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Trilogy 2 and 3


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I think Alloy of Law occurs before the 1900s, actually. The second trilogy will be more modern era, and the third will be sci-fi.

I don't think the time periods between us and Scadrial would correspond very well. From what I can tell AoL is gonna be set in sort of a western expansion time period but I'm guessing that some of their technology will be farther behind what ours was then and other parts of it will be farther ahead of what we had at that time. I'm most excited for the second trilogy assuming that it would be set in a time similar to our own.

Also I think that Scadrial has almost always been the most modern of the worlds in the cosmere, before the ascencion Sanderson said that they were in a time similar to the 1800's. Imagine what would have happened if the LR let technology progress during the thousand years of his rule. just cause they're the most modern doesn't mean they're the most advanced, In my opinion Sel is the most advanced of the cosmere planets due to the Elantris magics, Scadrial is after Sel, Nalsis (sp?) would be next, and Roshar comes in at last place but ironically has the most information on the cosmere.

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But we need to assume that technology will be progressing at a relatively similar rates as it did in our world. Sel is advanced in somethings but not through technology, you cant count technology that is based off magic. If magic disappeared, then all of their technology would too. Scadrial would still have gunpowder if its magic disappeared.

Edited by lordofsoup
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The original trilogy would not compare well with our world's progression, but that was only due to the Lord Ruler controlling progression (stopping it). The future books will probably be easy to compare to a technological time on Earth.

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But exactly what form those technologies take is an interesting idea. Cars? Maybe, maybe not, maybe something completely different. Telephone? Who even knows.

An interesting thought, replacing pneumatic (or train-based) mail-systems with Lurcher/Coinshot's? Either as 'slavery' to the postmasters or just the post-workers out of choice, their 'dayjob' lets say. heheh

Yeah, trains run by iron/steel burners is awesome :D and I guess thug's make good rickshaw/taxi drivers.

I guess the emotional metals would be useful in justice settings, or maybe unethical to a point of not being allowed to? In that case, maybe a Hemalurgistic Seeker needs to be around, to make sure nobody uses emotional Allomancy (unless there's a Hemalurgistic mirror of coppercloud-piercing).

Bank thievery....good job for Allomancers :D

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  • 1 month later...

Wait, I thought there were only going to be three trilogies. Since TFE, WoA and HoA are the first, wouldn't alloy of law be part of the second trilogy?

EDIT: To clarify, how could there be a 1900's one, a modern day one, and a sci fi one if the first of the three trilogies is already used up?

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His blog stated that he was going to do 3 trilogies on Scadrial. That was before he decided to start AoL, which I think he said would be a standalone. I would guess that AoL will link the first and the second, in terms of worldbuilding stuff...

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Yep. Alcatraz came between MB 2 & 3, and AoL is separate from the other two trilogies that may someday be written. Though AoL may have a sequel, I think Sanderson said it didn't need it.

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I really hope we get more, though. Just saying. This whole thing sounds way too fun to just have one book written about it. ;)

As for time periods, even Brandon himself has compared fashion and technology on Scadrial to our own (late Regency/early Victorian for fashion, medieval for most technology). From the use of trains and the "Wild West" whatnot, it seems like Alloy of Law can be compared to anywhere between, I'm guessing, the 1830s to the 1890s, obviously stretching to the end of that spectrum if automobiles really are involved.

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Don't forget that they had canning technology in the first Mistborn trilogy. Canned food is huge, without it poeple in real life would not have progressed geographically wise as fast as they did, and geographic expansion led to new discoveries of resources such as various medicines (like aspirin), new cultures and a great expansion in trade.

Anyways, it was my impression that the major cities were relatively advanced, being at a later date level of technology, and the frontier towns would be more primitive.

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Don't forget that they had canning technology in the first Mistborn trilogy. Canned food is huge, without it poeple in real life would not have progressed geographically wise as fast as they did, and geographic expansion led to new discoveries of resources such as various medicines (like aspirin), new cultures and a great expansion in trade.

Anyways, it was my impression that the major cities were relatively advanced, being at a later date level of technology, and the frontier towns would be more primitive.

Yeah, I expect the technology to be a little bit Schizoid, what with TLR suppressing some technologies but allowing others to advance (as long as they forward the cause of preservation!). In fact, I would say that we tend to think of a "natural" form for technology to advance in, but this is highly subjective---it comes from the advancement we saw in our world. We have a huge bias to think that the way things happened was the way they had to happen, but there is essentially no evidence for this in the real world.

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So apparently there's going to be several characters reappearing in the later trilogies. Marsh is a very likely candidate and Sazed is a possibility too, but besides those two (and Hoid of course) I'm not really sure who else could live for that long. Any guesses?

source: http://fantasy-faction.com/2011/brandon-sanderson-interview (about 3 mins in in part 2)

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I don't have a quote on me, but I believe the kandra get some of their memories back, but some things are hazy.

EDIT: I find the quote. Man, the Brandonothology is great.

3) When the Kandra get their spikes back, do they remember who they were, or have they been "rebooted"?

They remember, though some things are vague or foggy in their minds. Depends on the individual.

Edited by Chaos
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wait, do we know if these trilogies will be in chronological order? How cool would it be if trilogy 2 is a modern/futuristic Scadrial and trilogy 3 is set 1000s of years before the Lord Rulers ascension. or if the 2nd is set similar to modern times and the 3rd instead of being all sci-fi and stuff it is all post apocallyptic. (oh wait that was the deal with the first 3 books :P )

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Technically, the first three books were pre-apocalyptic. :P

Also, the second trilogy will be set at a similar level of technology to today, and the third will be set at a futuristic/sci-fi level, with space ships and whatnot.

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