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The Great Sanderson Tournament


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Hoid. He has emotional allomancy. He has immortality. He has wit. Human has nothing of it. Only strength and only one arm. Sorry human, but hoid evades you, enslaves you with emotional allomancy and runs away telling jokes or hitting his head against a rock for a objective reference of the boringness of humans presence.

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Hoid.  That bit about emotional allomancy is a good point.  It's hard to beat someone who can mind control you.  Plus, I'm pretty sure that mind controlling Koloss wouldn't be stopped by Hoid's block against harming people, as long as he didn't try to use the mind control to cause harm.  He could just use the control to make Human surrender.

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Oh, definitely Hoid. 


Wayne.  If Shai stamps herself into some sort of warrior, he would just put on the hat of someone that knows how to beat that kind of warrior.


This... this is Wayne logic.

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This is really tough.



  • At one point holds a shard
  • Mind controls armies
  • Has a religion based off of her (and others)
  • Killed multiple gods (depending on how you count them)
  • Can fly (pretty much...)


  • Absolutely utterly insane
  • Massacred tons of people and cause worldwide chaos, toppling kingdoms
  • Came back from the dead
  • His story isn't over yet
  • Can fly (can he still?)

So, yeah...  I'm really not sure on this one.  Let's go with Vin, just because she has people backing her up.  Other than that, I honestly think they're pretty evenly matched.  (Note that I'm disregarding her shardic powers and giving heavy emphasis to the power of awesomeness.)

Edited by dklee10
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Tough match. I vote Vin. After some hours of fighting Vin ends up twice as bad is in her fight with Shan, but victorious.

And, do not forget, Vin often has Atium. Szeth does not.

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