoK up into multiple books, whether that be two or three, so the fact that the English version might follow suit for WoR isn't too much of a stretch.


Ooh, since I ended up reading this chapter to the fandom yesterday and it bugged me: Dalinar will feel bad about misgendering Eshonai when he finds out she's a girl.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dalinar will feel bad about misgendering Eshonai when he finds out she's a girl.

Buy. Quite possibly, he won't even know she is the Shardbearer from the Tower fight unless she tells him so, but it does sound like Dalinar to feel guilty for something like that.


Elhokar will finally man up and actually communicate with his Spren in WoR.

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Sell. It might happen, but I think he will not do so without someone explaining the Nahel bond to him in a context closely tied with his spren.

(for this to count as manning up, he must either figure out it is a spren (or whatever he must figure out) on his own, or not figure it at all. if someone took his paranoia away with explanations, I cannot consider it as manning up)

Axies' discoveries will be important to the WoR plot*.

*not counting world-expanding characters

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Buy. It looks like Spren are pretty darn pivotal, given all of the interlude characters we've seen with special focus on the spren.

Odium tears up Shards by giving them some of his own Investiture, then taking it back after it destroys them

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Sell. I think that seems too focused on him and his shard in particular. More than likely, there is a more universal way to shatter a shard, one that any shard would be capable of. Remember, Vin threw herself at Ruin, hell-bent on his destruction and it just wound up killing both of them. I will say this and it might be obvious, but, I think that the Shardholder has to be dead before you can shatter a shard. If someone takes up the shard before it is shattered, then the process starts over again.



We will learn who the third member of the Purelake party was in the sequel to Warbreaker.

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We will learn who the third member of the Purelake party was in the sequel to Warbreaker.

Sell. Blunt is from Taldain, the world of Brandon's unpublished White Sand (and by the way the home of Bavadin's shard). He has next to nothing to do with Nalthis and the Warbreaker-series:


What are some characteristics of and how many other wordhoppers are there that we have seen excluding Hoid, Demoux, and Galladon.

Brandon Sanderson

You gave me really good wiggle room on that one. Obviously the other person with Galladon and Demoux.


Right, the one from a future book.

Brandon Sanderson

His characteristics are… What is he like? Some people have read his book so they know what he’s like…


Which book is he from?

Brandon Sanderson

He’s from White Sand.



Shallan will summon and use her Shardblade in the Words of Radiance.

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