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The Larkin


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This is how Rysn described the Larkin. ( go here to read the Rysn interlude if you haven't already, https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UxIvoJRwOXRWBBgALFMw_Wej_Gxv6l4bkJofAJlBpIU/edit)



Rysn:  about as big as a palm, a creature that looked something like a cremling, but with wings that folded out of the back.

....with eyes of solid silver.


I don't know if any of you have noticed this before, but I think that the creatures in the background of this picture are Larkin.




XD Just did some more reading on Larkin and this is no surprise for most of you.


to make this post worth while I am going to have to come up with a theory about Larkin. They are physical animals that cannot be commmanded by mankind is what I gathered. or at least the Reshi couldn't command the Larkin. But the Island gave the larkin to Rysn. Do the islands and the Larkin have a Symbiotic relationship?

Here are the things we know about Larkin

1. They have something to do with the knights radiant

2. they are somehow connected to the islands

3. they are very rare and valuable.


another strange thing is how big the islands get. In the Rysn interlude it was assumed this was caused by a spren of some sort but maybe it is caused by a relationship with a Larkin.

  they might also have some kind of parasitic relationship with the Knights radiant.

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Upvote for the theory organization. I'm pretty sure that the spren does cause the size, just because of how the islands are really greatshells, and we have WoB of 'chasmspren' attributing to the size.  I do like the idea of the larkins stealing stormlight through something like a faux spren bond, though. Maybe the Aimians are Voidbringing.

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This is how Rysn described the Larkin. ( go here to read the Rysn interlude if you haven't already, https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UxIvoJRwOXRWBBgALFMw_Wej_Gxv6l4bkJofAJlBpIU/edit)



I don't know if any of you have noticed this before, but I think that the creatures in the background of this picture are Larkin.





XD Just did some more reading on Larkin and this is no surprise for most of you.


to make this post worth while I am going to have to come up with a theory about Larkin. They are physical animals that cannot be commmanded by mankind is what I gathered. or at least the Reshi couldn't command the Larkin. But the Island gave the larkin to Rysn. Do the islands and the Larkin have a Symbiotic relationship?

Here are the things we know about Larkin

1. They have something to do with the knights radiant

2. they are somehow connected to the islands

3. they are very rare and valuable.


another strange thing is how big the islands get. In the Rysn interlude it was assumed this was caused by a spren of some sort but maybe it is caused by a relationship with a Larkin.

  they might also have some kind of parasitic relationship with the Knights radiant.

None of your links are working for me

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At a recent Seattle signing, Brandon answered a question about larkin thusly:


hoser: Can you tell me something about the Larkin and their abilities?


A: You will see something about them in the second book.  Their abilities are tied to stormlight.

Hope this helps.

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This is how Rysn described the Larkin. ( go here to read the Rysn interlude if you haven't already, https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UxIvoJRwOXRWBBgALFMw_Wej_Gxv6l4bkJofAJlBpIU/edit)



I don't know if any of you have noticed this before, but I think that the creatures in the background of this picture are Larkin.




XD Just did some more reading on Larkin and this is no surprise for most of you.


to make this post worth while I am going to have to come up with a theory about Larkin. They are physical animals that cannot be commmanded by mankind is what I gathered. or at least the Reshi couldn't command the Larkin. But the Island gave the larkin to Rysn. Do the islands and the Larkin have a Symbiotic relationship?

Here are the things we know about Larkin

1. They have something to do with the knights radiant

2. they are somehow connected to the islands

3. they are very rare and valuable.


another strange thing is how big the islands get. In the Rysn interlude it was assumed this was caused by a spren of some sort but maybe it is caused by a relationship with a Larkin.

  they might also have some kind of parasitic relationship with the Knights radiant.

I can't find the quote, but it has been confirmed that the "Dragonwasps" in the background of the Surge-chart are indeed Larkin. Also, I would recommend you to do the Shard-hunt, as you'll get more information about the them from the full Lift Interlude you'll find after having finished the hunt.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Larkin are from the Reshi Sea. The beasts on the KR Table are from Aimia, and may be virtually extinct now that the Greatshells there were killed off for their gemhearts. Both probably have the same relationship to the Greatshells, maybe an early stage in their metamorphosis? I believe they are the physical form of the Almighty similar to Lerasium

See Brandon's post here.

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Larkin are from the Reshi Sea. The beasts on the KR Table are from Aimia, and may be virtually extinct now that the Greatshells there were killed off for their gemhearts. Both probably have the same relationship to the Greatshells, maybe an early stage in their metamorphosis? I believe they are the physical form of the Almighty similar to Lerasium

See Brandon's post here.


Actually, no, larkin are from Aimia, they were said to have gone extinct during the Scouring.  How one ended up with the Tai-na is unknown but they are not "from" the Reshi Sea.  The creatures on the Surgebinding chart are larkin.

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Yup.  The larkin that Rysn gets originates in Aimia.


From the interlude:


She felt something on her arm and opened her eyes with a snap. Something crawled there, about as big as a palm, a creature that looked something like a cremling, but with wings that folded out of the back.

“What is it?” Rysn demanded.

“Why we came here,” Vstim said. “The thing we trade for, a thing that very few know still exists. They were supposed to have died with Aimia, you see. I came here with all of these goods in tow because Talik sent to me to say they had a corpse of one to trade. Kings pay fortunes for them, even still.”

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The description of the Larkin sounds similar to the creature used by Darkness to drain Lifts stormlight.

The little animal was like a cremling, but with wings. Bound wings, tied up legs. It had a strange little face, not crabbish like a cremling. More like a tiny axehound, with a snout, mouth and eyes.


I wonder if they're the same or related?

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