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The Great Sanderson Tournament


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Looking at the bracket, I just realized that it is entirely possible for us to have a Vasher vs. Nightblood round.  


Anyways, I'm voting for Vin. I have a feeling that Szeth is going to get more powerful, but seeing as we don't know what his relationship with Nightblood will be, and the fact that Nightblood is another contestant on this list, I just have to vote for Vin. And, as stated above, Atium OP.

Edited by patar365
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I agree with you on the Shards, but we learned that it is possible to combat atium without using atium or electrum. Vin did this against Zane in WoA. Granted, she was extremely lucky, and one would need to know that she was burning atium in order to combat it. I'm still going to vote for Vin, but I will say that if anyone could beat her while she is using atium, it is Szeth. It would still be very close, however.

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I think it would be a more interesting fight if Vin had a minutes worth of atium and Szeth had his Honourblade and a pouch of spheres. Vin would play it defensive and study what Szeth is doing. She'll be good at dodging his Blade, and realize that he can suck in Stormlight. Her move would be to separate him from his pouch. If she can get in close past his Blade, Szeth is dead. If she runs out of metals she's dead.


I think I'd say Szeth though, if he has his Blade. If we're going with Szeth Returned then I'll say Vin. 

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Szeth.  While Vin has Atium it won't allow her to do much beyond dodge attacks.  Her coins will have little effect on Szeth as he can just heal his wounds and Vins Atium will run out allowing Szeth to kill her with his Blade.  Doesn't matter which Blade Szeth is holding either, the effect will be the same.  Vin dead.

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Szeth.  While Vin has Atium it won't allow her to do much beyond dodge attacks.  Her coins will have little effect on Szeth as he can just heal his wounds and Vins Atium will run out allowing Szeth to kill her with his Blade.  Doesn't matter which Blade Szeth is holding either, the effect will be the same.  Vin dead.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but won't Szeth's stormlight eventually run out? And if it does, would he not die as easily as any other man? And atium isn't the only thing that allows Vin to avoid attacks. She also has Iron and Steel, and duralumin for when she gets desperate. I think a duralumin-enhanced coin to the head would kill Szeth fast enough to where he wouldn't have time to heal.

Edited by patar365
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You've got me there, but I need a little clarification of how stormlight works, it has been a while since I've read Stormlight Archive. Mistborn carry several vials that allow them to replenish their metals, can stormlight do something similar? I know stormlight eventually runs out, but how long does it last compared to metals? 

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You've got me there, but I need a little clarification of how stormlight works, it has been a while since I've read Stormlight Archive. Mistborn carry several vials that allow them to replenish their metals, can stormlight do something similar? I know stormlight eventually runs out, but how long does it last compared to metals?

Stormlight holds in gemstones much better than in human bodies, which leak like crazy.

On the other hand, Szeth's healing is just plain inefficient compared to Radiant surgebinders, so having to heal in battle will be a problem.

EDIT: Ah, my phone accidentally downvoted Joe while scrolling. Can someone fix this?

Edited by natc
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There were three votes while I was gone, and it appears that Vin pulled of the win by one vote! This was probably the most even fight we've had yet!


Up next is another good match, Obliteration vs. Nightblood! 

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Colors and Calamity.

Here it gets really complicated. Nighblood destroys evil. Obliteration believes of himself as evil (but probably most likely not in Nighbloods sense), but also believes the whole world shall be destroyed because it is evil. A team-up is not so far away.

In case they do not team up, I vote for Obliteration.

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In a very strange way, I think that Obliteration and Nightblood actually have pretty similar views of the world.  Their concepts of evil, and who to destroy, are both kind of warped.  Not the same, definitely, but both strange.  I don't think Nightblood would qualify Obliteration as evil, and I don't know that Obliteration would necessarily go out of his way to destroy Nightblood.

Because of this, I'm totally voting for a teamup!  Can you imagine that?  It's crazy, and I think it would actually kind of work!


If that's not really an option, though, I'll abstain from voting this round.  I just have no idea how this one would go.

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