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WOR finished (OFFICIALLY) - Launch date confirmed


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Brandon didn't say that he is finished with the book. But the draft for copyediting will be finished by December 6th.


I stand corrected, Thanks again Mr. Peter.


Ops, I jumped the gun a little bit so =)


But by the bright side we now have the release date and the date that he will realy finish. So no hard fellings guys ;)


And we still can hope that Mr. Sanderson could keep failing to write a smaller book than WOK and add another few chapter. I heard that Dalinar could gain a couple more chapters ;)



Just Saying

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Try to focus on the fact that the longer we have to wait, the more time Brandon has to work on it and (presumably) the better the end-result will be.


Doesn't help for the crying, but it does keep the Honour-chasm away.

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Now 95%  :D  FIST PUMP!!!!                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Yeah I know it doesn't change the wait at all but still I'M SO EXCITED!!!.

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I can't believe how quickly the next book is coming out. Brandon Sanderson is some sort of story telling machine. An unstoppable machine. With enormous gears that will crush anything foolish enough to get tangled up in them.

When the book was pushed back from January to March, I didn't even bat an eye. I've already suffered through a two year extra delay between when Patrick Rothfuss promised The Wise Man's Fear would be out and when it actually was released. Now I've been waiting for The Doors of Stone for just as long as I waited for The Wise Man's Fear and have yet to find any solid projected date. The best I can find is an interview where he mentions that maybe it will be 2014, maybe it will be 2015. Or maybe 2020. It's quite frustrating.

But I bless Pat Rothfuss slow writing. It was because of that that I turned to Brandon Sanderson. I don't mean to sound like I'm bashing Rothfuss, but I think that Brandon Sanderson writes better stories, writes them faster, and engages his fanbase far, far more than any other author that I know of. So a few months of delay is just a pleasant reminder that Sanderson is, in fact, probably a mortal man.

I've heard that George R. R. Martin is notorious as a slow writing author as well.

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I can't believe how quickly the next book is coming out. Brandon Sanderson is some sort of story telling machine. An unstoppable machine. With enormous gears that will crush anything foolish enough to get tangled up in them.

When the book was pushed back from January to March, I didn't even bat an eye. I've already suffered through a two year extra delay between when Patrick Rothfuss promised The Wise Man's Fear would be out and when it actually was released. Now I've been waiting for The Doors of Stone for just as long as I waited for The Wise Man's Fear and have yet to find any solid projected date. The best I can find is an interview where he mentions that maybe it will be 2014, maybe it will be 2015. Or maybe 2020. It's quite frustrating.

But I bless Pat Rothfuss slow writing. It was because of that that I turned to Brandon Sanderson. I don't mean to sound like I'm bashing Rothfuss, but I think that Brandon Sanderson writes better stories, writes them faster, and engages his fanbase far, far more than any other author that I know of. So a few months of delay is just a pleasant reminder that Sanderson is, in fact, probably a mortal man.

I've heard that George R. R. Martin is notorious as a slow writing author as well.


Well what say of a man whose idea of vacation after write a big epic book is write some small books to relax o.O


At appear that he was two mode - Writing big books mode and Writing relaxing books mode


(And the idea of him having multiples clone wasn't abadoned yet)


God bless Mr. Sanderson =)

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Well what say of a man whose idea of vacation after write a big epic book is write some small books to relax o.O


At appear that he was two mode - Writing big books mode and Writing relaxing books mode


(And the idea of him having multiples clone wasn't abadoned yet)


God bless Mr. Sanderson =)


May he always find Shade.

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 I've already suffered through a two year extra delay between when Patrick Rothfuss promised The Wise Man's Fear would be out and when it actually was released.


At least it wasn't a ten year delay with the book being split into two along the way.

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Way of Kings came out in August 2010. Words of Radiance comes out in March 2014. Brandon thinks that is far too long a gap and he has no intention of ever doing that to his readers again (*cough* except for with Alcatraz *cough*), but it was unavoidable with the Wheel of Time in there.


However, the gap seems not to have actually been a problem this time. If anything, anticipation has been building. Of course that meant that book 2 had to be incredibly awesome to live up to the expectation. Which I believe it will.

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Way of Kings came out in August 2010. Words of Radiance comes out in March 2014. Brandon thinks that is far too long a gap and he has no intention of ever doing that to his readers again (*cough* except for with Alcatraz *cough*), but it was unavoidable with the Wheel of Time in there.


However, the gap seems not to have actually been a problem this time. If anything, anticipation has been building. Of course that meant that book 2 had to be incredibly awesome to live up to the expectation. Which I believe it will.

As you point out, in Brandon's case it is understandable and relatable. Plus he already has an unmatched productivity when it comes to writing - that man is a machine! Now, while I am a huge fan of George R. R. Martin too, the wait between books has become ridiculous, and it is getting difficult to find it excusable. The same, though to a lesser extent, goes for many other authors as well. Brandon has superior credibility and better interaction with his fans - who in turn respect him more.


And we love you too, Peter. Don't you forget that  ;) .

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Way of Kings came out in August 2010. Words of Radiance comes out in March 2014. Brandon thinks that is far too long a gap and he has no intention of ever doing that to his readers again (*cough* except for with Alcatraz *cough*), but it was unavoidable with the Wheel of Time in there.


However, the gap seems not to have actually been a problem this time. If anything, anticipation has been building. Of course that meant that book 2 had to be incredibly awesome to live up to the expectation. Which I believe it will.


Of course it will!

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There was that little issue in which the original author was rather terminally reduced in his capacity to write...

He is referring to George R. R. Martin and his a Feast for Crows, not Robert Jordan and a Memory of Light.

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Now if only Mr Sanderson and Mr. Ahlstrom could create a experimental program to send some Arc copy for members of the official forum (a.k.a. us) to .......(let think) yes, collect the fan feedback about the book, that would be nice.

I know, I know its is a hard job sit down and read an 1000 pages book of pure awesomeness, But as a fan I fell that is my duty help.So send me a book and I help. Don't need thank me ;)

(What?? A man can dream) =)

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