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NEW INFO: Renarin's Spren


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Doloken, Yes! I'm serious, if Feather's okay with it, I really think we should. Plus I've liveblogged all three main ones so I can share those too!

(by the way, if you haven't noticed, I'm trying to use my Cosmere curses more :) )

Also, Alaxel, ask Feather about her original stuff. It's really good too. I haven't gotten around to all of then yet but what I have read is so good.

Edited by Mailliw73
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I... I... I wish I could give you guys more upvotes than one at a time. (Yes, I'm rather proud of the Shardblade metaphor. I had to try a couple different drafts of that sentence to make it work just the way I wanted.)


If you really want to see my fanfics, I've only got 4 fics right now, all Stormlight (which I think both of you have already read, but in case anyone else is curious):

If you want to see more, you should maybe follow that tumblr? Because that's where I post all my writing stuff. I tend to think that people over here don't want me bugging them with fanfics and such, so I don't post things over here. I know there's a Creator's Corner board, but do people really check it? Same for things like fanmixes or analyses.


If y'all want to see more of that though, I can certainly post it over here! I mean I was wondering if I should post the Dalinar mix that I did yesterday over here, but the last two mixes I did didn't really get much response here, so I thought I shouldn't bother. Perhaps you all are growing though!


I haven't taken the time to read your fan fic as yet, but now I'm curious if your metaphors are half as good as Davids. ;)

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* “Next time, you shouldn’t let me win.” http://featherwriter.tumblr.com/post/41129552657/a-training-session-stormlight-archive-fanfic

* "She and Renarin seemed to be spending quite a lot of time together recently." LOL



EDIT: maybe we should make a thread for discussing these :D


Hehehe... "A Training Session" was actually written as a gift for someone else as part of the tumblr fandom's Secret Santa gift exchange last year. So I got a prompt that asked for "something with Kaladin and Adolin" and I did my best to write them a story that they would want to read! (But my dear shipper heart couldn't help but throw in a Shallarin cameo right at the end just for fun!) 


I like to think that this scene might take place within the same continuity as A Strange Mix of Both, but the timelines might not actually work out, so eh, whatevs.


Like a FeatherWriter Fanfic Fan Club Thread lol?


If you guys make a fanclub thread for me I will probably cry a lot and fall on the ground out of not being able to handle that. I just... Aaaaaaah? People like my stuff that much? Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh??? Do not know how to react to this!


Doloken, Yes! I'm serious, if Feather's okay with it, I really think we should. Plus I've liveblogged all three main ones so I can share those too!

(by the way, if you haven't noticed, I'm trying to use my Cosmere curses more :) )

Also, Alaxel, ask Feather about her original stuff. It's really good too. I haven't gotten around to all of then yet but what I have read is so good.


Liveblogs of my fics are basically my favorites, this is true and if you liveblog any of my writingI will love you pretty much forever. (Cosmere curses are the best, storm it!)


*high pitched keening noise about my original writing* Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh I like... cannot understand that my writing would be good enough that you guys would want to meet my characters and see my stories. I'm just, this thread has taken the most wonderful turn and I hope everyone's dreams here come true and you find $20 on the ground. One one hand, I'm thinking "I've kinda shared my story around a lot" but on the other hand, it would be nice to have some people who don't ship Vanaline and Len together because the rest of my fandom is crazy and thinks those two would be a good couple. (*shudders* Vanalen shippers... Every. Single. Other. Person. Wants. Them. Together. Help.)


I haven't taken the time to read your fan fic as yet, but now I'm curious if your metaphors are half as good as Davids. ;)


As if I could ever compare to the perfect mastery that is David's grasp of metaphorical language. I cry every day that I will never be as good as him.

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EDIT: maybe we should make a thread for discussing these :D[/size]


Like a FeatherWriter Fanfic Fan Club Thread lol?


Doloken, Yes! I'm serious, if Feather's okay with it, I really think we should. Plus I've liveblogged all three main ones so I can share those too!


If you guys make a fanclub thread for me I will probably cry a lot and fall on the ground out of not being able to handle that. I just... Aaaaaaah? People like my stuff that much? Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh??? Do not know how to react to this!


Check this out! :)

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Why would Renarin be wearing his plate? Plates are not worn in camp usually. I highly doubt Renarin will start parading around in Plate on a daily basis.

Adolin at one point suggests that new Plate owners do in fact wear it much of the time to get used to the power and speed amplification.

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I am reminded of Syl's question to Kaladin, something in the nature of, do wind spren make wind?...I think we are at a focal point of all of those things that attract spren and will see bonds because the acts that draw them are more manifest in the environ and actions on the Shattered Plains. It is like a huge fire, so naturally there will be a lot of (flame) spren drawn there.

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I am reminded of Syl's question to Kaladin, something in the nature of, do wind spren make wind?


Perhaps off-topic, but I find the question interesting. It seems to me to be an example of a wrong question. Windspren are wind, essentially. Just a different way of seeing it. You don't ask if wind causes wind.

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...yeah it's not like I once started to write a fic where Renarin finds out he's secretly adopted and is actually the son of a Parshendi leader or anything ever. And I definitely didn't call it "The Monster That Parents Tell Their Children About At Night." Noooo, that would be absurd. That doesn't even sound like me at all.


Deeeeefffinitely not.


(I totally abandoned that fic after only a few paragraphs though, so it never got posted.)


I actually ended up talking a lot about the Renarin/Loki parallels in a thread over here a while back, and while their situations are remarkably similar, it's their personalities and worldviews that really set them apart. But I've already written that essay once, so I won't do it again. Rest assured that Renarin and Loki are possibly the two fictional characters that I've thought the most about... ever, and I've thought a lot about their parallels as well.


(Also there was that one time that beneathsilverstars drew me a picture of my personal group of "book smart, brainy, younger brothers who are less popular and less athletic than their older brothers" playing Risk together, AKA: Renarin, Loki, Unalaq from Legend of Korra and Luigi from Mario. That's totally a thing that happened.)

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there is a difference between peace and war.


even between a war and a war were 90% die.



so i can see Spren being much less picky at the middle or the end of a Desolation.

with lots and lots of ppl dead, then at the beginning of a Desolation.

Spren guided by other Spren and KR to bond. 


i dont think loosing a Desolation is an option for the Spren.

Edited by Crysanja
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With the exception of Shallan don't the individuals and their Spren who have the Bond seem to be of the opposite sex?

Syl - Kaladin

Lift - Wyndle 

Jasnah - Ivory

Edited by WeiryWriter
WoR stuff needs to be in spoiler tags
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With the exception of Shallan don't the individuals and their Spren who have the Bond seem to be of the opposite sex?

Syl - Kaladin

Lift - Wyndle 

Jasnah - Ivory

I'm not sure if Shallan's pet Julia set Cryptic is male.

This question makes me think of CG Jung and his concept of anima/animus.


Also, shouldn't it be marked as WoR spoilers?

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Guest Shash

Pretty sure it's a Deathspren he's gonna see...except I guess that Kaladin already saw them, huh?




Pretty sure it's Certain-Deathspren that Renarin will see.

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Guest Shash

Blood Weakness Spren, like a leech

My bug phobia is acting up again :huh:

Even though it doesn't match the description, I imagine Deathspren to look like Mole Crickets. They are by far the most unpleasant thing I've ever encountered. They have little mole claws they burrow with, little wings they use to jump at your face with, an exoskeleton that gives them disturbing strength and resistance to fire. They can also last a few minutes completely submerged in water. They continue to live even when you've torn their limbs off with pliers.

Do a Google Image search, if you dare...

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