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  • 2 weeks later...

So Drawn doesn't mean a work of Art?


"by Someone who was not Drawn" makes me think of a Lottery or a Gun. AOL maybe?


Is the Answer found in one of the Core Books? (Mistborn Series, SA, Warbreaker, Elantris) Or is it in his Minor Books? (Emperor's Soul, 6th of Dusk, Shadows for Silence.)

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  • 3 weeks later...

All of the Hints so Far.

When I did not cut, I caused tears. When I did cut, I brought unity and joy.


No on the Szeth idea. Yes, cut is actually literal. The first "when" should be changed to "before", perhaps.


We're in the Cosmere, it wasn't Pattern. I guess I should have said this (it clarifies a little):

"Before I cut, I brought tears. When I did cut, I brought unity and joy."


Not Syl. It's not something major, but it's not something super obscure. 


Nope to both.

I was given, by someone who, surprisingly, was not drawn.

And I cut short someone's preparation. Which was unprecedented.


Major. It means that Isaac Stewart didn't have a part in crafting him...


Not Nightblood.

Y'know what Isaac Stewart draws? Well, he didn't draw this particular person (it's a pun). Brandon crafted the character. We're on Roshar. 


Was it Renarin who was doing the Giving?


And congratz on beating "Guess the..."

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