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Copper Twinborn


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So I'm relistening to the audiobook for the final empire.  (love audiobooks for while I'm getting housework done).  TLR is mentioned to have a perfect memory.  Now this could be just because of regular copperminds,  but the way it's referenced with faces makes me think that perhaps compounding copper permanently imprints the memory to the persons brain.  

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On the topic of compounding Copper, someone asked that at the SF signing. He said that he'll reveal it eventually but added that "not all compounding does cool stuff".

Anybody else reading these things and really wish they were Mistborn, Feruchemist, and had a large supply of Allomantic metals?

I'd settle for being a Twinborn, the trick would be picking the coolest combination. Or possibly a Pulser with allomantic Duralumin granted via hemalurgy, so I could speed up time between book releases.
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On the topic of compounding Copper, someone asked that at the SF signing. He said that he'll reveal it eventually but added that "not all compounding does cool stuff".

I'd settle for being a Twinborn, the trick would be picking the coolest combination. Or possibly a Pulser with allomantic Duralumin granted via hemalurgy, so I could speed up time between book releases.

I'd love just copper feruchemy.

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Would the decay rate of the memories change?

The other thing is be know that Compounding releases the tapped ability, but do Copperminds get tapped? Isn't there a mention of sorting through them with an index, or something? Maybe with Copper Compounding the user would have full access to the memories 24/7.

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You tap them to regain the memories and lose them to store them again.

IIRC the index itself is a memory Keepers make to keep track of what they actually have stored in there, so they could locate the work or research that would be of use in their coppermind and tap it out. Then you put the index back in, I suppose.

Edited by natc
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