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The Rooster

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Also it was never pointed out that the magic system in Mistborn is genetic and is passed down from generation to generation. So sure a world jumper who was a full mistborn could have jumped into Roshar and breed into the population but it would have likely thinned out pretty quickly with no other mistings around,


Unless say Hoid gave the bead to Kaladin/ one of kaladins ancestors and didn't take it for himself .

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See, then probably not :)


Though where do we see Hoid use the bead?


During the flashback at the Dueling grounds at the fair? in the case we only see him " dumped the pouch's contents into his own drink, then raised it to his lips, gulping down the powder"(no idea what page since i have it on my e-reader but itsin Chapter 45. Middlefest). That's the only flashback Shallan has with Hoid that I know of. So perhaps you could point me in the right direction?

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There's a WoB that goes something along these lines.


Q. " Was the thing that Hoid put into his goblet something important?"


A. "Yep."


Q. "Something from Scadrial Perhaps?"


A. *Pleased smile* " Definitely could be."


Sorry about the paraphrasing but I don't know how to search out WoB's.


Now I guess it could mean that it was just emotional metal, but that doesn't feel rite to me.

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