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Eragon will be done


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Unlike LotR, the Inheritance books are properly structured... with actual climaxes. Only The Two Towers has a proper climax in the books, though.

Of course, the climaxes always felt forced in Inheritance. "Hey, it's near the end of the book HEY LOOK A BATTLE HOW CONVENIENT." It's the worst in Brisingr, for sure.

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There are a lot of things wrong with the battle scenes themselves as well, but I won't go into that now.

Anyways, I'll probably read it despite my relatively poor opinion of Paolini's writing. I've read all three books; I might as well see how it ends. Besides, I want to be up to date when the new Sporkings come out. ;)

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Ugh, I've been rereading Eragon and the farther I get the more things start to annoy me. One of the things that made me facepalm was that when he breaks the wrist on his sword arm, he switches over to his left and becomes JUST as proficient with his left as with his right. Not only that, but he then proceeds to beat Brom LEFT HANDED. ARGH!

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I wouldn't mind that so much if it actually took him a reasonable time to accomplish, rather than whatever it was. A few weeks? Plus, we have other gems like Eragon putting armor on a dragon singlehandedly, and the fact that none of the mages in the series actually do anything useful in a battle. Ever.

Anyone who finds these things annoying should go read the Eragon Sporkings. They're a humorous look at some of the flaws of the series, which also makes them a great resource of things to avoid when writing your own works.

That said, I still think I'm going to read Inheritance.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

There are two good things about that release time. One, Eragon has more of a chance to get a midnight bookstore opening. We will be 6 chapters into A0L and hopefully can get that finished in a night. :D

unless of course your part of us lucky few who live within minutes of the BYU bookstore and can got to all of Brandons midnight releases and get your books signed there :D

Edited by SOM1else
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  • 1 month later...

unless of course your part of us lucky few who live within minutes of the BYU bookstore and can got to all of Brandons midnight releases and get your books signed there :D

[just_joking]I hate you.[/just_joking]

More seriously: I really do envy you.

There was a time when I lived that close to BYU campus---sigh.

And I have next to no interest in the Inheritance release, so, ah well.

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  • 4 months later...

Wow... I didn't know so many people dislike The Inheritance Cycle. I for one thought his books were great especially since he wrote Eragon when he was what 15... 17. Yeah there's a lot of unoriginal things (names particularly) but it's not boring, far from it in fact. For the Varden!

P.S. Brisingr is my favorite book of his.

P.P.S. If the movie hadn't been done so badly not half of you guys would be bagging on the series.

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  • 1 month later...

I think most people are just saying that it isn't great literature. That isn't a bad thing: novels are often first and foremost entertainment. Thus, if enough people are entertained, and the publishers break even, its a success. The Inheritance cycle is the papery version of a popcorn movie. Fun enough, but easy to forget.

For myself, I started reading the series after seeing the movie. It had a baby dragon. That is what I went in for, and it delivered. The acting was about as good as Phantom Menace. The book had baby dragons, that was good enough for me.

The last book is currently city on my bookshelf, waiting for me to finish rereading the Mistborn Series (and AoL), and Mockingjay. I've already read about 80 pages of it, and generally the series seems to be suffering under Paolini's attempt to be an epic fantasy writer, rather than his own brand of writer. I think he has a decent amount of talent that he's shoving aside to write how he thinks that legendary fantasy writers wrote. He needs to start listening to Writing Excuses, methinks.

That said, I have a special place in my heart for conlangs, so in turn the Inheritance cycle will have a special place in my heart. In a corner, somewhere. It's probably dark, I don't know, I don't go there often.

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I really liked Inheritance when I read it, several years ago. Then I met Mistborn.

I'm also really disappointed that I read Eragon before EotW, because of all the things that were obviously borrowed. I still think the magic system is cool, though. I'll read the last book as soon as somebody I know gets it so I can borrow it.

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Eh, he started writing it when he was fifteen, and published it when he was eighteen. Not to mention he took a fair few names from LotR, the plot from Star Wars, the magic from the Belgariad/Malloreon (as well as a scene or three which were copied from the Belgariad) and the language he 'made' is just old Norse with a few random letters/accents here and there. And Eldest was so boring. Seriously. And the hero is rather brutal, yet every good guy still loves him. AKA, he's a Mary Sue, and so is his love interest. :3

You probably wouldn't believe me if I told you that it was being a member of the biggest fan forum for the Inheritance Cycle that made me come to dislike it. XD

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Brandon got fan mail on Wednesday that says

Love your work; I am truly inspired by your beginings with "Eragon"... I just finished "Inheritance" and you can really see the progression in your writing from the first book to the last-love the book (loved the whole series!) but dang! that ending. I really hope you go back to it and continue the saga; I'd hate to think that Eragon & Saphria won't ever have that special, "partner-of-heart-and-mind" other than each other.

Looking forward to your other work,

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