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Joe: Moderated the last game if im correct. He knows how the Shenanigans went and how it worked. Even if we pin him as team good and he came out clean saying he is a Tin, who is to say that the Skaa aren't all burning tin out of their minds? Literally he could be even lying about being visited and we wouldnt know it.

I wasn't the Mod, I was the GM. I don't understand sentence three. I can't prove I was visited without calling out the person in thread, which would confirm they had a power that the Skaa would want dead.


I read all the posts. But a lot of the time, I can't respond because I'm on mobile.

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Woah there everyone. Didn't I say that I would come back with a vote later? (or analysis, basically the same thing) I don't quite understand what I have done that is worthy of 3 votes. I responded to Clanky and gave all of my thoughts that I had at the moment of that post. My vote in cycle 1 had the potential to accomplish something and was an attempt to force a post. I even came back online to check for a post before the cycle ended.


But that is all in the past. The reason Clanky gave to Kas for voting on me makes sense to me, and is what I was aiming for in cycle 1 with my vote on Meandbooks (so Kas putting his vote on Clank is also consistent with his previous behavior). In light of that Sart's vote also makes some amount of sense, being the second vote on me and therefore threatening a lynch (although basically my vote gave his some weight that it didn't really have). And I'm a bit uncomfortable judging Venture too harshly for a vote like that because it seems like a bit of a recurring pattern over a few games. So I don't really have anything to say in my defense or to attack people.


While I'm writing this, I'm not really sure who to vote for, though. Joe seems like a safe choice, because I already decided that his plan, in light of what we know now, seems to be more skaa aligned than inquisitor aligned. Kasimir, at least this cycle, has been opposed to second votes on people, as I see it. That is something I'm just going to note, I don't know how it relates to alignment.


Polking is coming to my defense(ish), which actually makes me a bit suspicious. Nobody knows what team I am on, and admittedly my actions in cycle 1 weren't as helpful to the inquisitors as those of other players (although I hold that they weren't harmful either). So his (and actually Meandbooks's) defenses of me stand out a bit. So I guess my vote will go on Polking.

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Yeah, as soon as I posted my defense, I thought "this'll probably get me killed, won't it.  Oh well."  I just looked at Stink's post and it made absolutely no sense.  His reasoning for voting the way he did was pretty much acting like any good Inquisitor should.  Being innocent should not be an argument for being killed, and that seems to be what he wants to do.  

Edit:I forgot one of these "

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Unfortunately life is getting rather hectic over where I am, so I'm afraid I won't be able to participate much, if at all, over the next couple days. I hate that I said I would post my analysis but was unable to get to it. I will try to make up for my absence upon my return. At the very latest I should be back at Day 4.



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I actually feel the sqme way. I can't figure out why, and I have no evidence to back it up, but everything he posts just seems off.

Okay, adding my two cents:

I really don't have evidence to justify my vote, and I don't think this based on any of the events that have occurred, but my instincts say that you are Skaa.

I realize this puts some measure of suspicion on me, and I expect that. But I assure you all, I'm an inquisitor.


1. So, Joe. Zephrer has made an appeal to raw instinct; you've just used the vague term 'feels off'. Care to share with the class what that consists in? Or are you simply availing yourself of a cheap way to cast suspicion since I argued that we can't simply discount intuition? (Let me be clear, for those who aren't following: I don't think we should sneer on intuition but I think it needs to be a starting point, as I've argued. In particular, a starting point for interrogation and a starting point for discussion. And some of that does include voting. This does not entail that I also claim that intuition can be taken simply as it is; I certainly don't, and we sure have the right to challenge it. To see why I think so, it's easy: let's just imagine an entire game where we play by nothing but instinct.) Storms, Zephrer. What do you think triggers that raw instinct?

2.Clanky, Araris: Maybe I should have made my position clearer, as I will do now. I think that second votes that do not add anything to the table need to be challenged, as they are an easy way for Eliminators to simply slap another vote onto a person and roughly say nothing much different from what was said before. And as I see it, stacking another vote for Araris for the question, "Why Meandbooks?" does not actually add much. I consider it a cheap question, and as such, I feel it ought not to pass without question. (Needless to say, the claim that we should question these kinds of occurrences is a subtly different claim from the claim that these kinds of occurrences are bad/wrong. Obviously if we want to get around to lynching anyone, we are eventually going to have to put a second vote. But I am not fond of uninformative second votes (or at least ones that present little information.) )


To remain consistent with what I have said, I am going to ask Venture Mistborn to be more forthcoming about what grounds their suspicions.

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And last but not least, Alvron, I know you are busy with life (Who isnt?) but i do want to hear your opinion on my opinions and why we should not be suspicious of you. You are a really analytical player and, well, there is no analysis.... can we get some so Team Good can compare and contrast ideas and maybe get somewhere?

Why should you not be suspicious of me?  Um, you should.  In fact you should always be suspicious of me until proven otherwise not matter the game.


I'm not really an analytical person.  Don't know where you heard that but it's false.  At least I don't consider myself as one.  Best I can offer is what I think the Skaa have in terms of roles.


Assuming 5 Skaa with 1-2 abilities each

1-2 Copper

1-2 Bronze

1 Pewter or Iron.  Limited number of Village kill charges means defensive abilities not important to Skaa

1 Tin AND Gold hybrid if Gamma did allow multiple abilities per person.  Otherwise 1 Tin 0 Gold.

0-1 Zinc or Brass

0-1 Steel.  If there is one then village likely has 5-6 Pewter/Iron

0-1 Atium.  If Atium included, then village most likely 1-2.


However this is Gamma we are talking about, so trying to guess his role distribution will only end in losing what little I have left of my sanity.


The player that you are referring to as Alvrom is actually named Alvron, with an "N" on the end of the word.

The other player, Adavantos, was formerly known as Alvom, with no "R" and an "M." Personally, I'm quite glad he changed his name, because it was quite annoying to read people's posts and be all like, "Who the rusts is Alvon?" :P

I actually liked having two Alvs.  /sigh  Really wanted an evil Alv team up.



In other news, I got my Mistborn Dice today.  Yay.

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1. So, Joe. Zephrer has made an appeal to raw instinct; you've just used the vague term 'feels off'. Care to share with the class what that consists in? Or are you simply availing yourself of a cheap way to cast suspicion since I argued that we can't simply discount intuition? (Let me be clear, for those who aren't following: I don't think we should sneer on intuition but I think it needs to be a starting point, as I've argued. In particular, a starting point for interrogation and a starting point for discussion. And some of that does include voting. This does not entail that I also claim that intuition can be taken simply as it is; I certainly don't, and we sure have the right to challenge it. To see why I think so, it's easy: let's just imagine an entire game where we play by nothing but instinct.) Storms, Zephrer. What do you think triggers that raw instinct?

I read your posts, and they just feel off. If I could pinpoint why, I'd vote for you. Take that post for example. I feel like you're trying to cast suspicion on me, but when I read it, it's exactly how i as a villager would reply. Nothing about it says Ska, i just feel Skaa vibes when reading it. But I don't look for eliminators in these games. I look for Villagers and cross them off my list. So for now I'll just leave you on my list, and look elsewhere.


In other news, I got my Mistborn Dice today.  Yay.

Very Jealous.

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I read your posts, and they just feel off. If I could pinpoint why, I'd vote for you. Take that post for example. I feel like you're trying to cast suspicion on me, but when I read it, it's exactly how i as a villager would reply. Nothing about it says Ska, i just feel Skaa vibes when reading it. But I don't look for eliminators in these games. I look for Villagers and cross them off my list. So for now I'll just leave you on my list, and look elsewhere.


This is one of those things that makes me suspicious. Even though you say that you are taking this in reverse, crossing off who you are fairly sure are Villagers, and then only voting for someone when you are sure they are Skaa, your posts seem calculated to cast suspicion on Kas.


For one thing, I find it interesting that a post by Zepher, a newer member, stating that he was voting for Kas based entirely on intuition with little analysis, was almost immediately backed up by you. It feels like you're hiding behind a shield of "I'm not actually voting for him because I'm not sure" in order to throw suspicion off of you, while hoping that your mere "suspicion" will be picked up by other players and garner enough votes for a lynch.


I've been wary of voting so far, but now I'm going to cast my vote on Joe.

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Vote Tally:


Araris (2): Clanky, Venture.
Alvron (1): Wyrm

Phattemer (1): Lopen

Stink (1): Honey Badger

Creccio (1): Alfa

Kas (1): Zepher

Polking (1): Araris

Venture (1): Kas

Joe (1): Meandbooks


Interested in Trade. I, for example, am a pewterarm (not very valuable information).

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@Kas I really don't know why I'm suspicious of you, I just am.

Though to be perfectly honest the purpose of my post was not to arouse suspicion of Kas or get a defense. The idea was to place my suspicions in public, and see who jumped at the opportunity to get at Kas.

So far it's only Joe, and everyone is highly suspicious of him anyway, so the plan didn't work quite as well as I hoped...

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I have to admit I feel rather conflicted. On the one hand, I just don't see why Joe would lie about having been visited by someone, when that could still be found out upon questioning. (Going back to those who could have visited him: there is a possibility it could have been a Lurcher. As he has pointed out, I agree that it is unlikely he was visited by a Rioter or a Smoker, and a Soother is unlikely as this would require a Skaa Soother and a Village Smoker acting on Joe; alternatively, a Village Soother has little reason to Soothe Joe. A big possibility is therefore a Seeker, IMO. And I think the Seeker's value, for instance, strongly decreases over the game because they will have fewer and fewer charges left; more importantly, they only find a metal if someone is actually burning. If said person isn't burning, then the Seeker's just wasted a charge.) I suppose it's possible but it seems awfully chancy to me, if he identifies the person and they say they never targeted Joe.

On the other hand, I'm slightly uncomfortable with Joe's connecting 'skaa vibes' to 'trying to cast suspicion on him'. For one, my modus operandi is less about focusing on suspects as focusing on inconsistencies and points of reasoning (mostly) that just don't make sense to me. For another, I think that it is a rather problematic criterion for suspicion/putative skaa-ness.


Are you suspicious of every single person who pointed out flaws in your plan or that you could be lying, or who simply expressed some uncertainty about you, Joe? Because if you aren't suspicious of at least the set of people as follows: <Orlok, Creccio, Clanky>, then I must confess that despite having argued that I think we're on the same team, I'm starting to think I might have backed the wrong horse.


Zephrer, thank you for the honesty then :P I suppose as one of the Urbain Inquisition, I can always condone not trusting me--or anyone. Especially not 100% ;)

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A long, dark silence had fallen over the cavern as everybody sat patiently waiting to see what would happen next. Even the vaporous tendrils of mist that had managed to creep trough the cracks and crevices into the cavern seemed listless and barely stirred save for the occasional passing breeze.

Grim decided it was best to keep an audience waiting, it helped build more suspense that way, he figured. After much continued deliberation, the students had carefully put forth a new suspect to condemn, this time he just wanted to make sure.

Inquisitors were never in the habit of making mistakes, of course, but it never hurt to be careful. Well, it never hurts me to be careful, at least, Grim laughed to himself.

This time he dragged the protesting Arad Penrod behind him alone all the way down the hall, burning a steady supply of pewter to not exert himself too much, as there was plenty of work still ahead.


While everybody had decided to wait in the main room for Grim to return, Andierre Reymond had wanted to explore the place that they were currently trapped in, planning for the worst case scenario. He hated the feeling of being powerless, unable to make a difference with his strength. Sure, in most situations he could burn pewter and be perfectly fine. But when he was confined, unable to outmaneuver his opponents, or even face them head on in a contest of brawn? Not to mention with his dwindling supplies. That's why he decided it was best to hide his pewter charges for that occasion. No need to have extra metal on him and give any coinshots any extra ammunition. And with half of the rooms basically being coated in steel, there were many good hiding spots for metal vials. Maybe he'd even get lucky and find somebody's long lost stash.

He was humming to himself and too caught up in the intricate engravings etched into the steel tabletop. He was fairly certain it was written in the Steel Alphabet, he recognized it from his invitation. He never even heard the skaa sneak up behind him until they slipped the garrote around his neck, the razor sharp barbed thread digging through his neck and choking him. Frantically he tried to fumble around in his pocket for his metal vials, but it was too late as they gave the wire one  last, sudden twist as the floor rushed up to meet him.


Grim appeared many hours later, suddenly crashing through the door and into the room startling everybody.

"Koschei Jerzy, come with me," He said in a tone that brokered no questions, and strode back out of the room.

Koschei ran to catch up with him, nearly tripping over Andierre's dead body as he turned the corner. Grim hadn't even stopped or glanced at the body and kept walking on up ahead.

"Um, sir, that's a dead body?" Koschei said, almost questioningly.

"Yes, it is. But that doesn't concern you. Just follow me."

"Where are we going....?"

"You'll see soon enough," Grim replied cryptically and not without a hint of amusement.

It wasn't until many hours later when Grim had returned, but not with Koschei.

"You've already been briefed," Grim said to the newcomer as they stepped into the room and out of the shadows.

"Welcome back, Marie Lepinceau."


Arad Penrod was an Inquisitor Seeker!
Andierre Reymond was an Inquisitor Pewterarm!

Day 3 Begins! First things first, Kasimir has had to step out of this game for RL priorities, but that means Ripple Gylf gets to come back in the role of pinch-hitter and take their place! The game will continue as normal and should not be affected in any way! Welcome back, Ripple!

Apologies for the delay in getting this thread up sooner, but I hope this'll suffice! :P The thread will continue to be locked at exactly the time the cycle rolls over, however, whether I'm online to get the next cycle up or not!

Cycle 3 will end at exactly 2AM EST, Monday October 26th.

EDIT: Apologies for the lengthy delay, real life work and sleep schedules finally collided, and this GM needs to catch up on some rest. I'll get the next cycle up as soon as possible, and will make up for it with awesomeness!

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I've been given permission to make one brief, last post explaining my decision, in particular, since I was rather active over the past cycle. As I've alluded to here and elsewhere on the forums, it boiled down to a bunch of simple factors:
1. I overestimated how busy I was getting in the upcoming weeks, due to some deadlines and assignments coming in late. That really didn't help matters.
2. I normally don't have much difficulty balancing work and play, but truth to be told, my motivation's been running low this semester, and given how fun and challenging SE is, I found it causing issues with my focus and how much time I'd planned to be spending on 17S. (For instance, I was supposed to be just making one contributive post a day, and spending the rest of the day on the work I was really supposed to be doing.) So that it was enabling my procrastinative tendencies was seriously problematic.
3. Yesterday, I received the results for a 40% exam for one of my courses. I have never before failed an exam until yesterday, and now if I wish to pass the course, I absolutely need to ace the two exams upcoming next week. I am massively disappointed in myself, and in what was going on.
I don't like to walk out on a game, especially when someone else could need the pinch-hitter more. I also dislike encouraging the practice of signing up for a game you know you can't be active for. But 3. made it such that I think I can no longer afford to continue like this. I apologise to all of you for ducking out on a game halfway, especially Gamma, and thank you for the fun I've had. Keep carrying on and keep having fun ;)
Also, Ripple: you did deserve a second chance ;) Make the best of it, will you?
So long, folks, and thanks for all the fish. If you've got any luck, please send it my way: I badly need it to rescue my grades.

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Sad but understandable, Kas.


Bit of an odd one for the Eliminators to kill. I don't think I've interacted with Alvom or been in any games he's been in, so is anyone else able to make suggestions about why this happened? ...Unless it's a case of mistaken identity, of course :P


I would very much like to know what Venture Mistborn's suspicions were for agreeing to lynch Araris. He said he agreed with the reasoning 'having read the whole thread', and then voted. I don't like this; It's an incredibly easy way to be able to vote without having to come up with your own reasoning, and it was a third vote on Araris within a very short space of time. Literally, right after the second vote. What made you so certain of Araris' death that you would place a third vote on him?

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Talking about what? A baseless vote?  Do you want to stirr trouble and make people talk? Poke voting me of all people wont do anything to make discussion happen. Kasimir and Alfa both voted and I believe i provided enough reason to not be suspicious.


Stink, if you really want to make people discuss, poke vote someone else, like... Orlok, Alvron, Joe, Ripple just came in again, I even made a list with my suspicions and thoughts, go get those names on the list, not me

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