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Coppermind-Chapter Summaries?


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Hi guys,


I'm fairly new here and just wanted to clarify something. I just updated the prologue for Steelheart, and since none of the chapters have summaries yet, I will probably be updating those, along with a bunch of TWoK chapters.


Anyways, the summaries that are already in place are extremely brief. Is the longevity of these sort of articles something of a standard that I am not familiar with? I was looking over the summaries of TWoK and The Mistborn Trilogy, and the summaries are either absent, or provide very rudimentary information. Should I not go as in depth with these or something? Thanks.


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The extremely brief ones I can answer for. I wrote the single line entries just so they weren't totally empty. I can't say how detailed we should be, but there should be an upper limit on the detail, since they are only meant to refresh peoples memories. I, as evidenced by my poor quality, don't really have any right to say tho, so you should wait for other people's opinions.

EDIT: as always, the answer is probably just to do what you want, and people can/will edit and change things until we're happy. So there's no real reason you should wait for input, as long as you're happy for people to change your stuff.

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For now,  I would have them be as long as you feel is necessary to concisely summarize the chapter.  If they get too long we can always edit them down later but personally I feel it is better for them to be too long than too short (or non-existant).

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  • 5 weeks later...

I now have stared on the missing summaries for TWoK, they probably are too long and in some cases to detailed so feel free to cut them :D 


Also since i'm dyslexic and German i might have a few spelling mistakes. i check as good as i can but some will slip through.


I also started to write some summaries form the transcript material from readings for Words of Radiance.

Edited by Ozyara
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  • 4 months later...

Hej guys,

WoR-caused Cosmere-fever brings me back.


I'm starting my reread of WoR, taking notes along the way and that gave me an idea.

I'm not really interested in writing chapter-summaries, I tried and I really don't feel comfortable doing it.

BUT, I think it might be cool to have some kind of dramatis personae/formal introduction at the beginning of each chapter along these lines:



symbols (that includes the Herald/Hoid-heads for the SA)



Characters appearing on-screen

1. POV character

2. Other main character

3. Others


Characters mentioned


My goal would be to collect all characters in a way similar to the wot-encyclopaedia. The listing could make it easier to find out about hidden characters, worldhoppers, aliases etc. Also, as in the wot-encyclopaedia we could include notes that explain some things.

For example that the guy appearing in the prologues (Darkness, Nalan, Nin, Herald of Justice, whatever) is actually the Herald as revealed in the last chapter.


What do you think?


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similar to how Darniil structured the Mistborn summary? I like seeing all the characters/etc as well as the plot summary. Or at least having a recording of said information.

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I have a list of the Herald icons, so I can help with that. I note that for The Way of Kings they are listed along with the chapter symbols at http://coppermind.net/wiki/The_Way_of_Kings/Headings


I also have the page numbers in the US hardcover for each chapter of WoR, which I think is useful information.


How can I best make this information available?

Edited by Zizoz
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  • 1 month later...

I tried using the Hero of Ages chapter summary to do some research, and ended up dissatisfied. Now that I have done the research manually, I'm planning a big overhaul for the page.

I plan to add epigraphs, chapter and part icons, and viewpoint characters for now, other characters and actual summaries to be added on later passes. I've also been working the formatting into line with the Final Empire summary.

The reason for this post is the icons. I've inserted the original Mistborn icons into my work-in-progress, since the book three icons are not in the wiki yet. Is there any chance that one of the clever SVG artists could get a set together?

Personally, I wouldn't worry about replicating the ink spatters. Just getting the general swirling shapes is enough for me to read them.

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I tried using the Hero of Ages chapter summary to do some research, and ended up dissatisfied. Now that I have done the research manually, I'm planning a big overhaul for the page.

I plan to add epigraphs, chapter and part icons, and viewpoint characters for now, other characters and actual summaries to be added on later passes. I've also been working the formatting into line with the Final Empire summary.

The reason for this post is the icons. I've inserted the original Mistborn icons into my work-in-progress, since the book three icons are not in the wiki yet. Is there any chance that one of the clever SVG artists could get a set together?

Personally, I wouldn't worry about replicating the ink spatters. Just getting the general swirling shapes is enough for me to read them.


Thanks for doing this, its a huge help.  I know we've been wanting the HoA symbols added for a while but they are a bit more difficult to reproduce.  Joe sent an email to Isaac about them a while back, but I don't think he ever heard back.

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My main problem is having no experience making SVG files. Otherwise I might have tried it myself.

I did want to confirm, on the icon template: the first mistborn book uses metal names in the second field, while the second book uses numbers throughout. My work-in-progress has the first book's symbols, and therefore, names as the IDs. Will that be a problem when adding the new icons to the template?

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Overhaul edit of the Hero of Ages chapter summary is now live. It needs proper icons, when available, and full character listings. It also needs summaries written for the vast majority of the chapters. But the overall formatting is matched to the Final Empire chapter summary, as a starting point.


And now, I need sleep. Good night!

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thank you very much :D Jerric

Metal names/numbers are equivalent, they all get converted into numbers which get converted into names. Having the epigraphs there and the viewpoint characters and the icons is a great start, hopefully adding the extra meta-data (other characters, extra notes on things that happen) will be easier to do now that the structure is there :D 


Thank you :D

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Overhaul edit of the Hero of Ages chapter summary is now live. It needs proper icons, when available.

Svg's have been uploaded for the Hero of Ages. I'm not sure how to change the links for "icons" on the summary pages so someone else will need to get that setup.

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The icons template should also now take note of those symbols, thank you so much Awesomeness. the Icon's templates need to be changed to use MB3 rather than the M at the end.

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