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Metallic Jobs

Joe ST

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Lets discuss the technical applications of the three Metallic Arts.

For example, you could replace train engines by iron/steel burners using external metal sources (I guess that's how it'll be done in AoL).

Another example could be taxi/rickshaw drivers using pewter to increase their performance.

Or in the courtroom, people might try and coerce the emotions of the judge/jurors to their own ends...or equally, the lawyers may use Allomancy in an unethical way on the defendants/witnesses. Thus it may be that a Hemalurgistic Seeker is used to make sure no copper clouds shield usage of Allomancy. Also, tin (savants?) could possibly trained as lie-detectors? One way of cheating the system might be to 'lose' your memory into a coppermind, or start storing in tin or steel to defeat the tin-truthers. (I guess the arts could be banned all together in the courtroom, but the 'memory-loss' idea still holds).

Any others you can think of?

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Hm, good stuff. I believe it has been mentioned in another thread that iron/steel burners would make good mail dilivery workers. Feruchemical steelminds could store speed for this same purpose.

I supose on a very obviously practial level, pewterarms could work construction in place of some mechanical labor.

And then there could be the Magic Olympics with four classes determined by your art (Allomancy, Feruchemy, Hemalurgy, and mixed [Twinborn]). Of course savants would have their own subdivision.

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Malatium could be used to make a great therapist. ( I know, I know, there's no Malatium)

Well, here again a tin savant could probably do well too. And emotional Allomancy would as well.

Hemalurgy would really screw with sportsmanship.

Cadmium would be awesome to burn in an exam :D

I wonder if you can become an Feruchemical savant, constantly storing stuff. Some of the options might be bad for your health since you'd be unable to do things. If you were hooked upto a life-support system, you could do constant storage of steel, tin, zinc and bronze. Iron, pewter and gold could be stored if you were even more safe. Brass might be do-able if you are kept warm.

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  • 1 month later...

Thugs for Law enforcement obviously, but also Seekers to hunt down Allomancers/hemalurgists, and (mind-blank) whatever metal destroys other peoples' metal mistings to disable Allomancers.

Personally, I think that hemalurgy would be illegal for obvious reasons.

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And yet, I could see there being a secret person, a highly moral person, perhaps even a law officer, who always wore his shirt, with an odd point or to here or there, and him "snapping" in the grief after his grandfather's death.

Ooh, even better, after his wife's death. Then he could be a religious figure (because of the allegory to Kelsier) who betrays one of the deepest beliefs of the religion. And yet, it isn't so bad because she wanted it done- or even better, she did it herself, because she knew she was dying. There's a couple interesting plot points that could be done with it. It could also be two officers, one a duralumin knat, the other something cool, stuck in a firefight with no hope of survival, and the knat sacrifices himself so that his friend can survive. Why is there a spike with him? Because the knat always has it with him. "Because I knew someday this would come. The day when I could become... useful."

Of course, if Hemalurgy happens, it will have to be done with the blessing of Sazed, since the "bindpoints" are extremely precise. So Sazed will have to guide the hand that uses the spike.

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"Because I knew someday this would come. The day when I could become... useful."

can I sig this?

That still does not change the legality of it...but there is always the difference between De Facto and De Jure.

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True, true. And sure! Why not?

I just think it'll be really interesting if Brandon penetrates the queasiness of Hemalurgy and makes it not only the right decision but a noble one as well. And the best way to do that is with a noble knat with an inferiority complex who's never been able to live up to his Allomantic heritage.

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Sazed doesn't like Hemalurgy, don't think he's going to want anybody using it.

Also, I suspect that the few living people as of the end of HoA that have even a vague idea about it aren't going to want to talk about it, it's probable that nobody's going to know about it after they die.

Although I have an image of a bullet ending up as a accidental spike, by going through one person and hitting another. Mind you, that would take an insane amount of luck to create a useful spike.

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  • 4 weeks later...

There might end up being a black market for Hemalurgic spikes; whether or not the points are known, if the "right" person knew it existed, what's to stop them from experimenting? As for jobs:

Librarians with Feruchemical Copper. Best reference desk ever, and knowledge of everything that's in the library, down to each volume's Dewey Decimal number.

Locksmiths (or thieves) with iron/steel. Lockpicking tools? Skeleton keys? Who needs 'em?

Coinshot snipers. Why waste money on suppressors when Allomancy is perfectly quiet?

Pewterarm EMTs/Paramedics/Firefighters etc. One of the hardest things about emergency medicine is moving the patient when you have only yourself.

Psychotherapist Soother/Rioters. Only with the patient's consent, of course.

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Librarians with Feruchemical Copper. Best reference desk ever, and knowledge of everything that's in the library, down to each volume's Dewey Decimal number.

Heck you wouldnt even need a library, just copy out the book's contents every time you needed it.

Coinshot snipers. Why waste money on suppressors when Allomancy is perfectly quiet?

Pewterarm EMTs/Paramedics/Firefighters etc. One of the hardest things about emergency medicine is moving the patient when you have only yourself.

Psychotherapist Soother/Rioters. Only with the patient's consent, of course.


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OK, now I'm really looking forward to Alloy of Law. I just know Brandon has thought of some of these already! With Allomancy and Feruchemy acknowledged parts of the world, it could be really fun to write these kind of stories.

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