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[game] Buy or Sell?

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Sell. You'd have to have Wayne's amulet in order to do that, and there's only one.


Bloody Taln's actions aren't entirely his fault.

Well, of course it's not his fault. He's been in Damnation for over 4500 years. Anyone would be insane after that.


Sell. This framework of free will you are implying...I do not buy it :P


The fledging Wax/Marasi ship will continue to not sail and not be a thing.

Of course it won't sail. Marasi is going to end up with Wayne. (Incidentally, that's what I'm selling.)

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Well, of course it's not his fault. He's been in Damnation for over 4500 years. Anyone would be insane after that.

I was referring to the guy in AoL, I couldn't remember if there was supposed to be an L or not so I put it in. I do disagree with the idea that insanity means no responsibility for ones actions though. An insane person shouldn't be treated the same, but there should still be responsibility. Sorry if you're joking, I can't tell.



Of course it won't sail. Marasi is going to end up with Wayne. (Incidentally, that's what I'm selling

I'll buy. Just because that would be fun, and we've had that one scene between them at the warehouse.


Peter will get either a city or a machine named after him in a later mistborn book.

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I'll buy that. Maybe even a colony world in the space trilogy. I wouldn't mind living on the planet Ahlstrom IV. :D


What to sell, what to sell...


Ooh. Chasmfiend-farming will become a thing in the second set of Stormlight books.

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Buy. Brandon's been killing gods left and right, why not destroy Cultivation as well? 


Going back to Alloy of Law shenanigans, Marasi and Wax will still be ship-teased enough to make the shippers scream in anguish, yet not enough to make people think that they'll get together. 

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Poor Marasi. She's got so many ships lined up we might as well call her Marina.

Buy. Harmony will manifest directly to talk to Wax at some point. Wayne will make an insouciant comment, loudly. For the rest of his days, he will treasure the fact that he made fun of Harmony himself.

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That is made of buy. I love it, both yours and Swimmingly's! :D


We will eventually see a sympathetic voidspren. Or if not sympathetic, than at least hilarious.

If the Unmade count, buy. If not, sell.


We will see a non-evil equivalent of a Thunderclast.

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