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Eragon will be done


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I know, many of you will cringe at this, but the new book of the Eragon not-trilogy has been announced! It is called Inheritance and it sports a green dragon on the cover.

Who's going to read it? Who's going to shun it? Who is going to read it, hoping that it isn't as bad as Brisingr?

And who's going to read it for the sake of the series?

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I'm indecisive about this at the moment. I'm not eager to read another Brisingr (sorry leinton, it was just... so boring. Never should I have to read the sentence "Eragon ate a large meal"). At all. But dang it, I am almost masochistic enough to read Inheritance.

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Don't worry about hurting my feelings, I didn't write the book. I accept all opinions on books that don't involve "This book by Brandon Sanderson sucks." That's where I put my foot down. Possibly on someone's neck.

I'm pretty sure I'm not going to buy it until it's in paperback. While I do enjoy the series, there are a lot of books I want to read right now, many of which are by authors I like better than Paoloni. I just don't feel that excitement that I felt when A Dance with Dragons was announced, for example, or Alloy of Law, or Memory of Light.

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Don't worry about hurting my feelings, I didn't write the book. I accept all opinions on books that don't involve "This book by Brandon Sanderson sucks." That's where I put my foot down. Possibly on someone's neck.

'Kay, cool.

(I once found someone who didn't like Mistborn. That was an awkward conversation)

Yeah, I think waiting until it's in paperback is a good idea. Whether we're all going to read the book or not, we can agree Paolini is certainly not worth $20.

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I'd disagree with that. I want the hardback. Mainly because I really like hardback books, they are SO much better than paperbacks, mainly because they don't start looking like crap so fast.

Well, it's about time he finished it.

I think the reason that Brisingr didn't work is precisely because it wasn't the end, it wasn't originally going to exist on its own and suffered for it. I think the last one will return to form.

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I'd disagree with that. I want the hardback. Mainly because I really like hardback books, they are SO much better than paperbacks, mainly because they don't start looking like crap so fast.

That's why i buy pretty much exclusively hardbacks, unless i don't have a choice (some books don't seem to have hardback versions and/or they're sold out when i go to grab it)

That being said, i've never read a Paolini book and don't really plan on it. I hadn't heard too terribly good things about the first book when it originally came out, and at that point I was well past the time when i could be disillusioned enough to enjoy terrible writing (i was out of highschool and half a semester or so in to college when it came out)

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yeah, Brandon is TOO good a story-teller not to defend. The only author I know that can pull off a trilogy-turn-quadrilogy is Tad Williams...he's had enough practice at it :P. And I think I remember enjoying the first three, meh...not as good as other authors though. Probably wont buy the hardback (my bro might though *steals* :P)

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I think I'll read the wikipedia page to find out how it ends. I enjoyed Eragon alright, but Eldest just didn't do it for me. Having the main character sitting around for over half the book just learning magic with little to no interesting conflict tends to put me off. And I didn't really latch on to Roran's story so there wasn't really anything to save me from inevitable boredom. I never mustered up the interest to read Brisingr.

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I used to really like the books, but now, I've read too many well-written books to think that the Inheritance cycle is that great.

Still, I'll probably read Inheritance just to see how the story ends; I own all the other books anyway and I might as well complete the collection. I don't DISLIKE the books, I just don't particularly like them anymore.

Not like Harry Potter. I don't know if I could make myself reread those books these days. XD

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I disagree about Harry Potter. I reread the first one a few weeks ago and was astounded by how well it's held up on quality. The characterization is flawless, and the sense of immersion is fantastic. Even under the eye of an wannabe author like myself. Of course, that might be the nostalgia talking, but I don't think so.

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I'm with Zayde on this one. I absolutely adored the first one when I read it. It was probably my first real book obsession. I was in elementary school and me and my friends used to act out scenes on the playground during recess. Then Eldest was ehhh. And the movie was really ehhhh. I never brought myself to read Brisingr. I might pick it up if I really run out of books, but I think I'd rather start a third readthrough of WoK than try to push through a book that I've not really heard good things about.

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I'm afraid that I first read Eragon when I was about 25. By that point, I recognized that the prose was awkward. On the other hand, I enjoyed the story. When I began reading Eldest, though, I just couldn't get into it. It didn't catch my attention at all. No idea why not. In any case, I haven't ever mustered up the time or energy to continue.

I don't hate the series, like some people do. It's just one of those books I put down and have no trouble leaving down if there is anything else at all to do.

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