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[game] Buy or Sell?

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WoR Spoiler:

Umm, sell, unless you call a prearranged betrothal single.

In WoR, Amaram's going to be chillish towards Kaladin (I mean, as chill as he can be. He won't be as bad as many think).

Edited by FeatherWriter
Please tag spoilers, especially for unpublished works!
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I'm going to take this before Feather rains fire down upon you for suggesting the death of Renarin...


Sell, I think Dalinar is far more likely to die than his sons.


We will meet a new "uniquespren" like Cucisesh in Words of Radiance.

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WHAT DID YOU SAY ABOUT RENA-- Oh, Weiry already got it. You are spared my wrath this time, TheShogun.


Buy. I'm curious about those kinds of spren and WoR seems like a very heavy spren-info book already.


And because I'm an eternal optimist... *winces* All the currently-living Kholins make it to the end of WoR alive?

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Sell, because (I don't know if this counts as a spoiler or not, but I'll hide it anyways)

from the Liar of Partinel draft chapters released, we know that the old Hoid dies. You didn't specify which Hoid!

Since we're on deaths right now, Eshonai will die within the first Stormlight arc.

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I am very tempted to downvote both of you who only answered, not offering anything to advance the game. Sorry, but this is hurtful to the thread. If you want to answer something, you must ask something.

Sell. Dalinar is to upright and uptight to do that.

Hoid will be a teacher to another character on-screen.

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I am very tempted to downvote both of you who only answered, not offering anything to advance the game. Sorry, but this is hurtful to the thread. If you want to answer something, you must ask something.

Sell. Dalinar is to upright and uptight to do that.

Hoid will be a teacher to another character on-screen.


Actually both of them did do something to advance the game.


Mailliw73 gave this "Danlan will be a traitor and kill a Kholin."


TheShogun bought that and proposed "That Kholin will be Adolin"


Which Cromptj sold and then proposed "Kaladin will be Honor's Champion" which is the current thing to be bought/sold


On a side note the question you answered does not refer to Dalinar but to Danlan.

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Actually both of them did do something to advance the game.

Mailliw73 gave this "Danlan will be a traitor and kill a Kholin."

TheShogun bought that and proposed "That Kholin will be Adolin"

Which Cromptj sold and then proposed "Kaladin will be Honor's Champion" which is the current thing to be bought/sold

On a side note the question you answered does not refer to Dalinar but to Danlan.

Wait, what? Was everything I wrote completely wrong? Sorry!

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Sell. Kaladin will be Honor's champion.

I'm going to buy this one. He seems like the obvious choice.

Hoid will be a teacher to another character on-screen.

and this one as well. Everyone learns from Hoid

WoR spoiler

kaladin will kill Amaram

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