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What are YOUR Lame Superpowers?


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I guess I have a few:

In-school hyperness:

At school I get really hyper, but during my extracurriculars and other activities after school I'm fine. Pretty self-explanatory.


I have the ability to be really, really annoying (and I mean really annoying) to my friends, but still keep them as friends. Some don't quite know why. One even took my advice to stop listening to me. This is probably a function of the above.


No. Not Synesthesia. It's a bit different. When listening to music (and only things that have a beat, so I guess instrumental is fine), I sometimes (not often lately, unless I put my mind to it) get this little barometer (that's what the pulse graphs you see at the stereotyped hospitals on TV are, right? If it's not the correct word, tell me.) thing in my mind, which I generally seem to 'follow with my eyes', without actually using my eyes. It generally is just spikes in two opposite directions, unless I put my mind to it (which is actually really hard, especially when doing something else). in which case I get a more varied pattern. It's hard to describe, and may be more of a habit than anything.

Can't think of anything else ATM.

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I have the ability to convert reading hours into sleeping hours, at roughly a 50% rate. I can read for four hours and sleep for four hours, and it is roughly equivalent to my sleeping for six hours at least I feel that way. As I near something like six hours, or even eight though that system starts to break down.

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I have the ability to convert reading hours into sleeping hours, at roughly a 50% rate. I can read for four hours and sleep for four hours, and it is roughly equivalent to my sleeping for six hours at least I feel that way. As I near something like six hours, or even eight though that system starts to break down.

Very nice. Does it work the other way (fall asleep, sleep for an hour, wake up and know what's in that book you were reading as though you'd spent two extra hours reading it)?

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I have videogame-reality parallel alertness. Example: I see a white surface, I instantly make a note of it so I can put a portal there later.

I also have fourth wall awareness. It's useless, since we're no tin a comic, so my powewr is essentially knowing I have one.

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Controlled Dream

I am able to control what I do in a dream.

And I am always in an adventure in my dream.

And I have lots of dreams.

On a related note but not really a superpower, I have fourth wall awareness while I dream. ie: Lucidity.

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I have the lamest superpowers ever:

Seem invisible I can sneak around where people are/are not sleeping without making a noise.

Emotionless I can act totally emotionless.

Hold my breath really long: I don't practice, but when I try, I can do it for a looooooooong time.

Sleep too long when I should sleep for short periods of time and sleep short when I need to sleep for awhile.

Some others I forget.

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I have the innate ability to piss people off. Like, to a Smedry-Talent level. Give me a person, and I can have them ready to tear my throat out within an hour. Sadly, it has a midn of its own, and the power activates at all the wong times.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I can't tell you the standard form of a quadratic equation(I actually can, but for the sake of example), but I can recite all the allomantic metals, their uses and their type without thinking. I'll draw a blank for how you determine what key has which sharps, but I'll gladly tell you the many ironies of Frozen Synapse and the Ouroborus.

It kind of sucks actually.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Lame superpowers? Hmmm:

Physical Oversensitivity: Because of my ADHD my the filters in my brain for my physical senses are less effective than a 'normies'. As such I can't goto a club because of the contrasts of loud music, bright lights and so on. But it leads me to write in a very sensory sort of way, giving descriptions that others don't think of because I experience life in a more over-ridingly detailed sort of way.

Alien Creatures: I seem to have this weird ability to take inhuman beings and making them relatable even when they shouldn't be. Some how I have broken the writing formula down to be able to make aliens and monsters completely inhuman and still understandable enough to write about.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Twin Telephathy:

Ok, before you get excited - I can't actualy read my brothers thoughts. Any set who thinks they can is either lieing or deluded.

What actualy happens is because we are so alike, we follow similar thought processes, at the same time, so we spontaneously come to the same conclusion, without any communication in between - e.g. after witnessing an event, we would both recite the same one-liner/appropriate quote in the situation, resulting in some very odd looks.


Alright - I actualy know some harder-than-average card tricks, some relativly unknown ones.


I think rationaly. Well even. But my Spelling and grammer, when I type quickly (always) means that I come across as a fool.

Immunity to non-verbal communications:

Sometimes (my family would say often) I completley misread the situation. It happens.

Non-Linear Thought Process:

Don't bother trying to follow the way I think. I do not think in straight lines. A blessing and curse. I can reach point J from point A without reaching point F and passing through Point Y. In my head. O_o I am told that its a sign of genius or insanity...


I play Skyrim. That makes me Super.

Edited by Haradion Drogon
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  • 2 months later...

I, like Wayne, managed to buy a ward against logic from a traveling fortune-teller. I can now add 2 and 2 and get fish.

I appear to have sold myself into slavery. I draw the line at working on bridge crews, ok?

I have super flexible arms- I can get my arms from clasped behind my back to clasped infront of me without unlinking my fingers. My crime fighting career has yet to take off.

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I have a few also:

Bloodmaker: Yep that's right I'm halfway towards everyone's favorite immortal evildoer Miles. Except I surpass even him because I don't need gold. Only problem is I don't know how to tap health, only store it. And I can't turn it on and off, I'm just always sick. :P I have a similar problem with Wakefulness, I can go into an uninteruptible coma for long periods, I just can't figure out how to tap that later.

Other than that I suppose is my memory and subsequently calender calculation, give me any date and I could tell you what day that fell on. Take that Inquisitors!

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 year later...


I have quite a few.


  1. great balance
  2. amazing hearing
  3. instantaneous turning ability when running
  4. I can avoid being seen/heard/found anywhere when I feel like it (this one is really useful)
  5. amazing memory for anything.



You forgot to list 5b.

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Incredible Ninja

Like a lot of you guys I can walk around people and do stuff and make noise and still startle them out of their socks.


Startle Sense

I can see you, I can hear you, I can see what your about to do, but if you suddenly make a startling noise, call out my name, or honk, then I will jump out of my skin.


Sleepy Skill

I can fake sleeping really really well. Nobody ever knows that I'm faking it. Ever. I abuse this one too much.


Air Flow

I have to have some kind of movement in the air, otherwise I get really hot and claustrophobic.(This even works outside, but only if it's humid and there's no breeze.) This leads to me leaving my window open in the middle of December.

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