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Salutations from Canada


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Hi, I'm a new (as in the last year) Brandon Sanderson fan from Canada and I stumbled upon this site after reading about the expanded Cosmere and working my way through WoK and finally (after over 10 years of waiting) finishing the Wheel of Time series. I'm hoping to contribute to this site and the wiki in my spare time.


I also hope to devour Stormlight 2 and join in the rampant speculation as soon as it comes out  :D

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Glad to have you with us EC11.  Welcome.  I look forward to hearing some of your ideas :DUnless they conflict with mine <_<:P


Thank you  :) and don't worry to much, you seem to subscribe to at least two theories that I agree with, though you have some I'm not yet aware of too  :P so many theories, so little time.

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I'll jump in on this too as a recent member and a fellow Canadian. Welcome EC11!


I've lurked in the past, grazing on the various theories. I believe I first arrived here looking for Hoid a few years ago, and I came back yesterday looking for rumours about Steelhunt, and subsequently successfully navigated my way through into the treasure of that vault.


I'm primarily a consumer of information [i've read all the released Cosmere books and the annotations] but as I digest it, I may chime in here and there. I anticipate most of my contributions will be words of thanks, but maybe I'll chime in an agreement or disagreement here and there. Probably not disagreements actually. They're more work, since they require back-up information.  :P


I do want to give a big thanks to the huge amounts of work that everyone has done to put this and the related websites together, its been a terrific resource for me, and I look forward to catching up on the various theories scattered throughout the forums.



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I'll jump in on this too as a recent member and a fellow Canadian. Welcome EC11!


I've lurked in the past, grazing on the various theories. I believe I first arrived here looking for Hoid a few years ago, and I came back yesterday looking for rumours about Steelhunt, and subsequently successfully navigated my way through into the treasure of that vault.


I'm primarily a consumer of information [i've read all the released Cosmere books and the annotations] but as I digest it, I may chime in here and there. I anticipate most of my contributions will be words of thanks, but maybe I'll chime in an agreement or disagreement here and there. Probably not disagreements actually. They're more work, since they require back-up information.  :P


I do want to give a big thanks to the huge amounts of work that everyone has done to put this and the related websites together, its been a terrific resource for me, and I look forward to catching up on the various theories scattered throughout the forums.




A warm welcome to you too aheerema! Thank you!


I too am hoping to get all caught up with the various theories of the Cosmere and the amazing hidden epic we've gotten such tantalizing glimpses of!

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Welcome to the forums!  I'm in Toronto :)


I've always wondered - is it true that wild bears roam the streets of your cities, but are too polite to actually maul everyone in sight, or is that an Internet stereotype?  ;)


Depends how much you've drunk...  :huh:

Edited by Scott
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I've always wondered - is it true that wild bears roam the streets of your cities, but are too polite to actually maul everyone in sight, or is that an Internet stereotype? ;)


Actually it depends on how far north you are  :P  I have a friend who lived up near Churchill Manitoba and she had to carry bear spray when she walked the street lest a polar bear wander into town. 

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Canadians, REPRESENT, eh?


Bears and all  :P


I... Wow. Okay. I am out of half-clever remarks.


You could always ask how we enforce traffic laws on them  :P


I know that in Alaska, the schoolkids have specific instructions drilled into them regarding moose.  I mean drilled like as with "Stop, Drop, and Roll" or "Look both ways befor crossing the street". 


Moose are some of the most temperamental animals in the world, worst to hit with a car next to a rhino.

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