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Gavilar's Shard Plate?


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Huh, good point about Elhokar. That said, I'm not sure Adolin's got won on the plains; got a quote confirming that?


If neither of them got it, I expect whoever found the body grabbed it and got to keep it. The only non-Shardbearer male in House Kholin seems to be Renerian. Jasnah does not appear to have anywhere to hide Plate, and while I would credit her with being willing to spit in the face of traditional gender roles and keep Shards, I seriously doubt she'd take them and then go off and research in a library while her beloved-but-foolish brother was off at war without his own set.  Sadeas definitely didn't end up with the Blade, and if he did get the Plate it got repainted.

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Adolin got his for his mother family =)


Now that a think about the topic Dalinar won several plates in his life, if he wasn't so honorable he coud have, let's say half dozen shardbears in his army, or some reserve armor.


I'm now curious to know exactly how received the plates that Dalinar won.

Edited by Natans
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I could see Sadeas getting the plate. IIRC, the book even mentions that he likes to paint his plate. The first person to the king could have easily taken the blade and blamed the assassin. No one would question the blade being gone. It would raise more questions with the blade still being there.

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I could see Sadeas getting the plate. IIRC, the book even mentions that he likes to paint his plate. The first person to the king could have easily taken the blade and blamed the assassin. No one would question the blade being gone. It would raise more questions with the blade still being there.


 I think the plate in this case must go to the king sons or family as a heirloom.

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 I think the plate in this case must go to the king sons or family as a heirloom.



IIRC Dalinar didn't win Elhokar's Shards. He won a set of Shards and gave it to Elhokar so he can give it to someone else. So Elhokar inheriting Gavilar's Shards should still be on the table.


This certainly seems to be the most obvious conclusion, and this is certainly what I assumed during my readings.


However, since we don't know where Elhokar's plate and blade came from, nor do we know where Sadea's plate came from, on the surface it certainly seems to be a viable theory. Considering Sadeas' acts during the night of the kings death, I don't think it would be a stretch for Elhokar to give him the plate if he already had his own. While not my favorite theory, I wouldn't be too surprised if turned out that way.

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However, since we don't know where Elhokar's plate and blade came from, nor do we know where Sadea's plate came from, on the surface it certainly seems to be a viable theory. Considering Sadeas' acts during the night of the kings death, I don't think it would be a stretch for Elhokar to give him the plate if he already had his own. While not my favorite theory, I wouldn't be too surprised if turned out that way.

I think it most likely that his Shards are the ones currently possessed by Elokhar, and as already indicated by you guys, I can remember nothing from the books to indicate otherwise. If this is not the case however, the above theory appeals to me rather well.

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